Hi guys and welcome back with us in this diary.👊
We are at day 64 and the girls grow up great.
Large hairy fruits start from the base of the branch and complete it to the tip. I think it will create some nice heavy colas.💪
The structure of Plant 1 is less linear. 2 or 3 branches made space in height and compete with the mainline.
While Plant 2 has a more homogeneous structure, each branch has found the right place to mature.👍
This week I stopped fertilizer for growth and concentrated on flowers.
It's a fantastic plant! with a beautiful structure and an exotic scent, which I had never heard before. 😲Amazing !!!
Even this time it's all friends.
Stay with us to learn more about this R-Cookies.👍
Thank you all for watching🙏, good week and happy growing🌱🌱🌱
@Master_weeda,Hi friend Unfortunately I had problems with this cookie because I didn't have light soil, I had to germinate in a soil that had already been wounded by me. and in doing so I sent the seedling block to the roots ... Damn !!! Have a look also at my other creations GG is a Bomb. Thank you friend and may the force be with you too !!!
Your plants look great. Very nice job.
I am growing the same strain and you previously commented on mine so I thought I'd repay the favor.
One of my younger ones looks quite similar to yours but younger, they grow very well without intense training. I hope it has bud sites like yours soon.
Keep up the good work!!! 👍