Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

EL PATRON (RQS Test New Strain)

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/250W
Fission 300W High-Intensity Discharge/600W
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
25 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
22 °C
90 %
I was super happy when the mailman brought me a package from RQS this week. 😄 I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the people of RQS even more for this wonderful gesture.👋 Not only was I able to find the new collection of beautiful and comfortable clothing in the package: a real cool T-shirt, a comfy hoodie and a super casual pants. In addition to useful merchandise such as lighters, rolling papers, the package also contained excellent growth products. I will test these products for this new grow.😚 The biggest gift, however, were 30 seeds from a new strain, namely "El Patron". With this strain RQS has won the 1st prize "Category B - Common Weed cultivated on soil" of the prestigious Dutch highlife cup 2019. The strain is not available yet, but follow my diary and find out if this species canl become a winner for you too.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
4 cm
25 °C
90 %
0 L
70 cm
Light: A friend of mine gave me a LED lamp to give it a try. The natural light cycle from outside is too short to give the plants enough hours of light to grow. That is why I now light them for a few hours with this LED lamp. Soon I will switch to HPS. Seeds: The El Patron seeds were rather light in color and looked fragile. 11 seeds were not germinated. 3 seeds have been germinated, but have not been developed further. 16 seeds have sprouted and have developed into seedlings Only one seedling needed support. On day 12 I potted them in small pots with good quality potting soil mixed with perlite and a handfull of rockdust
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
7 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
70 %
25 °C
0 L
70 cm
The third week and the plants are doing fine. Still only water. The pot mixture contains sufficient nutrition for the coming week (s); and we're not in a hurry. 😎 The plants did not need any support. If they grow too much in one direction, I will bend them a little more. The stems are now becoming strong and are less sensitive to skew.👌 During the day I put the plants outside in the sun. 😄 During the night I place them under LED. 😷 Two plants are seriously deformed and are unlikely to be selected for flowering. Also one other plant has strange leaves. As usual some plants are developping better than others. 💪 Only water !
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
17 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
70 %
25 °C
25 L
0 L
75 cm
The fourth week of growth I started repotting the 8 most beautiful plants. It was pretty clear that half of the plants looked beautiful, 😃😃😃😃😃 while the other half looked a little less. 😕 😕 😕 😕 POTS : A year ago I had purchased 8 XL Autopots of 25 liters. This seemed to be the moment to finally start using these pots. 👍👍 SOIL : I have made two soil mixtures. One is with the products from Biotabs, the other with products that RQS sent me.😍😍😍😍 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 Mixture # 1 (RQS) for plants no. 1, 3, 5 and 7 (blue labels)  57 liter Biogreen Lightmix (with 7% perlite)  50 liters of Perlite    in order to obtain approximately 50/50 soil / perlite, which Autopot recommends  Grow Caps - Root, Grow and Bloom Organic nutrition (9-5-5): 2 x 100 gr. = 200 gr.  Easy Roots - Mycorrhiza Mix: 50 gr.  Easy Boost (6-7-12): 250 gr. in the planting hole:  Easyroots - Mycorrhiza Mix: 2 gr. x 4 plants = 8 gr. 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉 Mixture # 2 (Biotabs) for plants no. 2, 4, 6 and 8 (red labels)  57 liter Biogreen Lightmix (with 7% perlite)  50 liters of perlite    in order to obtain 50/50 soil / perlite, which Autopot recommends  Startrex: 2 x 250 gr. = 500 g.  Mycotrex: 5 gr. x 4 plants = 50 gr.  3 Biotab (15-7-8) of 21 g. x 4 plants = 252 gr. in the planting hole:  Mycotrex: 2 gr. x 4 plants = 8 gr. WATER : After filling the pots with soil mixture : 2.5 liter water x 8 plants = 20 liter water 12 hours later : 2.5 liter water x 8 plants = 20 liter water at planting : 1.25 liter water /plant enriched with :  Bactrex: 1 g / liter of water x 10 liters of water = 10 g.  Orgatrex: 5 ml / liter of water x 10 liters of water = 50 ml.
