
2 AK47, 2nd grow

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 10, 10
weeks 10, 10-14, 16-17
weeks 12-14, 16-17
Grow medium
114 L
Pot Size
2 L
Custom Breeder & Strain
Growing it
buds could be a lot fatter mainly the calyxes, smells beautiful hard to describe what it smells like though is not a common weed smell. it does have A LOT of sweet leaves fulled with trichomes not sure if that was down to nutes or strain related. smoke is slightly hash but not a nutrient harsh more like an intense smoke harsh tastes good though. super sticky. super crystaly. good yield. small plant got 194 grams larger got 358.
The Outcome
Week 27
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
Number of plants harvested
g / plant
Tastes like
Feels like
65% Sativa 35% Indica

Positive effects


Negative effects

Dry mouth
Reviews. Nutrient
pretty awesome line, a&b seems to keep them fed well, no major deficiencies maybe a slight sulfur deficiency and slight cal/mag, was pretty cheap root nector, so much small roots guessing it did something no real way i can tell though id say it did help though and i believe it was one of the cheaper of the line bud burst, this one i think was money pretty well spent a lot more flowering sites (calyxes) than i think youd get without it (on website states this is what its for ass long as increase in size and density if i remember properly) crystalic, pretty sure this stuff does a pretty good job at increasing essential oil production (what website states its for) also i think it increases trichome production as well believe it also helped with making the buds super sticky and quite strong
meh meh grow did alright no deficiencies is hard to find a good amount to use at a time though calmax didnt really use it much although i should of because think they had a cal/mag deficiency cos centre of stalks were hollow
meh did really use much so no review
definitely did something right, clear increase in size after using at the high dose within two days im guessing buds are about 1/3 bigger than what they would be if i hadnt used this but again no real way to tell
hard to tell with this one but its full of good shit so om gonna say it helped
Commented by
GreenBean GreenBean
5 years ago
awesome ressults. could of been better if weather held out a bit longer just cos of risk of mold and getting powdery mildew. amazed with results huge harvest of awesome smoke was slightly harsh but guess thats just the downfalls of using salt based nutes, definitely would use again.
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Grow Questions
GreenBeanstarted grow question 5 years ago
leaves seem a bit dark green have cut down nitrogen and theres a good amount of phosphorus and new growth is pretty purple and stems are very purple im pretty sure its something to do with feeding, are plants still missing something? or should i just leave them and see what comes
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
Eryananswered grow question 5 years ago
Your leaves are beautiful, they look absolutely fine to me. Since you don't give a PPM or EC amount, it's hard to say if you are possibly overfeeding, although 15 ml/L of nutrients seems potentially excessive. The purple stems look to me like a natural, healthy type of purple. They've been purple from the very beginning it looks like. As a plant goes deeper into flower, colors can deepen or change. We also don't know from where/who this strain comes from. If it's just bag seed, or seed from a plant which you crossed, it's quite likely the purple is simply due to genetics. If the purple stems are actually unhealthy, it's most likely due to OVERfeeding or nutrient lockout, not that there isn't enough phosphorus in the soil. Get a device which can measure the EC/PPM values of water, and then you can check to see what the EC value was of the solution you've been giving them (by mixing up some new solution). Additionally you can measure the EC value of water runoff from the container, to get an idea of how much salts are in your soil.
GreenBeanstarted grow question 5 years ago
edges of leaves are a blackish tint
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Black or grey
MovingOnanswered grow question 5 years ago
Looks like you are seeing the "fall colors" that leaves start showing later on in flowering. It is normal, and sometimes leaves get very colorful when temperatures are low at night. Some strains and phenos change more than others, some don't change at all, and some change even when the temps at night aren't low.

