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Ontario Indoor Newbies 1st grow

5 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/1000W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
22 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
25 °C
25 °C
22 L
We are just growing for fun. Any tips would be helpful. Planning on doing mainlining,topping, and LST because our grow tent is small. 2 seeds for back up planning on 1 plant. Soaked the seeds over night and transferred them into peat starters. We are trying out the root farm hydroponic system going to be growing indoors. More photos will come Once everything is all set up and ready. # Found a great resource for newbies that gives a great baseline for help and understanding ..... - This is a diary from DILLIGAF I was so happy to find it. In the obscurities of figuring out hydroponics this gave me at least an idea of set measurements for PPM, PH, ideas, and equipment to use THANKS TO DILLIGAF 4 Aug # Tent and lights have arrived starting to assemble and figure out that some customization has to happen. (not in final place just fitting in random locations) 6 Aug # both have popped their heads. Tent is in the final place. When moving them one fell over, gently pushed the roots into the hole then secured the plant to a toothpick. May do the 2 plants however, it will be a tight squeeze. - Have Prepped the water for setup using distilled water with ozone from Wally World it was a GREAT VALUE. (sorry for puns) all water is within 5-7 PH will adjust once plants are ready. That took an hour to figure out and fine tune. now know roughly how much I need per 4L bottle to fine tune. - All solutions are 250-370 PPM . May add just water to try to get it around 200-250 ppm once running. I experimented with the strength to see what PPM outcomes were, 1/3 -1/2 recommended dose that is why it is a large margin. - I am Using ROOT FARM liquids to see what they are capable of. -> Root farm Nutrients and Root Farm PH up/down # 7 Aug - Little guy is doing OK for falling out of the plug, his brother still loves his helmet but is pushing it off - Put them in the pot with 100 ppm solution water 0 PPM and added 1/4 nutes and made 100 ppm they are on a 18/6 light schedule, Theory is not doing more light because it may effect the photo period create a dependency/make sure I keep to the light schedule.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
4 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
250 PPM
50 %
24 °C
25 °C
22 L
Nutrients 4
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 0.5 mll
8 aug # I went to the local hydroponic store picked up a Thermostat with humidity sensor, clay pebbles to add around the plugs and some root stim for experimenting with on making clones. Went to Canadian tire and picked up a small fan with a clip, it is larger then the other fan. The one guy who fell out when moving has not grown at all seems to be stuck frozen in time. The late one pushed helmet off but leaves have not fanned out. So grabbed a water bottle to make a make shift propagation chamber maybe that will help. added a little bit of rooting gel to the plugs maybe that will help. One thing is that the space is very limited and every time I think of something for equipment I have to think of space. I may move my exhaust fan outside and attach directly to carbon filter and use hose to make a feed path from top of tent. Figuring that O2 is lighter then CO2 I am setting up exhaust from top of tent and feeding air from ground level will make little if no difference. Have applied for my medical card, and may plan on applying for grow licence for my medical (if approved) so using recreational limits here in the great white north to learn. Water is solution is still in the 150 ppm range Lighting no change 18/6 Planning on changing solution next weekend (17th) Anything I am doing wrong leave a comment so that Others may learn Anything anyone wants to know about specifics leave a comment Another shout-out to DILLIGAF who's diary has given me a great guideline to my first hydroponic grow 9 Aug# Woke up checked on them before dark period found Yip curled up and dead. RIP buddy you held on to that helmet for too long. Yup seems to be doing ok PPM is still 156 and PH is still 6. I think that He could have done a few more days with cover so the shell would be softer. Any Insight would be great. Have started another seed in water to get it going. I may wait longer before the transplant this time to ensure it propagates longer. I figure that the other one is only a week ahead I will add another seed until I get a stable plant. Added my Mothers plants one is runty the other got topped and prepped for mainline UPDATE switch to advance nutrients, Trying to figure out what happened looked around and Voodo Juice is highly recommended. As well I have some pH perfect around from my mothers grow so using that. Picked up a fish tank aerator at Wally world when I went for new distilled water that is a GREAT VALUE only 15 bucks CAD, it was the best one small but came complete in a kit 11 Aug # Well very uneventful so far, the last seedling died, he started to respond well to the nute change just was to far gone at that point. So the seed I just popped will be my last hope on the attempt here at my mothers as I have to move back to my apartment for education (that is where i will attempt again) - WARNING DO NOT USE ROOT FARM NUTRIENTS THEY WILL KILL I will continue this diary not make a new one as this is not about the plant, this is more about hydroponics as a medium 12 Aug # The last hope has popped her head out. Comment for name of the plant. 14 Aug # Last hope has been in the res for 2 days now and has shown signs of reacting to light and growing little bits hopefully she will take
Grow Questions
Motherandsonstarted grow question 6 years ago
About how many days do you let the seedling grow in a plug before throwing into DWC? the setup I have has little jets under that hit the cups.