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
24 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
25 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 1
BoomBoom Spray - Bio Tabs
BoomBoom Spray 5 mll
Most plants are doing great 💪 💪💪 The smallest plant (#8) is the weaker sis. 😢 Her leaves are somewhat yellowish and they have some burnt spots😎. I hope she gets better in the next week. 🙏🙏🙏 I also noticed that there is probably some sort of insect that digs a tunnel in some leaves. 👻👽 👿 See photos. I've seen that phenomenon in the past. Probably this insect came on the plants when they were outside. I have removed the affected leaves.👌😊 I spoiled the plants with a shower of 1 liter of water with 5 ml BoomBoom spray from Biotabs. No watering needed since last week repotting 😱 Soil is still sufficiently moist. Tallest plant = #1 = 21 cm Smallest plant = #8 = 27 cm Blue labels = RQS nuts Red labels = Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
26 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
25 L
0 L
70 cm
Plants are looking great. Dark green colour. Beautiful shaped leaves. I topped the plants and remove the three pair of lowest branches. Blue labesl = RQS nuts Red labels = Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
28 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
25 L
0 L
75 cm
This week I have linked the autopot plants to the water container (DAY 37). From now on the plants get just as much water as they need. I have also connected a second LED lamp. The goal is for the plants to occupy the entire space in a few weeks. Every time I visit the plants ( a few times per day), I bend the top two shoots down, and the two lowest ones up. That way the plants spread their growth regulators all over the four branches, and will get the same height. The branches are a bit too short to keep them at the desired height with the help of planting sticks or a scrow-net. By bending them several times a day, I get the same effect. Blue labesl (plant #1,3,5,7) = RQS nuts Red labels (plant #2,4,6,8) = Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
35 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
50 %
25 °C
25 L
1 L
75 cm
This week I started with a second defoliation. The four main branches that I kept after my first defoliation have grown considerably and already have a lot of side shoots. The first defoliatioin was on DAY 31 (12 days ago). I removed the bottom 2 pairs of shoots from each of the four main branches. Plant # 6 has only 3 main branches because I had accidentally bent a branch too far so that it was sealed off from sap flow and shriveled up. At plant # 2 I also had a broken branch, but I was able to repair it with three toothpicks and the same number of closing strips. Blue labels (plant #1,3,5,7) (on the left)= RQS nuts Red labels (plant #2,4,6,8) (on the right)= Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
1 comment
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
50 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
60 %
23 °C
23 °C
25 °C
25 L
1 L
75 cm
Nutrients 2
Orgatrex - Bio Tabs
Orgatrex 20 mll
Bactrex - Bio Tabs
Bactrex 1 mll
The plants have grown well. The internodes are quite short and therefore it sometimes seems to go a bit slow. But they are doing fine and look healthy. They have large dark green leaves and sturdy branches. The plants already cover a large part of the surface. To utilize the entire surface, I bent the branches and attached them to plant sticks with plant ties (see photos). The branches are already very strong and I could not bend them so easily anymore. Three plants split at the place on the node where they are attached to the main stem (see photo). From previous experiences I know that this is usually not a problem and that the plantjuices continue to flow to such split branches. Fingers crossed ! As recommended by Biotabs (5 weeks after repotting), I gave each plant half a liter of water containing 20 ml. of Orgatrex and 1 gr. of Bactrex. Blue labels (plant #1,3,5,7) (on the left)= RQS nuts Red labels (plant #2,4,6,8) (on the right)= Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
60 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
55 %
23 °C
22 °C
25 °C
25 L
1 L
75 cm
Nutrients 1
BoomBoom Spray - Bio Tabs
BoomBoom Spray 5 mll
The plants all look beautiful. 😇👌💪 The leaves are all dark green and serrated. 😍 The largest leaf has a size of 34 cm (incl. Leaf stalk) X 22 cm. 🙌The branches are sturdy but pliable. 💪💪💪 Scrog Tme ! 😛 I have inserted the four plant support sticks on the corners of the pot. I have eight nets of 50 x 50 cm made from garden fence. I attached a net to the support poles, and now every plant has its own scrognet. 👽 There is only water in my water tank. 😰 😭 😰 All nutrients come from the medium. 😱 😜 To pamper the plants I gave them a shower of 1 liter water mixed with 5ml Boom Boom Spray of Biotabs. 😍😍😍 The plants are now completely ready for flowering. Blue labels (plant #1,3,5,7) (on the left)= RQS nuts Red labels (plant #2,4,6,8) (on the right)= Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
