After a super helpful comment from u/B4RNS on my other diary, I backed off the feeding for a few days. This was probably a bit too long, but the OG perked right back up and looks way healthier now. Watering every other day or so now. The OG is sharing the tent with my two Amnesia CBDs, and doesn't seem to be taking nitrogen as well as that strain. I plan to mix two different feeds from now on so I can better accommodate the OG's sensitivity.
Otherwise, week 7 was uneventful aside from the explosion of tops. I released most of the LST and am just doing some tucking here and there to keep the bud sites exposed. Can't wait for these next few weeks of flower!
@@ArthurDigbySellers, I even do not know, that this type of microscope exist. Thank You. I made my photos with close up lens +10D and Panasonic FZ1000.
Ich kann es gar nicht glauben 😀 ,
sie haben über 500 Klicks, aber noch keinen Gästebucheintrag,
obwohl sie ganz hervorragende Arbeit leisten, tolle Mädchen in
ihrem Gemüsebeet haben und ein fantastisches Gästebuch schreiben.
Ich finde auch, dass sie bisher viel zu wenig Likes dafür bekommen haben !
Beste Grüße
@@Myrcella, thank you for the kind words, bud! This is my first grow, so I’m glad to hear someone thinks I’m doing okay. 😸 Best of luck with your plants!