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Lovemabudcommentedweek 255 years ago
Looking really good mate, I think she still needs another 1 - 2 weeks
Eryancommented5 years ago
@GreenBean, I think they need about another week too now. The one right next to your fence especially looks like it's close the verge of being 'ready'. If you're real worried about it being stolen or something though, you can also always do a partial harvest, and then compare it with a final harvest when it's fully done, to see if you have a preference on the harvest date. And also provide some 'insurance' :)
GreenBeancommented5 years ago
@Lovemabud, cool cheers mate ill give them as long as i can, lil worried about them getting stolen and the smell though.
MagicMancommentedweek 245 years ago
Are you sure shes ready? Looks like she coukd go for a while longer to me?
GreenBeancommented5 years ago
hmm weird, last year i do recall its hairs turning amber rather quickly and thought i had actually missed the right day due to not checking it frequently enough and that harvest last year was on the 22nd of march same strain as well and i dont believe it is a strain that gets to much more bulkier as similar stuff i smoked looked about the same without big dense nugs. also trichomes on the calyxes are definitely mostly milky if not all. possibly could just be my not to good photography skills cos when i look most of the old hairs have turned brown and the white ones are mostly from what has just popped up. i also had a try of one of the more ripened buds and i wouldnt describe it as a racey head high as whats associated with premature weed but more of a gentle "stone" happy and quite relaxed. anyway ill definitely give it at least a whole more week and go from there.
MagicMancommented5 years ago
@Eryan, i agree....its still growing fresh white pistils and not showing signs of finishing up like yellowing fan leaves. I think if you leave it another 3 weeks or so you will be very happy!
Eryancommented5 years ago
@GreenBean, I personally have to agree with @MagicMan. She doesn't look like she'll be ready in 5-10 days tbh. Some of the hairs are curling in, but those buds look like they could fatten up a LOT more. Amber trichomes on sugar leaves don't matter, only trichomes on actual buds are what you should be looking at. My best guess would be still 2 weeks left at least...maybe 4.
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Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 105 years ago
May want to try a little magnesium bro
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
@GreenBean, reason that I comment on mg is that I had red leaves on one of my grow. The strain had diesel genetic and was sensitive to fertilizer. At first I was sure that it was just phosphate defieciency. So I kept adding. And I got burnt stunted plant with still red leaves. This genetic can not take much fertilizer at all. So the second suspect was magnesium. And that fixed the problem fairly quickly. Please try a little at a time. I hope your growth is better than mine.
GreenBeancommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, thanks, i'll try upping dose next week :)
Eryancommentedweek 275 years ago
Excellent, she looks pretty much ready. Maybe a couple more days like you said :) Beautiful mixture of purple in there CAREFUL FOR WHAT LOOKS LIKE POWDERY MILDEW ON THE LEAVES IN PHOTO 6! You might need to chop ASAP and isolate any branches with signs of powdery mildew.
GreenBeancommented5 years ago
@Eryan, yea lucky there isn't to much of it, it's just on a small amount of the leaves and small mugs that didn't get any sun
Denzulcommentedweek 275 years ago
So many beautiful buds. Fantastic work. Not sure what I'm more jelouse of the lovely ladies or the sweet out door grow.
GreenBeancommented5 years ago
@Denzul, cheers mate :)
Denzulcommentedweek 265 years ago
Oh baby is that a beautiful sight. An amazing canopy. And gorgouse buds. Fat frosty and colorful. Truly fantastic. Spectacular work. Keep doing whatever you have been doing and may the ganja garden gods bless you with good fortunes till the end.
ShotGunBobcommentedweek 265 years ago
Looking good💚😊 check my grows out if you like.
Lovemabudcommentedweek 245 years ago
Looks really good mate
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 225 years ago
Going great mate 👍
Moderngrower98commentedweek 225 years ago
Beautiful grow brother I got 4 ak going atm two hydro and 2 soil I hope they come out that nice.
Shooeycommentedweek 225 years ago
That there is a beauty mate,, well done
Eryancommentedweek 225 years ago
Looking great but you -may- want to give a -bit- of nitrogen to the one with the yellowing leaves towards bottom. Minimum dose though probably.
MagicMancommentedweek 195 years ago
Still looking top notch!
MagicMancommentedweek 185 years ago
She's a beauty mate!
MagicMancommentedweek 175 years ago
Looking amazing! Good luck and I hope the bugs stay awa.
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommentedweek 155 years ago
Beautiful Plants ...
ROM101commentedweek 135 years ago
Beautiful plants they look super healthy and happy!! Nice work👍👍
Myrcellacommentedweek 65 years ago
Sehen toll aus deine Schnellfeuergewehre 😀, - gesund und glücklich ! Beste Grüße 😀 Myrcella
mopar420commentedweek 15 years ago
Hi it looks like you may be watering to often and maybe a cal/mag or p/k problem. Cheers. Oh and 18 hours of light I hope that 13 was a mistake unless you are outside.
GreenBeancommented5 years ago
@mopar420, hey had a bit of a rainy week but thanks ill give them a good feed, and yep am outside
DoDrugs420commentedweek 273 years ago
You rock that AK-47 i love it.