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5 years ago
Mars Eco 300 Light Emitting Diodes/115W
Mars Eco 300
2x55w 9500k Fluorescent/110W
2x55w 9500k
2x55 2100k - 9760lm Fluorescent/110W
2x55 2100k - 9760lm
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
7 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
3 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
250 PPM
60 %
20 °C
22 °C
24 °C
7 L
0 L
28 cm
Nutrients 18
Natural protein feed for pets 1 mll
Pine bark 1 mll
Peat blonde 1 mll
• This is my first indoor growing Indoor 100% organic cultivation of: SUPER OG KUSH AUTO - PYRAMID SEEDS & Auto Frodo´s Kush - FREESOUL • Indoor Dimensions: 60x38x126cm. • Lights: I start with two fluorescent 55w and 9500k • Electric power: 110w. • The seeds germinated on September 12, they did in Jiffys moistened in one of homemade auxins diluted in spring water. • Two days after germination I put the jiffy in the final pot: Air Max 7l. • The pot substrate is a custom formula in three layers for autoflowering, consisting of 22 elements, 100% organic and 2 layers of padding. The ingredients above are those of the substrate. • The first irrigation (800ml) after transplantation is done with honey and sulfur-free molasses diluted in spring water. • The SUPER OG KUSH variety has a phenotype with genetic spots, two colors on the leaves • Potentiated rooting with homemade powdered auxins mixed in the substrate of the upper-middle part of the pot.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
5 cm
24 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
250 PPM
60 %
20 °C
23 °C
25 °C
7 L
0 L
25 cm
• I include a mini humidifier and spray the plants with water to achieve a relative humidity of at least 60% • There is no irrigation this week. The average daily water consumption per pot is 40ml.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
7 cm
24 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
250 PPM
60 %
20 °C
23 °C
25 °C
7 L
0 L
23 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Red Bean Auxins 50 mll
• 500ml Homemade auxins diluted in spring water. • Good appearance of plants and short internodes.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 cm
24 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
850 PPM
50 %
20 °C
24 °C
25 °C
7 L
0 L
15 cm
Nutrients 1
Homemade Red Bean Auxins 5 mll
• Two irrigations in the week of 250ml each with auxins and spring water. • I add a 60x30cm LED side panel with 3720lm and 4000k to increase the color spectrum in the red zone. • Electric power: 142w • On the 27th day of cultivation Frodo's Kush declares his sex. • SUPER OG KUSH It is a more compact plant with very short internode. 4th week: 14cm high.
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
31 cm
24 hrs
30 °C
No Smell
700 PPM
48 %
20 °C
25 °C
24 °C
7 L
0 L
10 cm
Nutrients 4
Sulfur free molasses 6 mll
Fishmeal 18 mll
Rain Water 700 mll
• On day 33 of grow I add an LED panel of 2700k, 3720Lm and 32w of power to increase spectrum and photons to the indoor. • Two fluorescent 55w and 9500k. 1 Led panel 4000k a 32w. 1 Led Panel 2700k a 32w • Electric power: 174w. • The two plants have grown this week 11cm. • Frodo's Kush starts the preflora on day 27 of cultivation. Super Og Kush on day 31 • On the 31st day of cultivation I defoliate the oldest leaves of the lower part of the plant. • I also do an apical grip on Frodo's Kush because it is much taller than Super OG Hush (24cm) and to enhance the growth of the long lateral branches. I hope this pruning has not done too late. This week I made 3 risks: 1) 400ml: Bacillus and mycorrhizae with molasses and spring water. 2) 350ml Rain water. 3) 350ml Rainwater with fishmeal 5-20-0 Increase the maximum amount of potted water to 900ml.
