Poor girls have been drowning because I don’t know what I’m doing. I backed way off the last few days of the week to let the pot dry out more. 5 gal pots take a long time to dry out!
The good news is I think the deficiency that was showing last week is starting to clear up with the new growth. The plants are peeking up and responding well to the nutrients. Going to try my hand at LST next week.
@@ArthurDigbySellers, I even do not know, that this type of microscope exist. Thank You. I made my photos with close up lens +10D and Panasonic FZ1000.
Ich kann es gar nicht glauben 😀 ,
sie haben über 500 Klicks, aber noch keinen Gästebucheintrag,
obwohl sie ganz hervorragende Arbeit leisten, tolle Mädchen in
ihrem Gemüsebeet haben und ein fantastisches Gästebuch schreiben.
Ich finde auch, dass sie bisher viel zu wenig Likes dafür bekommen haben !
Beste Grüße
@@Myrcella, thank you for the kind words, bud! This is my first grow, so I’m glad to hear someone thinks I’m doing okay. 😸 Best of luck with your plants!