Techniques. Defoliation
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 6 years ago
I am glad you asked this question. This is where a lot of people make the mistake of putting it in too early. You want to wait until you have a nice little taproot(at least a half inch) sticking out of the bottom of the starter plug before you put it in the system. They can suffocate from too much water pretty easily before that root comes out. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
4 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
25 °C
22 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 0.5 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 0.5 mll
15 Aug # Well the start of the third week the Last hope has grown twice the size since yesterday (stretch) So I think I am on the right track. - Have added the 32 W Led for the 24 hour the main 1000 W Led is still on the 18-6 cycle - Noticeable growth - Added B-52 to the nutrient list Still with Voodoo Juice in res - I will change the res once the first set of multi point leaves start to grow. wait a few days then top early. That seems to work really well for others so why not. - pH is 6 (not using electronic) - humidity is getting low was at 40 last night made it to 45. My method is putting a wet rag behind the plant fan, that way I do not raise it too fast No space really for anything else might buy a micro mister that is USB powered however if the wet rag technique works why buy something. -The solution temp is climbing I will be using ice bottles between the walls of the bucket so that I can leave it and not worry. My Mothers grows are doing well she decided to make me do some LST to spread her legs pic will be there. Her other plant is still recovering from a aggressive top and defoliation and is having new growth (about a week). Yes they are my mom's grow but as any good son I do the research and gain information and she just grows them. 😅 17 Aug # Leaves are past the net cup now. Have been fighting low humidity 40-45% and high solution temps (20-22 C) I have managed to stabilize it with wet rags and water in a cup, and ice bottles. I think that having the 2 lights is what is the hard part for temps. The roots are about 3-5 cm below the cup now and growing strong and fast despite the temperatures. 18 Aug # First day of 19/5 she seems to respond well have pulled the 32 watt strip out and using the 1000w only. Will slowly reduce the light schedule to a 18/6 so not to trigger early flower. out of most plants I have encountered this is the first one that has huge first serrated leaves. the benefits of hydroponics is showing. roots are about 10-20 cm below the cup already (one night) the temperature and humidity battle has swung in my favor due to removing the 1 light. I am amazed at the difference between soil and hydro growth. My moms plants are doing well the auto flower is about 6.5 weeks and has started to flower about a week ago the stretch was amazing. Her photo period is starting to grow faster now after a huge defoliation and top. might be the only time i get to top so I made sure it was worth the effort. 2 weeks then I am back in my apartment so this grow will be less updates and my two I am taking will have lots of updates..... 19 Aug # Checked on her this morning there is a new growth coming up now. Once that has expanded and another node comes up I will top her and start some LST (depending on leaf type). I found through others and research there are 2 opinions on any high stress training, one group says no because they think you can only do it after 3 nodes, and the other group says do it as soon as possible. Both have yielded great results however I have seen auto-flowers that have early stress are perfectly fine with it. 20 Aug # The leaf edges are curling up and she seems a bit pale, I will be doing a nute change in a few days or maybe even today. still growing well. root have grown into the res now. For a plant that is only 1.5 weeks from seed this is great.
