New week ,new growth ! I WANT those Northen LIght budz!!
Lets roll on growing not bad I would say.
@EZgrower, Thanks! Damn bro cant wait to bubble the bong 😅 but really i hope they sweel good in 3 more weeks cuz really that much time i really have before going on vacation!! Need plus almost 2 week extra for dry sheit.. takes time !!
Whatsap ma man! Yeah they look great I think the best looking plants I had yet , maybe because i started using blumats I always fucked up with watering to much, to less , they were never happy but blumats as i see made big diffrence!! Now they happy drinking whenever they need and how much they need never thirsty never overwatered ! So the Airpots! Yeah im using 10L airpots I think they are better then normal plastic one ! Because with airpots the girls get root pruning and the roots don't get rootbound plus faster dry ,wet cycle happens but I think like this if you have alot of plants just go with the plastic pots it will be cheaper and still you gonna have alot of girls so it won't matter that extra lil bit of weight or not so lil bit lol, it really depends I think from the master him self! the grower! 😅 But if you have not many plants go with airpots or if you still want many plants in better pot go with cheap or make yourself the smart pot it's like almost the same as air pot but it's made from cloth fabric i think! But with plastic air pots you can easily re use them every grow because it opens easily , and you can clean them quite easy and use again, not the same with smart pot , ofcourse you can try to clean the smart pot to, but all the salts true the grow will stack up and it wont look nice and will take some time to clean it. so the eazy way i think is the Air pot.