60 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
23 °C
22 °C
25 °C
25 L
1 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
BoomBoom Spray - Bio Tabs
BoomBoom Spray 5 mll
It was an exhausting week for both the plants and myself. 😡👺😤 3 causes that have stressed the plants and so have me : 1. switch from LED to HPS lighting 👽 2. from 24 to 12 hours of light 😱 3. bending the branches daily so that they remained under the scrognet 😈 💪 The large main were on the outside under the scrognet and did their utmost to lift the scrognet, while the smaller side branches saw their chance to stretch out in the middle; towards the light. 👍 To de-stress the plants after this intense week, I gave the plants a break by removing the scrognets. Let the ladies relax for a while. Take the stress away from the branches. I also gave them a Boom Boom Spray shower. 😍😜💪 The plants also received good pruning: the lower leaves and branches were removed, giving the plants an open structure so that they will receive more light in the coming weeks. 😄👌 My fingers were already rather sticky after defoliation and smelled wonderful. 😍 That is very promising! 😍 The plants have been in bloom for a week and the first signs of flowering are visible: small hairs appear and the smell has increased considerably.👍💪
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
75 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
23 °C
22 °C
25 °C
25 L
2 L
60 cm
👉 All picture are taken on DAY 71 ; Flowering DAY 14 👈 Thanks to scrogging during the first week of flowering, the plants have formed a flat canopy. 😘😗👌 Plants are ready to make buds instead of leaves now. The smell is very promising. 😍 💪😋 Watergift still increases.😱😱👊 Last week a lot of tiny flies were circulating above the moist top layer of the potting soil. By removing the leaves last week, the atmosphere at the bottom of the plants is no longer as moist and shady, with the result that dead fies are lying on the ground next to the pots. I removed the dead flies during my weekly cleaning. 😺👍 This week I have also defoliated the plants once again. The plants seem very bare now , but they still have enough branches to support a lot of beautiful buds. 😍😍😍 Blue labels (plant #1,3,5,7) (on the left)= RQS nuts Red labels (plant #2,4,6,8) (on the right)= Biotabs nuts (see week 4)
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
85 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
23 °C
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
2 L
55 cm
The plants make beautiful buds. The leaves of the plants are now becoming more yellow. Faster than expected. Would the plants get too little nitrogen? In week 4 I planted the plants in a richly fertilized soil mixture. I thought this would be sufficient nutrition for the entire flowering cycle. But both the four plants (1,3,5,7) that I have enriched with RQS nuts, and the four plants (2,4,6,8) that feed BIOTABS, suffer from yellow leaves. 😧🙀👇 The plants are in Autopot XL pots, which means they automatically get water from a 240-liter container. Adding organic fertilizer to the water tank is not recommended according to the Autopot instructions, because of the possible clogging of the tubes. 😰 Do the plants suffer from a nutritional deficiency? 😏 What should I do? 😕
Grow Questions
Oyzipharstarted grow question 5 years ago
In week 4 I planted the plants in a richly fertilized soil mixture. The leaves of the plants are now becoming more yellow. Do the plants suffer from a nutritional deficiency? What should I do? Adding organic fertilizer to the water tank could lead tot clogging of the tubes....
Leaves. Color - Pale
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
unplug the tank for the next watering and top feed whatever it is you want then when the pots dry out restart the bottom feed cycle if you want to... this shouldnt be a problem for the plants in any way. Hope this helps 🚀
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
23 °C
22 °C
20 °C
25 L
2 L
55 cm
Nutrients 1
Orgatrex - Bio Tabs
Orgatrex 20 mll
Last week I told you about the problem I had with the leaves that turned yellow. 🙀😩 😱 I removed most of the yellow leaves. Now, one week later, again more leaves have turned yellow. Looks like a nitrogen problem. Soilmix n°1 :: plants #1,3,5,7 (the top half of the pictures, YELLOW) Grow Caps - Root, Grow and Bloom Organic nutrition (9-5-5): 2 x 100 gr. = 200 gr. Easy Boost (6-7-12): 250 gr. Soilmix n°2 : plants #2,4,6,8 (the bottom half of the pictures, much more GREEN) 3 Biotab (15-7-8) of 21 g. x 4 plants = 252 gr Soilmix n°1 is much richer, but has less nitrogen (N) compared to the other nutrients. Soilmix n°2 plants are greener, looks much healthier. I hope that the plants get enough phosphorus and potassium, which now seems to me to be more important than nitrogen. Because of the autopot system I could not add extra organic food. I did a last rescue operation with closing the watersystem and adding manual some grow nuts, with no effect. Buds on the other beautiful. Hopefully they will have some nice weeks to come.
