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First time Green Gelato with my-lar tent

5 years ago
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/600W
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/600W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
14 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
24 °C
24 °C
22 °C
0 L
0 L
5 cm
Nutrients 5
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 0.5 mll
Natural Power Root Stimulator - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Natural Power Root Stimulator 1 mll
Dutch Formula Micro - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Micro 0.5 mll
I do grow with coco. Germinate and seedling was between 3-5 days, one of four was quite week. Lights are fluorescent Flora 4*58W, about first 3 weeks before Full Steam. Plants needs only 20-30ml solution/day. This kind "salad"-pot has lot air for roots. I wish that I could get some good advises when and how I should do and begin LST-HST-ScrOG treatments.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
8 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
24 °C
24 °C
22 °C
0 L
0 L
7 cm
Nutrients 5
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 1 mll
Natural Power Root Stimulator - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Natural Power Root Stimulator 1.2 mll
Dutch Formula Micro - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Micro 0.5 mll
On friday, a day number 10 - Re-potted bigger containers about 0.3 l coco. On monday I saw first roots grow true - it means All looks good !
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
12 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
50 %
23 °C
23 °C
22 °C
0 L
0 L
12 cm
Nutrients 5
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 1 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Micro - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Micro 1 mll
Fluorescent lamps are tender for baby plants, no worry for heat or drying, ( tips from light 7cm is too close, i saw tiny damages on leafs, 10-15 cm is optimal) . After 3 weeks plants are beautiful green and compact - no any stretcing. Gap between sidebrances pair is only 1-2 cm. Those roots i got in one week since last re-potting. Now I re-pot these babies rock/coco 60/40 about 14 litre. Some day more with fluorascent before full steam on.
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
60 %
24 °C
25 °C
24 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 7
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 2.4 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 1.2 mll
Tender 200W flourecent off and into tent with 600W HID on, CO2 bag and humidity 60% with moisture device. Temperature control is impossible right now ( +31 - +33) cause sun shining and nights are warm. I set 10 liter AHoH Grow and Bloom 20% more and slightly Ionic Cal-Mag cause was light green leaves, but now is good green colour. Now should follow basic instractions. I did Fim 2 of strongest plant and 2 other just LST. I also took some leaves off from down and one fanleaf/ plant what was shadow the side brances. I also cut off those few side brances what were too small compare average strech. These girls grow really, really fast now and looks healty. It is too hot but if other all conditions are close optime , no can complain 😜. Thumbs up and if somebody have tips for treatments how to increase yeald and/or quality, share it with us.👍
1 comment
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
28 cm
18 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
750 PPM
60 %
23 °C
24 °C
24 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 5
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 2 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 1 mll
Damn what a week. I went add PH-down by blind. I read that 1ml/gallon reduce PH 1 level, but i thought it is 0,1. One day I measure PH-level and it was PH3,4 !! 😕 Never add straight from bottle, make 10% or 1% solution first and test and test and test before... 😉 Babies are quite okay after all. Now meters show good values PH 6 and 1,5mS. Today I did Defoliate all flowers, remove all fanleaves off and give LST-HST. Next week is time to turn short day on. I forget took pics before defoliation, babies look quite good even they had horror week 👺💀👹, sorry girls. Now plants looks like a wet cats but after one week i wait lot of new strong strains raising , heeee😁
1 comment
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
28 cm
18 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
900 PPM
60 %
23 °C
23 °C
