8am turned lights on temperature 18.6 humidity 62
12pm temperature 24.7 humidity 60
3pm temperature 24.8humidity 53
6pm temperature 23.2humidity 68
9pm temperature 23.9 humidity 68
12am temperature 23.4 humidity 65
2am lights off
Day 22
8am turned lights on temperature 17.2 humidity 71
12 pm temperature 25.2 humidity 44
Transplanted in to final pot of 15 litres
3 pm temperature 24.9 humidity 47
6pm temperature 25.4 humidity 43
9pm temperature 25.2 humidity 46
12am temperature 24.4 humidity 36
Day 23
8am turned lights on temperature 19.3 humidity 62
12pm temperature 22.4 humidity 65
3pm temperature 24.5humidity 69
6pm temperature 24.6humidity 60
9pm temperature 23.6 humidity 63
12am temperature 23.4 humidity 65
2am lights off
Day 24
Turned lights on 8am temperature 19.3 humidity 55
12pm temperature 24.4 humidity 50
Fed her today a litre now she in her 15l pot
3pm temperature 24.7 humidity 53
6pm temperature 24.7 humidity 55
9pm temperature 24.1 humidity 55
12am temperature 24.3 humidity 52
Day 25
Switched lights on 8am temperature 19.6
Humidity 71
12pm temperature 23.6 humidity 50
3pm temperature 24.5 humidity 46
6pm temperature 24.6 humidity 48
9pm temperature 24.8 humidity 45
12am temperature 24.7humidity 42
Day 26
8am temperature 18.9 humidity 56
12pm temperature 23.4 humidity 52
3pm temperature 23.3 humidity 53
6pm temperature 24.2 humidity 54
9pm temperature 24.1 humidity 56
11.30m temperature 23.5 humidity 49
My girl seem to be pushing loads of branches out and filling her pot her stems really thick so I switched my hps and used my 2 cfl to try and make her stretch a tiny bit so I can get the branches from under the leafs it really hard to tuck even my leaf stems are like tree trunks
switching the hps off for a day and it actually worked so I’m good my plants are healthy everything going good
@@Tryhard, yeah where I come from it's hard to find anything but Kush pink Kush Master Kush OG Kush kushie Kush seriously lol almost could go on a Bubba Gump rant about this
@@Tryhard, right on you definitely have some best practices I’m going to be paying close attention to. Always something to learn from great growers like yourself.
Right on buddy looking good
Lol I swear I had something to say then I set my phone down picked it up to leave the comment and now I got nothing so hey good job hahaha
@Bigpun,mate I’m loving it half my tents no even being used bro I got all my conditions right has long has nothing happens along the way we’re looking good brutha
@biggreens420,just doing autos couldn’t show people what I’m capable I’m glad I can show that now plus just having all my equipment has made a big difference but cheers bro