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
55 %
23 °C
22 °C
20 °C
25 L
1 L
55 cm
Nutrients 1
Orgatrex - Bio Tabs
Orgatrex 20 mll
😎 👉 5 weeks flowering 👈 😍 The leaves become more yellow and yellow every day. Yet this does not hinder the development of the tops. The plants have many buds and therefore not that large. But... they are very potent. 💪The trichomes sparkle like stars. The flowers smell wonderful sweet and fresh. 😚👌😜 The relatively higher ratio of nitrogen in the Biotabs soilmix n°2 (red labels - plants 2,4,6,8) helps to keep these plants having green leaves. 👍 The RQS/Growcaps soilmix n°1 (blue labels - plants 1,3,5,7) is a bit too low in nitrogen (N) (compared to P and K) After cross-multiplication, the soil mixtures contain the following macro nutrients (NPK) Soilmix n°1 : 17 - 13 - 18 Soilmix n°2 : 15 - 7 - 8 (For the exact composition of the soil mix, see week 14) I disconnected the automatic water system for a few days. Then I could give the plants with a watering can, a nitrogen-rich Orgatrex feed mixture along the top of the pot..... I don't have the impression that this helped much. 😢👇 The plants that are closest to the water reservoir remained wet for much longer after disconnection. For the next cultivation, I will place a small tap for each plant individually. ✋
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
25 °C
50 %
23 °C
22 °C
10 °C
25 L
1 L
55 cm
Everything is going well. 👍 The plants smell wonderfully fresh as flowers and candies. Clearly more sativa than indica. 😵 The difference between the two potting soil mixtures is becoming increasingly apparent. 😄 (For the exact composition of the soil mix, see week 14) * The four plants that are in potting soilmix n°1 (blue labels - plants 1,3,5,7) are completely yellow now. 😮 *The four that are in potting soil mixture n ° 2 also have sporadic yellow leaves, but also show burnt leaf tops, which rather looks like too much fertilization. 😊 The flowers are beautiful. Many trichomes. Great scent ! 👍👊💪👌 Since last week plants get cold night temperatures. We will see if there will be some colors... 😏
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
23 °C
22 °C
12 °C
25 L
1 L
55 cm
I'm in a great mood. 😊 The tops are hardening considerably. 👍 The trichomes sparkle at the slightest glare. 😍 Last week the buds were still a bit fluffy, but in one week that changed completely. 💪 So incredibly fast! 😵 The buds feel sturdy. 😻 They seem to be transformed into small shiny diamonds. 😻 The heads of the trichomes are all still transparent. 😄 The leaves of the four plants that are in the soil mix n°1 (plants 1,3,5,7) are golden yellow and are somewhat further in the flowering stage. 😛 The tops are somewhat smaller, but also further ripened. 👍 The leaves of the four plants that are in the soil mix n°2 (plants 2,4,6,8) still have a lot of chlorophyll. 😳These plants stayed green longer, have larger buds, and take a little more time to complete their flowering season. 😏The plants only show a limited nitrogen deficit in the middle of the flowering season.😑 Conclusion: the plants are flowering nicely and will be ready in 1 to 2 weeks. The scent is wonderfully sweet.😍😻👋💪 More details about the soilmixes : see week 14
Week 18. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
23 °C
22 °C
9 °C
25 L
1 L
55 cm
8 weeks have passed and the plants are now fully maturing. 😍 The trichomes are still transparent. 😊 So it will take another week before they are ready to be harvested. 😚💪 The difference between the two soil mixes is now very clear. In weeks 4 and 14 you can read more about the composition of the mixtures. 👍 The plants no longer absorb much water from the water tank. But the autopots are still very heavy because of the water.👌 The plants still get cold nights of temperatures between 5 and 12 degrees Celsius.😱
Week 19. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
23 °C
22 °C
22 °C
25 L
0 L
55 cm
Incredible odor. After each defoliation, my fingers smell like delicious black hashish with a pinch of chocolate mint. This scent reminds me most of the Green Gelato, which I had harvested last time. Delicious! 😍😛😃 Trichomes are getting amber. If everything goes well, the plants will be ready next week 😊😎😜 At first they seemed to be Indica's, but later the Sativa genes became more apparent. 😜 I stopped giving them cold nights. The plants do not discolor towards the end of flowering. Probably to her predominantly sativa genes. The pots are still heavy with water and cold nights would not do them any good. Plant#4 is my favourite. Beautiful colors, firm buds 👽 Plant#8 is the most Sativa, beautiful foxtail buds 👻 The difference between the 2 soil mixtures is now very visible. For the composition of the soil mixtures, see week 14. Biotabs won the competition !!! 