22 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 5
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 2.4 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 1.2 mll
Babies grow really fast now, but let me shere first my experience of AHoH PH-down solution. It contain phosporic asid 59%, it is really strong. Dilute asid 1/100 means 1 liter water and 10 ml rare PH-down asid. Mix well. Now this 1% dilution is easy to use. Set 5 liter water with all fertilize and you get PH 6.2 example. Add 1ml PH-dilution you get PH6.1, add 3ml dilution you get PH 5,9 watering solution. One more 1ml / 5 liter is - 0,1 PH. Thanks for your patience. So as some of you know I did heavy defoliation last friday, babies reaction was rapid bushy grow and theydrink almost double than last week. So I deside begin flowerin immediately. Vegetation period was 40 days. I feed 20% stronger fertilizer than should from last friday until next friday and then i do follow inctructions. Also Ionic Cal-Mag is extra. It looks like Green Gelato turn easy to light green with out my tender nurturing so that is why extra nutrients. Also I have done heavy LST and now looks that there is coming really much new strong brances. Can some experince grower tell how much brances is enought in 1m2 tent ? I can image soon has moist and mold problem if area is too congested. Even last week was problem to keep up humidity over 60% and now wind is turn. How I can keep humidity below 60 % ? Now it run up to RH 70-80 % easily. If you have have some tips, please share it with us. How nessesary is air drier ? Shop you get between 150-200 Eur ? Anyway all looks good and the hardest part is coming now - stetching and choose the best part and think how to do right moves. I am so exited. 🙏😎
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
38 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
900 PPM
60 %
20 °C
22 °C
20 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 6
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 2.4 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 1.2 mll
After one week shortday 12 hour light, stretcing 10 cm. I set net 6 days ago. Last week was empty space in middle now not any more. Last wednesday and friday I took little more leafs away and it helps with moisturize control, it drops from average RH75 to RH65 in lightperiod. It is still quite high but no can do. In dark period RH is between 65-75. Weather is getting cool what hepls temperature control but rains... and more rains... My plan is do heavy defoliation in end of week 9 - then moisturize could drop down below RH50 i hope so. I use 2 fan in tent one under canopy one on it. Smell - nothing can say yet. I still use +20% richer fertilize solution and Plants looks really healty and like Java green colour. Removing some bigger leafs from top if under is coming lot new buds.Yesterday I count about 75 tips of branches from above. One more streching is coming - lot work to handle ScrOG. See you next week. 🙏
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
50 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
900 PPM
50 %
20 °C
22 °C
19 °C
14 L
2 L
45 cm
Nutrients 6
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 1.2 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 2.4 mll
Hey again, second flowering week is behind and these girls has stretch 12 cm in a week. Shoots are strong and they are too many. GG is really leafy flower. I have run 20% richer fertilize what AHoH recommend to use, reason cause early weeks top of leaves looks light green turn yellow. Past few weeks green has been like Java and grow also really strong. Last Mon/Tue I give less AH-Grow (N) and more AH-Bloom(P,K). + extra fertilize is Gal-Mag, I dont know even what is good wibes for flowers but so many choose cal-mag extra boost. 👍 From now I begin follow instarction to beware off too much N - what perhaps can cause late flowering ? Sometimes have to remove bigger fanleaves away, but most of leaves I remove once a week. Some friends say should remove little bit everyday, some that rarely and more same time - I choose latter tecnique. Moisturize in daytime (temp 28-31 C) has been good between RH45 - 65% - when it begin rise above RH60% is time to remove some extra leafs. But at night (temp 17-19 C) moisturize is too often too high about RH60% or more, is this little dangerous ? As I comment last week I will make heavy defoliation end of this week for 2 of those girls, so thumbs up I succees. This is first time i grow and first time i try Schwazzing 👍
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
63 cm
12 hrs
30 °C
800 PPM
