So a really horrible thing happened with this plant and i ended up snapping the main stem because of a forced lst it already had a little cut in it and i tried to bend it again and it straight up snapped really rookie error but thankfully the plant is still going and two nodes under it became the new main stem. Will definitely take dinafems advice and reduce the EC abit more as i recently did notice some nute burn on it . But yeah pretty bummed about losing the mainstem he was growing really well :(
Good call on dropping the e.c down mate 👍
1.2ec was quite high for just 2 weeks in and I think 1.0 is still a little high my friend. I would drop to 0.8 and increase as needed 👍
Good luck with the grow my friend 🤘
Let's see what you can do with our White widow XXL Auto 🤗
All the best ✌️
Just going of the pictures and the leaf fade I can see I would say another 14 day's and it will be harvest time mate 👍
Looking great in here 🤗
All the best ✌️