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
34 cm
24 hrs
31 °C
No Smell
360 PPM
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
24 °C
7 L
0 L
5 cm
Nutrients 8
Organic molasses 12 mll
Bat Guano 16 mll
Homemade Auxins 4 mll
The plants have gone into bloom. The Super OG Kush has stopped growth after apical pruning, but is still very healthy. Frodos Kush has grown 8 cm this week, it is not much but it looks robust, the secondary branches begin to appear between the leaves. I would like this plant to grow at least up to 50 cm, if I observe that it continues to grow slowly I will change, this week, the 9500k fluoride for a warmer one hoping to get more height in this plant, • Two fluorescent 55w (7600lm) 9500k & 6000k. 1 CFL lamp 105w 5500lm 2100k. 1 Led Panel 2700k - 32w (3720lm). 1 Tled bar full spectrum blooming 26w 2050lm • Electric power: 268w. • Total Lumens: 18870 • On day 36 I add on the surface 2.5g / u of: Azomite, Mealfrass and Beer Yeast. • I do 3 irrigations this week by diluting the different elements in water, starting with auxins and enzymes, the second and third irrigation with Bat Guano and molasses. Always with rainwater. • The average level of EC is 0.7. PH: 6.1 • On day 38, I exchanged a 9500k fluorescent for a 6000k fluorescent to add reds to the spectrum and continue to maintain the 9500k blue fluor spectrum until growth stops. • On day 39 I change the 4000k Led panel for another 2700k. • On day 40 I change a led panel of 32w (3720lm) and 2700k by 1 CFL Lamp 105w (5500lm) of 2100k to provide photons and deep reds to the spectrum. • On the 42nd I add 26w Tled bar (2050lm) with full spectrum for flowering and includes infrared. • I also prune the larger leaves of the two plants to get more light inside the plants.
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
37 cm
20 hrs
30 °C
560 PPM
45 %
20 °C
25 °C
24 °C
7 L
0 L
12 cm
Nutrients 10
Organic molasses 10 mll
Bat Guano 16 mll
Homemade Auxins 4 mll
---Several comments after 7 weeks.--- Many points of burned leaves have begun to appear, I think it is excess potassium in a leaf irrigation that I made to the plants, consequently I will only water with water. In addition I am thinking that I should fertilize less since the substrate of the pots is very enriched. How long can nutrients last in a pot? The plants look healthy but small but with enough tails that I hope to gain weight. I greatly lengthened the time of the 9500K fluorescent (day 35) with full blue spectro, favored the creation of lateral branches and rooted but I would have liked more height. I must add red spectrum and lower the blue to 50% from day 20 at least. I also believe that I exceeded defoliation, the plants had a break and being automatic they have no recovery time, I hope that the greater exposure to the tail light compensates. It was a mistake to do apical pruning at Frodo's Kush, this plant promised a lot of size, although I have achieved the goal of matching the two in height. Super Og Kush was always smaller, with a shorter internode, its growth has now stopped, the color of the leaves has been matched but it maintains a permanent decay in the leaves, which has nothing to do with temperature, lights or nutrients , I don't know, I guess it will be a phenotype thing. • I have included some photos with the process of creating powdered auxins. --- this week--- • I have tied and opened the lateral branches to improve the entry of light and get vertical tails. • In the middle of the week I have lowered daylight hours to 20/4 • The risks have been varied and focused mainly on the contribution of Phosphorus, to continue strengthening the root system, with some potassium: seaweed tea with azomite, fruit tea with bone meal, be guano with auxins and molasses, bat guano with Brewer's yeast and finally an irrigation with rainwater and enzymes. I have made enough changes in the lights to increase the red spectrum, etc.: • I raise the upper fluorescent 5 cm • I have also gradually changed the upper fluorescents originally 9500Kx2, after 6000-9500K / 6000-6000K / 6000-2700K / 2700-2700k and I start this new week with 2700-2100k, to finish in 2100-2100k • Removal, by heat, the new bulb: CFL 105w - 2100k by a 300w Led panel with Full Spectrum and IR. • Two fluorescent 55w (9680lm)2700k & 2100k. 1 Led Panel 2700k - 32w (3720lm). 1 Tled bar full spectrum blooming 26w 2050lm. 1 Panel Led full spectrum 300w • Electric power: 283w. • Total Lumens: 18784
Grow Questions
deFharostarted grow question 5 years ago
The last photos of this week show the burned tips on both floors. I think it can be an excess of potassium. Can anyone shed any light? Thank you
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 5 years ago
It’s definitely over feeding. You should give them only water for 2-3 weeks or give them a good flush if it doesn’t stop and keep spreading. In soil, nutrients gets used up after 3 weeks approximately. When the EC of the media gets too high it turns into hypertonic condition ( and pH start to drop dangerously ), the plant start to reverse her fluids to dilute the roots zone to turn it back into a hypotonic condition to balance the fluids exchange. This is why your tips gets dried and burned !