60 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 7
ATA Clean 0.1 mll
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.4 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 1 mll
Hemphemp, diary time. These girl are stretcing a new record again, 13cm in six days. Since last 3 weeks all together about 35 cm. Last week I feed normal level nutrients and I figure out that Cal-Mag is good for those who use coco/coir - inactive bace. (also cause I feed extra Nitrogen (N) - Gal-Mag support fast grow- so i understund) now will reduce Cal-Mag step by step till zero in two weeks IF no deficiencies. I found Ata Clean (N-P-K / 0-18-6) - It keeps thin 6mm hoses clean - use solution only 0,1% - no broblem with nutrients. Still high day temp around 29-30C and too high RH55-60%, night temp is ideal 17-18C and RH60-65. Last friday flowering day F18 I did heavy defoliation plants #3 and #4 and less leafs off #1 and #2. Plant #4 I remove almost all side shoots. I did not like that all but now can see from top to bottom and air flow rapidly. Never experience but now can compare side effects and harvest. I will continue 5 days to feed 60-40-20-10-10% off order Formula Grow (N). Now pistils grow well and preform sweet buds. I read that extra CO2 give boost so now i have two CO2-bags in tent. One under the canopy - other above canopy. I have had and still have a flu so can not say much about odour - my wife said that "it smell reaally much" - while I playing with tent- and hold her cute nose 😍. Is good that we have ONA - smell killer - peace in a house 🙏. Today is F22 behind - girls still looks healty and drink well. Have to make attention with nutrient and RH. Six weeks still go on - now I found the way time run slow again like in teenager. 😀
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
70 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
600 PPM
55 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 7
ATA Clean 0.1 mll
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.4 mll
Dutch Formula Grow - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Grow 0.3 mll
Date 1.10 - OMB! - Oh My Buddha! - Take a look pics - is the garden some nutrient broblems ? Look my chat above - see you tomorrow. (took one week) Date 8.10 - Hello again - things has keep me busy and some trip around counry side. Last wednesday before my trip was small emergency 😕, leaf tips turn yellow - it was tiny overdose. I got good advice name# chillmurray - thousands thanks - you was absolutely right. 💪 I reduse only 10% nute dose the normal, I make nute solution 36 liter to container and i left out Advansed Nutrient - Nirvana - fertilizer cause it is bio and my set likes mineral nutes ( be careful not to block the hoses). Then i left to trip and I came back yesterday. Yesterday I open the door and I saw this what you can see also in pics. Girls looks good 😋with light curly hair and yellow leaf tips had not progressed. Height is between 60-75 cm, avarage 70, from last wednesday strech has been 6 cm, The growth in length is almost over. Smell is sweet like some mudcake without chocolate but with lemon aroma and it is quite strong but status I keep it normal. Today I remove some shaded leaves top of canopy - those leafs are sticky and then fingers are sticky - can not wash out normal handsoap, hu-hu! and he-he! 😎 Temp (27) and RH (55) are both came near optimal. Now we are going begin week 11 - half way flowering period - more pics on sunday or monday.
Grow Questions
Korokotoistarted grow question 5 years ago
I add some pics of canopy early week 10 - looks like cal-mag deficience or something - tips turn yellow... monitor today What you prof thinks - is it over feed?
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
Yeah all it is is a slight nutrient burn. Nothing to worry about, just ease off on the nutes slightly. Make sure you plain water every 2 or 3 feeds too.
TXCannaanswered grow question 5 years ago
It's a sign of nutrient burn but it's not necessarily a bad thing. I myself and several others I know feed until we see the tips turn. Call it painting her nails. Once tips turn Back off the nutes a bit and feed little less than you have been.
DankGardeneranswered grow question 5 years ago
Yes this is a sign of overfeeding. You will notice the tips of your marijuana leaves showing the first signs of nutrient burn by turning yellow, tan, gold or brown. A light case of nutrient burn will only affect the tips of your leaves. flush your system with plain, pH’ed water if you notice the first signs of nutrient burn. Then resume nutrients at a slightly lower amount.