💪👌 ABOUT AUTOPOT : It was the first time that I worked with the autopot system. Very comfortable cause you do not have to water manually anymore. Moreover, you can easily move, turn and even swap the plants. 😉 But I did make a few mistakes 😕 that I want to avoid next time : 👉1. I had forgotten to fill the bottom 10 cm of the pots with clay pellets. Thus the soil mixture constantly touched the water. This made the pots too wet. I have now disconnected the pots from the automatic watering system. 😰 👉2. I have now bought 8 taps to close each pot separately from the automatic watering system. Early in the flowering phase I noticed that the plants showed a lack of nitrogen. The leaves turned yellow. On the advice of a few other growers, I closed the autopot system, with the intention of allowing the plants to dry out, after which I could administer a nutrient solution from above. The plants that were connected at the end of the watering system were the first to dry up. The plants at the beginning were still soaking wet. 😱
Week 20. Flowering
5 years ago
90 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
45 %
23 °C
22 °C
25 L
55 cm
Week 10 of flowering 😝😊😁 The four plants in the soil mix n°1 (plant #1,3,5,7) are ready to be harvested. No more new flowers are formed. The intermediate leaves begin to wilt. A large number of the trichomes are amber. Plant # 7 is my favorite of these four.😍 The four plants in the soil mix n°2 (plant #2,4,6,8 = Biotabs) produce new flowers every day. Look at the fresh green bulges with white pistils on top of the existing buds! 😵 Plant # 4 is my favorite of these four. She is ripening nicely. 10 weeks is perfect for harvesting her. 👌Plant # 8 is pronounced sativa with its foxtail buds. She could use a few more weeks of flowering.💪 The scent of El Pedro is incredible. There is the reliable basic scent of strong indica that makes you calm, but on top there is that hint of sativa that makes you alert. Not so much the spicy scent of original haze, but rather a sweet-sour scent reminiscent of Amnesia.👌 The plants have sturdy branches, which she inherited from her indica background. She needs almost no support. 💪The plants grow nicely at the same pace, but they do not flower simultaneously. 😵Some plants have more Indica genes, while others tend to be more sativa.😶 The plants will be harvested in the course of the following week. They must make room for new plants!😜
Week 20. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Another megahit for RQS with this Highlife Cup Winner 2019 'El Patron'. Super strong, even narcotic effect! Super successful hybrid with a wonderful aroma. After a cure of 2 months the effect is less aggressive and the hazy powers are replaced by a more mature high. Top !! The scent reminds me as a cross between Gelato and Amnesia. Hints of black hashish with mint and a little lemon / citrus but also earthy, spicy and pine. The yield was very variable. The soil mixture with the biotabs tablets gave the most nutrition and these plants continued to make flowers for longer and gave the most yield (more than 100 grams per plant). I love to vape my weed, but this variety is so great for smoking !
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Spent 141 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
103.13 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Giggly, Talkative
Positive effects
Mint, Pine, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Amazing strain. Definitely a cup winner ! The yield was very variabel : Soil mixture #1 (plants 1,3,5,7) could not cope with the strong grow of the plants. Yield per plants was below 100 gr/ plant. Plants were more ripened 😩 Soil mixture #2 (plants 2,4,6,8) gave the most nutrition and these plants continued to make flowers for longer and gave the most yield (more than 100 grams per plant). 😍 Soilmix #1 : 320 gr. Plant #1 : 85 gr. Plant #3 : 75 gr. Plant #5 : 80 gr. Plant #7: 80 gr. Soilmix #2 : 505 gr Plant #2 : 135 gr. Super yield, beautiful buds Plant #4 : 120 gr. A bit less yields, but also beautiful sticky blue-coloured buds with a lot of trichomes Plant #6 : 130 gr. My favorite pheno / Beauftiful light blue colored buds. Incredible smell. Plant #8 : 120 gr.: the most Sativa genes, foxtail buds, herbal,, peppery
Equipment Reviews


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Bawzscommentedweek 115 years ago
i'm intreaged how these will turn out ,good luck!
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
Me too 😄😃😂 Thx 🙏
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 105 years ago
wooow..... iam speechless. You are showing us educationat growing skills.....