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
39 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
450 PPM
45 %
20 °C
24 °C
23 °C
7 L
0 L
10 cm
Nutrients 2
Seaweed and azomite tea 5 mll
Atazyme - ATAMI
Atazyme 2 mll
After the scare last week from the tips of the burned leaves, it seems that the plants have recovered normally. I was happy with the drainage of the pots. After doing a root wash with 4.5l of water, I recovered 3l on the plate. The aerated substrate with coconut fiber, sheep's wool, river sand and perlite is giving very good results with irrigation. The 3l recovered from the pots have an EC of 4.6. Can this water be used for irrigation? This week I watered with rainwater and enzymes and the last irrigation with a seaweed tea and azomite to provide minerals and give energy to the plants. This next week after another irrigation with water I will return to fertilize with a low EC, and then increase in subsequent watering. • I have added a CFL bulb of 105w (5500lm) and 2100k to the closet • Two fluorescent 55w (9760lm)2100k & 2100k. 1 Led Panel 2700k - 32w (3720lm). 1 Tled bar full spectrum blooming 26w 2050lm. 1 Panel Led full spectrum 115w. CFL bulb of 105w (5500lm) 2100k. • Electric power: 388w. • Total Lumens: 24364
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
41 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
600 PPM
40 %
20 °C
24 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
10 cm
Nutrients 6
Seaweed and azomite tea 5 mll
Leonardite custom hydrolate 10 mll
molasses 5 mll
Plants follow their fattening normally. They have completely recovered from excess potassium and their tails progress vigorously. • This week I have continued to rain water with seaweed and azomite to give it vigor and some potassium. I bring phosphorus with fishmeal, • I have added 6g of Montmorillonite, 2g of micronized kaolin and 2g of pumice powder on the surface. I use minerals to provide all kinds of secondary minerals. • Two fluorescent 55w (9760lm)2100k & 2100k. 1 Led Panel 2700k - 32w (3720lm). 1 Tled bar full spectrum blooming 26w 2050lm. 1 Panel Led full spectrum 115w. CFL bulb of 105w (5500lm) 2100k. • Electric power: 388w. • Total Lumens: 24364
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
42 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
565 PPM
35 %
20 °C
24 °C
20 °C
7 L
0 L
8 cm
Nutrients 7
Seaweed and azomite tea 3 mll
Leonardite custom hydrolate 10 mll
molasses 3 mll
The plants remain healthy and very compact. The tails continue to gain weight 2 weeks after the end of the harvest. This next week I will water with a homemade broth of humic and fulvic acids extracted from Leonardite and enriched with minerals, bone meal, ash and auxins. Alternate watering with molasses and enzymes. Rake and surface add dry leaves of Sage to Frodos Kush and Romero to Super OG Kush. Will they affect terpenes? ================== Formula for 3 liters of potassium humate (Humic and Fulvic Acids) enriched with minerals. • The ingredients are weighed as it appears in the photos. • I mix the ingredients with rainwater. • In a separate container, I dilute potassium hydroxide in water. • I add it little by little to the mineral mixture. • I stir it 2 times a day for 3 days. • At the end of 3 days you are ready to use, filter and store the resulting liquid in a cool, dark place. • This mixture can be stored for years. • At the end with the EC measurement I will know the mixing proportions for irrigation.