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
800 PPM
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
16 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2 mll
21 Aug # Tried a Fim to see If I can get it....I find fim'ing harder to accomplish then a top. She is very stout in nature only her second week though 4th week of DWC attempt. I will be changing nutrients soon and increase the PPM. That will be after recovery from Fim so I expect it by the weekend. Nutrients will still be Voodo juice, B-52, and 3 part. Big bud will be once flowers start to show for 3-4 weeks then 2 week flush (reduce 1 week then flush 1 week). Her growth is different then her sister (same strain) 23 Aug # seems like she has recovered will change nutes tomorrow 24 Aug # switch up the water drain clean, refill, By the looks of it she is responding well and is growing. that is a plus. Went full strength on grow, voodoo juice, everything else is half strength until next water change cant remember what the exact TDS is but I do remember it is in the 800's. Side note the quality of the root farm bucket is not the greatest, I started to notice the streams were not as powerful, did a disassembly and a clean to the pump and nozzles. did not improve the situation
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Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
800 PPM
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
16 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2 mll
31 Aug # not much to report she is growing. Now at my apartment my mom has full control of the grow, did a water change earlier this week
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
30 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
1400 PPM
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
16 L
30 cm
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 4 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 2 mll
6 Sept # Well what a 2 weeks with this girl, started to flower I am super stoked! Did a light super crop to her or she will out grow the tent (probably will anyways). For a first solo grow leaving for 2 weeks (which is going to be frequent). it is great to see these plants grow. Also did some defoliation to let light through the dinner plate leaves. She is skunky AF, I think I might need a bigger tent for her. I will provide weekly updates as I get them. Side note mothers plants are doing well one has great trichrome growth. she will be ready in about 2 weeks 12 Sept # end of week
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Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
2000 PPM
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
16 L
Nutrients 5
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 2 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4 mll
20 sept # well I haven't kept everyone updated here but this is an insane grow, for a plant that was supposed to be short there is no end. she is growing strong
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
2000 PPM
50 %
20 °C
25 °C
16 L
2 L
Nutrients 6
pH Perfect Grow - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Grow 2 mll
pH Perfect Micro - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Micro 4 mll
pH Perfect Bloom - Advanced Nutrients
pH Perfect Bloom 4 mll
20 Sept # Well back home at my moms house she has done a great job taking care of her. There will be more photo's later. She has out grown her tent and I had to order a larger one. I was not expecting that much stretch. she drinks about 2-4 litres of water per day on top of everything. I am so excited to she what she produces -------After having 2 failures and coming back to see this I have fallen in love with hydroponics. Between this and my competition one I am great-full that i took the plunge
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Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
60 cm
16 hrs
22 °C
2000 PPM
50 %
20 °C
22 °C
16 L
2 L
I know I have been lacking but this is my 16th week of growing and to say the least I am in the home stretch. School has had me very busy but by the time studies are done and plant care I smoke up and sleep soo this site has been on the back burner. I AM SORRY. The plant is 2 ft or 60 cm, beautiful buds on her She is now in her flush week 1 week till harvest of my first Hydro Grow. Was not dissapointed at all I have made the switch to all hydroponics now that this plant is done. Few soils left but hydro was easier and more fulfilling as plant growth is more then explosive. Sorry again that I did not keep up but life happens.
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Week 16. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Buds are THICCCCCCCCCCC about 4 inches diameter on main cola STINKY AF So my attempts were 2 Argyle plants then Bruce banner auto-flower from a friend Great easy plant
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Spent 64 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
175 g
Bud wet weight per plant
72 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Great little auto-flower.... as this diary comes to an end we have harvested 175g wet semi-trimmed (no main stalk) Great learning from others on here. # update have not had a chance to smoke her yet as i am away from her. however after drying the final bud weighed a good 72g which I am very happy about. I will be switching to photo period plants from now on. Personal choice not anything wrong with autos Auto flowers are great tool for beginners and fast harvests if you need that Learned lots she is now drying will come back once curing has gone for a week and smoke test done. This was the Bruce Banner seed as the argyle and others died no to shabby for my first grow and hydroponic at that
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Hellhazardcommentedweek 16 years ago
The only seed variety available to purchase legally in Ontario. It is not even worth growing that genetic. It is the Concord Grapes of Cannabis Argyle Indica Dominant THC 2.00 - 10.00% CBD 4.00 - 8.00%
Motherandsoncommented6 years ago
@Hellhazard, It is my first personal grow but not my first rodeo 😁.
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Motherandson, Now that you have a reciept for an official seed from OCS purchase some great genetics next round...... Nobody will be testing your pot to make sure it is from OCS !! ;)
Hellhazardcommented6 years ago
@Motherandson, prices are "stoopid". Its your first grow, have fun :)
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Puffer_Billcommentedweek 26 years ago
You sound like a well seasoned grower. 🧠👍🏼 Are you going to grow in clay balls? If so maybe check PH?
Motherandsoncommented6 years ago
@Puffer_Bill, Using clay balls and a peat puck that is designed for hydroponics. the balls are to fill the voids between the peat pucks for structure
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 16 years ago
You certainly have done your research. Seedlings look good. 💚🌱🌱💚 Lovely informative diary comments. Best luck and learning with your first grow. 🍀🧠🤞🏼
DILLIGAFcommentedweek 16 years ago
@Motherandson Thankyou so much for the kind words regarding my tutorial I am pleased to learn it is doing what I set out for it to do and that's helping newbies like us Best of luck with your Grow 👊
MovingOncommentedweek 26 years ago
Is your seedling without growth getting any oxygen to its roots?
Motherandsoncommented6 years ago
the end.
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