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank youuuu. 😀 We all learn from eachother. 😝 That's what Growdiaries is all about. 😛 ✋💪
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 85 years ago
They look very Good, very strong and Vigor
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
😚😚😚😚 Yeahhh:: I am really happy about these El Patron Seeds 👍👍👍👍
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 45 years ago
Nice diary, very detailed and pro
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thanks for your nice words 😍
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 165 years ago
We are coming closer in direction end.....
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Yeahhh can't wait no longer hihi 😻
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 155 years ago
wow you can watch them bulking up......
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, They really are 😨 . Hopefully they will find enough nutrition to become rockhard 😋
Gersoracommentedweek 125 years ago
I love your grow. That are some beauties. I wish i could smell those.
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
Thanks a lot. I am flattered. Yeahhh ... They start to smell stronger each day now : 😍
MarcXLcommentedweek 95 years ago
I wish you the best luck for your grow of El Patron. Your plants look so different from mine Patrons. Beautiful to see.
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
Yeah. Right !! 😚 I am often surprised how different plants can be depending on the location and care 😱
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 16 years ago
Thats a great opportunity to be one of the first to Grow new Strains. My face is getting alittle green now . Just the best for that Grow and iam very courious how they will be. I followed the Posting from RQS where they got the first Prize for " el Patron" and "Green Gelato" now we soon will see how " el Patron" looks like Happy Growing
Oyzipharcommented6 years ago
Hello Mrs Laminar. Thank you for your comment 😊. I am also very curious and honoured to got this gift from RQS 🙀 Probably they need some pictures and reports before they want to bring this new strain into business 😏.
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 75 years ago
very cool experiment ! 🚀
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@smoking_hills9, RQS has always been very generous to me. I appreciate their work and I like to give them feedback. 👋 We all learn from mistakes, it doesn't matter who makes them. As long as they don't start hitting us with real bricks 😃😆😏
smoking_hills9commented5 years ago
Good stuff my friend. Looking very good. And congrats on having such a good people from RQS for you. Will follow👍 And regarding to what someone said before about wise man learning from other people mistakes its bullshit😁 we only want this to be true, but homosapiens not that clever as we want us to be, and only after that brick will hit us in a head , we might learn or will try it again with different brick types😂😂
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, A smart man learns from his mistakes. The wise one learns from the mistakes of others. 😆 💪
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ReinDeercommentedweek 36 years ago
Having my fingers crossed, so far it looks good 👌👍
ReinDeercommented5 years ago
@Oyziphar, hope not too!🍀
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@ReinDeer, Hopefully no males this time....
Bread_n_Budscommentedweek 204 years ago
Boss very nice job !
Oyzipharcommented4 years ago
@Breadandbuds, 😀 Thankxie 😜
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommentedweek 205 years ago
Congrats on the great harvest ...
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, Thanks bro. I'm enjoying 😆😜👍
ChefDan420commentedweek 115 years ago
Good luck 👍🏼
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
Thank you very much, Chef Dan 😻
Whitoutdutycommentedweek 105 years ago
Hi there! 😀 I study, you exploit the pressure of the sap👌👽 Nice Grow room
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
Thx WOT. All living things have a love-hate relationship with stress factors. It encourages them to push their limits. 😤Top seeds/plants are like athletes. 👉No pain, no gain. 👈 Their sap is of unseen powers 😁💪👊
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 95 years ago
They look very good, nice shape happy and green
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
Yeh; 😐They are happy , like me 😋 💪👌🙏😁
Buddha2commentedweek 195 years ago
Wonderful! And I'm impressed by your patience 😇
Satori_Hansocommentedweek 195 years ago
So sexy !
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 135 years ago
Its tricky because of the nutrition in the soil. normally i would say flush them., maybe there are some saltbuiltups... but if you flush you activate your nutrients in the soil.... but the longer iam thinking on it the bettr it sounds... ....
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 105 years ago
Hi bro. Can you tag me by week 4 of Flowering ? Wanna see how they grow. Thanks 👍
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@Oyziphar, thanks for tagging me back. Looking at your question, your problem is called Die Back , it happens usually to new growers when they switch to their Bloom nootz to early, when they think it’s time to switch their nootz because they switched their light to 12/12 cycle. The plants run into Nitrogen deficiency by week 3-4 of flowering. In your case I believe the nootz might have been a bit light for the stretch and the plants didn’t receive enough Nitrogen.
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, just finished week 4 👽 😄
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@Oyziphar, awesome, see you soon bro 👍
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