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
42 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
780 PPM
40 %
20 °C
22 °C
19 °C
7 L
0 L
6 cm
Nutrients 8
molasses 2 mll
Bean water 50 mll
Fish flour 50 mll
• The buds have not stopped getting fat all week, they are very hard and fragrant. • The yellowing of the oldest leaves in Frodo's Kush begins. • I have made the last 3 risks by adding homemade Ormus from the Cantabrian Sea. • I maintain the same level of humidity in the pots, I do not allow them to fall below 50%. Watering every day to recover consumption, plants eat every day. • This week I will continue the fertilization with the leachate that I obtained from the pot itself 3 weeks ago with the washing of roots with rainwater, this has an EC of 4.5 and an impressive golden color. I continue adding organic molasses to all irrigation and alternate in irrigation my extract of humic acids and minerals. • I have removed the CFL 2100k 105w and replaced it with a COB LED projector from 50w to 4000k. The light of the latter is much more powerful and penetrates better on the sides of the plants with less consumption, in addition I have achieved greater cooling, lowering the temperature 5 degrees less. I will use the CFL as support in flowering of my other indoor. • Now the electricity consumption is at 333w. And five lighting systems with diverse spectra for flowering. 22864lm.
1 comment
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
42 cm
20 hrs
25 °C
815 PPM
44 %
20 °C
23 °C
16 °C
7 L
0 L
5 cm
Nutrients 10
molasses 2 mll
Bean water 50 mll
Ormus 15 mll
• 84 days from seed germination. • The flowers on both plants continue to produce white pistils, intensely. • The tails are hard as stones and the smell is exquisite. The trichomes begin to shine. The stems do not need turores, despite the great weight of the tails, the contribution of silicon and especially the compact morphology of this crop have helped. • Frodo's Kush has a huge apical tail that I can't reach with both hands. The rest of the queues, huge too. • Interestingly it is developing new apices in flowers are similar to fox tails. • Only Frodo's Kush gives some symptom of nitrogen depletion in some of the older leaves. • Organic slow-release protein components continue to supply nitrogen and the plant's intelligence is responsible for administering it in its diet. • Personally get depressed, seeing the plants age their leaves intensely and prematurely. • The end result, for me, also goes through a healthy vegetable aesthetic. • Super OG Kush has shown slower growth, you may not need as many nutrients as the other. • For irrigation I continue making soluble broths, alternating elements in each composition. • But when will both stop growing? The truth is that at the rate in which they go they can delay whatever they want. Until next week. • I would very much like to share knowledge and experiences of organic farming. For my part, willing to answer any question. Salud!😎
Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
- Frodo's is from the Free Soul seed bank. - It's a mixture of OG Kush and a Moroccan Bildia.
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Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
444 g
Bud wet weight per plant
110 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Earthy, Nutty, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
- I have harvested it 94 days from seed. - It has been a very vigorous plant from the first moment. I had to apply a FIM pruning on day 31 to match the height with the other plant that at that time was 10cm. less. In the end the heights were matched. But the apical pruning in Frodo's caused an excessive growth of all the buds of the plant, the head was much larger than my fist. - All the nutrients I have used in my crop have been made by me with organic raw materials, except atazime. - The last week of irrigation I have done with 1.1 EC and only with seaweed hydrolyzate, molasses, ormus and enzymes. - Overall satisfied with the final green weight and my first indoor crop. - Weight in green and manicured 444g, the buds are hard as rocks and the smell is very intense. - The potting soil is drying and I will use half of it for the new crop, adding some nutrients. The pine bark padding is also reserved for new pots, the bark is loaded with nutrients from the previous waterings and will gradually release with the new watering in the new pots. - The padding inferior to the pine bark, composed of blond peat has fulfilled its function perfectly, the roots are healthy and very populated just below this padding. For the new padding I plan to also use the dry leaves of pruning and manicure today, I want to reproduce the natural cycle of nutrient transfer of the plant: First the plant welcomes nutrients from the earth and then the dried and old leaves pass through their nutrients to the earth ... and start over 😍 - Now it is time to dry slowly and ripen in glass jars, this process will last at least 45 days, then I will smoke a few cigarettes of laughter and make my comments on that aspect. Greetings to all 😀
Equipment Reviews
Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Slow growth and low odor. Very elegant plant structure.