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
73 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
600 PPM
55 %
20 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 6
ATA Clean 0.1 mll
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 2.7 mll
Last flower week number 5 goes really easy. First 4 days i feed 0,2ml/ liter komponent 1 - (lot N) also and since last friday no more extra N. Last week I notice first tiny frosty sugared leaves - odour is sweet - i found coconat - lemon - and sweet pie aroma - and now smell is strong. I have removed just some biggest shaded sticky funleaves, that is all. There is some yellowtips leaves but is tiny broblem. More I concern high humidity - what do you think - where goes line what is too much humidity in week flowering six ? 👽 Edit:Fri 18.10.2019 During this week (and little thougt week before) I notice leaves has change colour. Half canopy are more deep green and others are light green with shades of green and something yellow or just wrong... something is going wrong I think. I "google" copper or/and zink deficiency - mayby? (like samples in pics) . PH-value is first should check and ensure - what should do was advice. Today I borrow all meters - ph-drops - ph-meter - ec-meter. I had followed basic water PH- value two months from beginning and it has been always ph7. But...but... Today result was ph8 ! Now after fixing PH-level is fix to ph 5.8 next 2 days. Let's see what happens tomorrow and the day after tomorrow My advice is - follow always ph-level weekly - ph drop-kit is enough that you are in map what is going on, cheep and easy. PH-Meter are of course better but in budget level is worth of it ! Thumbs up and good night. 😅 By the way - where goes line RH is too high in flower week 6-8?
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
600 PPM
55 %
22 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
45 cm
Nutrients 7
ATA Clean 0.1 mll
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.5 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 2.7 mll
uups...!! I start the PH-case what I wrote and edit last diary week. I had little earthquaqe in greenhouse. Tap water PH was secretly rise up to PH 8, I dont know when. I watched how the left side of the flowers (leafs) slowly turn yellowed past 10 days. I began to have doubts about nutrient deficiency - copper and zink matched the description. First advice is check the PH. I check and fertilizer solution on tray was PH 7.1 - I dont know how long time. Anyway I fix it to PH 6 last friday and I flush pots PH-fix solution - but i dont see much progress. Warnings what I read Zink - If the plant is budding, its flowers may stop growing or even start dying if the problem isn’t corrected. Copper - In flowering it’s important to correct a cannabis copper deficiency as soon as possible because buds may stop maturing if the plant isn’t fixed up right away. And fact is that to my eye it seems that Buds are little change colour but grow has been slow. I will continue follow right PH and I dont add extra Cal+MG anymore and little less nutes from now if girls could recover Now Feelings are not so high - but yes it still turns into joy and high 😅
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
80 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
55 %
22 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 7
ATA Clean 0.1 mll
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.2 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 2.7 mll
Past week 7, not so much tell. Buds not grow so much I think or is it just me. I have monitor PH daily twice. Pump in water tank uplift pH a little. I have had to add extra PH-down every second day. I try keep PH 6, no more or less. I have also reduce nutes a little step by step. Humidity is control, thanks for mother nature. I loop tricomes and all are still bright. Smell is strong heavy fruity. By the way - one more time - but when I know that is time to stop give nutes and start flush ( 2 days before give Final Solution-treatment) . Because I grow in coco/clay i read that only 5 days flush (with AHoH Final Solution) is enought. 2 to 3 week for harvest.
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
80 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
50 %
22 °C
20 °C
17 °C
14 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 7
ATA Clean 0.1 mll
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro - Growth Technology
Ionic Cal-Mag Pro 0.2 mll
Dutch Formula Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Dutch Formula Bloom 2 mll
Joy ! Easy week. Past week F8. Girls are still thirsty, 1.2 liter per day. Last week I reduced fertilization. Last saturday was last feeding day and on sunday I start flush with PH-fixed tap water. I have to notice that the flower buds are slightly thickened and they push new whites pistils. Older ones pistils are turn golden brown. Tricomes about... about 10% has turn milky tips. Right side plant #1 and #3 , they stay yellow until end and right side #2 and #4 they are still green, so strange. Next sunday will cut the flowers and put them hang.
