Welcome to my way to late outdoor grow! I will keep her on my balkony, there's the most sun😉 I was just amazed by her colour on the diary of Gardenofautos, so i decided to buy 3 seeds! Sadly i'm not able to plant all 3 next year, so instead of keeping them and waiting for them till they're not germinating anymore, i decided to plant one! After 2 days she sprouted and on the fifth day she showed her head! Then i directly transplanted her from her eazy plug in an 11 l fabric pot from Gronest, i hope it will keep her warm, it's going to be cold!😤
@Psilocubensis, im actually not quite sure, the genetic is really stable and dark, but i didn't thought about her getting so dark! But it definetly looks like purple Basil😆👌