Show more
Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
372 g
Bud wet weight per plant
87 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Earthy, Sweet, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
- I have harvested it 94 days from seed. - It is an elegant and delicate plant at the same time, with a soft smell and many trichomes. I think you don't need many nutrients. The buds are fat and hard. The growth was slow but in flowering it behaved very well. He grew very compact, like his cultivation partner. - All the nutrients I have used in my crop have been made by me with organic raw materials, except atazime. - The last week of irrigation I have done with 1.1 EC and only with seaweed hydrolyzate, molasses, ormus and enzymes. - Overall satisfied, although last week I had a mishap with the apical bud, half dried and I cut it 4 days before harvest. The problem was not fungi or worms, rather I think the flowers of that part withered, the rest of the buds grew without problems. - Weight in green and manicured 346g. - The potting soil is drying and I will use half of it for the new crop, adding some nutrients. The pine bark padding is also reserved for new pots, the bark is loaded with nutrients from the previous waterings and will gradually release with the new watering in the new pots. - The padding inferior to the pine bark, composed of blond peat has fulfilled its function perfectly, the roots are healthy and very populated just below this padding. For the new padding I plan to also use the dry leaves of pruning and manicure today, I want to reproduce the natural cycle of nutrient transfer of the plant: First the plant welcomes nutrients from the earth and then the dried and old leaves pass through their nutrients to the earth ... and start over :) - Now it is time to dry slowly and ripen in glass jars, this process will last at least 45 days, then I will smoke a few cigarettes of laughter and make my comments on that aspect. Greetings to all 😏
1 comment
Equipment Reviews


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deFharocommentedweek 105 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS Formula for 3 liters of potassium humate (Humic and Fulvic Acids) enriched with minerals.
deFharocommentedweek 15 years ago
deFharocommentedweek 75 years ago
Thanks to @ B4RNS for the accuracy of your response. I immediately watered my plants with my last rainwater and spring (ec: 0.15 - PH: 6.3) 2.2l / u. The water drained on the plate has given me an EC of 6.0 !! and PH: 7.4, after the fourth irrigation I have managed to lower the EC in half and in super og kush the ec has remained at 1.6. I will continue this week watering only with water. I recovered the dishes 2.5 liters of water charged with organic nutrients, this water reserve for watering my flowers.
Wind_Weedcommentedweek 138 months ago
complimenti ottimo lavoro
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 75 years ago
great explanation, i would love to see some pics of all these feeds lol 👊
deFharocommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Formula for 3 liters of potassium humate (Humic and Fulvic Acids) enriched with minerals.
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@defharo, thank you 🙏 so much man, it's artful 👌
deFharocommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I have included a small guide and photos to make auxin powder. :)
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 65 years ago
really cool approach ! what's in the homemade auxins though? 🚀
deFharocommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Hello, I have made homemade auxins germinating red beans, beating later with rainwater, filtering the bulk, resting a couple of days, removing the excess water (irrigation) and finally drying the grounds in the sun until it turns into dust. With this powder I root cuttings, germinate seeds and diluted in water I use it for irrigation, I have also included a few grams in the upper middle part of the pot. Regards
GreenISRcommentedweek 115 years ago
Wow looking good
Ferenccommentedweek 15 years ago
Nice one! Good Luck! @defharo
the end.
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