Week 15. Vegetation
5 years ago
80 cm
11 hrs
26 °C
40 %
21 °C
19 °C
17 °C
14 L
1 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Ph- Bloom - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Ph- Bloom 0.03 mll
Natural Power Final Solution - Advanced Hydroponics of Holland
Natural Power Final Solution 1 mll
It was last week and time to flush. About 50% tricomes were turn milky begin of week. End of the week about 70% was turn milky, not amber colour visible. I shortened the light cycle for the first 3 days by 11 hours, the next two days by 10 hours and the last 2 days without lights. I water PH-balanced tap-water with Final Solution. And I water from above. I stopped watering 2 days before harvest. And then day 7 I cut them all same time. I clean tent after rare cut ang hang and then I throw away root cubes. 1 of four was much smaller than others. This plant #2 roots were week, about halv of the others. And plant #1 root cube was full of roots but smell was turn rotten and looks brown - maybe reason for yellow leaves. Plant #3 was also yellow but roots were strong, was little brown roots and no rotten smell. Plant #4 was until end really green and healty and buds was big and strong, roots looks healty and strong. Let me quess the reasons - first I think I over feed N - too much and too long time. Second - my cal-mag was organic - i think mineral fertilize fit better auto-pot system. Third - I forget follow PH - level in critical flower weeks 1-3 when i change light period, and fertilize period and I defoliation and torture plants more or less, and should remember that before defoliation should reduces the amount of fertilizers..what I did not. And last - I had long periods that day temperature was above 30 degree - but what can do if uotside is nice weather. It was a very educational time and thank you very much to everyone who participated in my first grow since studying over 25 years ago 👌. Head up for new adventures 😎 Of Course This IS Flower week 15.
Week 16. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Veg period is easy, make really big leaves (strong indica begin) have to remove leaves often. Easy to make treatments. Makes thick basic stem. After 12-12 period makes really well new leaves after heavy defoliation, normal and thin leaves ( more sativa end). Buds are leafy and taste smooth and odour is pleasant.
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Spent 106 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
91.5 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Happy, Talkative
Positive effects
Citrus, Earthy, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I tell you frankly I waited min. 400g yield, but after growing problems I am really happy for 360g, dry trim buds. Plant #1 - not so much defoliation, 98g. Plant #2 - no defoliation but root problems, 66g. Plant #3 - quite heavy defoliation, 102g. Plant #4 - really heavy defoliation and most healty, 100g. Heavy defoliation did not make more yield this time but for sure ventilation control was easier that with others. No need remove leaves so often. I trim flowers after 6 days drying, but should let them dry 1-2 day more. After 2 weeks cure, moist is now RH62% and taste getting better and better. All my friends really like taste and stone is pleasant and strong same time. Music (proge) sounds really good. 😀 Definitely potential over 500g./ 1m2.


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MagicMikesMedscommentedweek 46 years ago
Absolutely my friend love to help. I am actually harvesting 2 of these Green Gelato’s 🍧 this weekend. The strain responded very well to topping, super-cropping, and heavy defoliation. I was wondering what type of medium are you using? It kind of looks like a mix of coco coir and hydroton. Looks interesting. I myself grow in Recirculating Deep Water Culture 💦. Unfortunately I don’t have a journal up for this grow but if you want to see how these plants will look getting into week 2 of flower I have a link to a YouTube video I posted a few weeks back. I hope to have a harvest video up there in another few weeks as well. Your plants look wonderful. Keep up the good work!!!
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@MagicMikesMeds, Hello Mike and thanks and hello other followers also. My set is coco40/coir60, on the pot bottom is airdome/garden fabric/ 2 liter coir big size/garden fabric/ 13 liter coco-coir. That set call "Autopot" - water leak to bottom plate and airpressure push water and air to roots and to top of pot, yeah it is like half basic and half hydro. Will see this is first time so no experience. Tecniques are FIM-LST-HST-Defoliation with SrcOG net. Now I did heavy defoliation in begin week 6. Now flowers looks really poor. Also I training stairs to go horisontal way more or less. Has good wibes things go smooth and have lot new brances. I am thinking when is right time to do defoliation again
Fruitgrowercommentedweek 105 years ago
Got some happy looking buds there mate, lovely job 🌱👍
Fruitgrowercommented5 years ago
@Korokotoi, I bet they smell amazing don't they and probably still another 4 weeks or so left to go, I bet..?
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@Fruitgrower, eh..! I would love to goggle those light curly hair ladies more often, but they use increble parfume that need to close door before I get mad for fancy or neighbour get mad anyway... 😊😊😊
TrueNorthcommentedweek 105 years ago
Great page! Looks awesome!
happytreescommentedweek 95 years ago
Great diary. Got yourself dialed in. Take that exhale bag and clip it above your canopy because Co2 sinks. It doesn't rise. You don't want any of that in or near your root zone. I'll be keeping tabs on these buds. Best of luck!
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@happytrees, woowh!... I knew I must go and be 5 nights away from home and I ask advice- you wrote that" back off about 50-100ppm". I remember I think it is not much less but my instinct told me follow that - once again thanks a lot #chillmurray. It is good to have talk - take care and kept flowers blooming
happytreescommented5 years ago
@Korokotoi, Good stuff. Your tips are just slightly yellow from nute burn. Nothing to worry about. That's exactly where you want to be. Now you can back off about 50-100ppm. No deficiencies at all. Your plant is very healthy and looking great.
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@happytrees, Second CO2 bag is now removed on the wall (hole in bag) about 50 cm above canopy that co2 molecules can attack the leafs from up and down. First one is (hole in bag) 20 below canopy. I add some pics of canopy - looks like cal-mag deficience or something - tips turn yellow... What you prof thinks - is it over feed?
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Hellishjamcommentedweek 125 years ago
Looking good! What kind of fixture are you using?!
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@Hellishjam, The box is PrimaKlima Spudnic Cooltube Length 600mm Width 430mm with Osram Plantastar 600W - power suply is HORTI Dim Light (never dim). Cooling goes true carbonfilter RhinoPro RC412 - 125mm (diameter) /300 lenght tube with Air Extractor Vents TT Silent-M 125mm 340m3/h . I grow in apartmentand and now I know that heat is too much - so in septemper temp rice everyday up or donw +30C - but if outside is below +7C, I can control temperature. Some day LED is future. Most I like "Airpot" setup with CocoCoir - so service free - need is more experience with nute. Read my all tread from beginnig so can avoid some my mistakes - 😬
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Korokotoi,light-fixture Noun (plural light fixtures) A complete lighting unit, composed of a housing attached to a wall or ceiling, and a mount for a light source
Hellishjamcommented5 years ago
@Korokotoi,light fixture.....what kinda of light are you using?
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Clutchcommentedweek 125 years ago
They look really good. U are in week 7 or 8 of flowering and Green Gelato from RQS needs about 9 to 10 so maybe the plant is using its own leaves for nutrients. They know they are dying so they use every energy left for maturing. The yellowing doesn't look to bad. If it's a nutrients balanced problem I would give a pure water flushing and then start again with half of the adviced dosage. Anyway they look fine to me. 🙂
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@Clutch, Pics are end week of 6 and about 3 remain. Mayby after tomorrow I flush plain PH-fix water only. Now plant #2 start turn yellow... similar way... I consider
DankGardenercommentedweek 105 years ago
Have they recovered yet?
Korokotoicommented5 years ago
@DankGardener, yeah, plants looks ok, some tips are little yellow but general wiew is good. Strange is that 2 girls are light green and 2 girls are little over dark green (with yellow tips) - because automatic take care of feeding. 👺 I monotor daily ...
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 16 years ago
Nice healthy seedling 💚🌱💚
Korokotoicommented6 years ago
@Puffer_Bill, Yep. 4 GG is going to tent or they are allready there, but more story about it next week. And yes this is my first time, and thanks for comments
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 16 years ago
Is this your first grow? How many plants?
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 26 years ago
Looking real nice. 🤩👍🏼 I see that you are growing 4 plants.
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 36 years ago
Very lush, healthy and strong. 💪🏼🌱🌱🌱🌱💚
LawAbidingCitizen420commentedweek 36 years ago
Nice setup, lovely & clean! ✊🌱
the end.
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