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5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
October 20th, Day 1 - germinated seeds planted, Day 1 counting from planting the seed into the coco. I will try to be precise as possible for everyone’s sake. I’m using a mix of nutrients. Im also trying to run as much organics as possible. I started by using: 7L (roughly) coco 9L air pots. I mixed a 250ml pot of EWC (earth worm castings) and 120ml of dry Charge from Eco-thrive (insect frass). I planted the seeds straight into the large pot and have been watering everyday with varied amounts. Started my soaking the entire coco @ 12:00pm Watered 3L: 2.5ml/L formulex, 0.5ml/L More roots. Then planted seeds. (Forgot to adjust PH. run off PH6.0 EC was 1.0 didn’t add Calmag do this next time) TNC Mycorr Max In seed hole (beneficial inoculant) _________________________ 21st, Day 2 - Sprayed with plain water PH6.2 Started 3 more seed just encase I lose one _________________________ 22nd, Day 3 - Sprayed with plain water _________________________ 23rd, Day 4 - Sprayed with plain water _________________________ 24th, Day 5 - Feeding smaller amounts 120ml of: 1ml/L Formulex, Calmag _________________________ 25th, Day 6 - 10am Fed: 120ml of 1ml/L Rhizo, 1ml/L Calmag. EC500 PH6.2 11:30pm Fed: 120ml of 1ml/L Rhizotonic, 1ml/L Calmag _________________________ 26th, Day 7 - 10am Fed 3L each pot: 1ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Formulex, 0.5ml/L Rhizotonic & 1tsp of MycorrMax EC600 PH6.0 Make Spray - Silicon, Calmag, Voodoo Juice
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
Nutrients 3
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1 mll
Cogo’s Original Cannabis Formula Part A - Cogo's Original
Cogo’s Original Cannabis Formula Part A 1 mll
More Roots - Green Buzz Nutrients
More Roots 2 mll
November 2nd Day 14 - Pictures taken. Below is a report from week 1 to week 2 feeding amounts and times, to be as precise as possible. _________________________ October 27th, Day 8 - Spraying multiple times with: 0.5ml/L Silicon Max, 0.5ml/L Calmag, 1ml/L Voodoo Juice, gental soap. EC600 PH6.2 _________________________ 28th, Day 9 9pm Fed 2L each pot: 1ml/L Calmag, 2ml/L More roots. EC700 PH5.8 (run off EC300 PH6.7 _________________________ 29th, Day 10 9pm Fed same as yesterday PH adjusted down to 5.8 again. _________________________ 30th, Day 11 9pm: 1ml/L Calmag, 2m/L More Roots, 1ml/L Canna Coco A&B EC1000 PH6.0 _________________________ 31st, Day 12 7pm: Same as yesterday, adjusted PH to 6.0 _________________________ November 1st, Day 13 Didn’t feed today.... Started by filtering 12L tap water > added 12 drops of eco-thrive Neutralize > Waited for water to heat to 18c > added MycorrMax Hydro 2tsp & 20ml Rhizotonic. Separated 3L from this batch for NUTRIENT feed today. 10pm Added 1tbsp Molasses & 1/2 cup of EWC will leave now for 24hrs Seperated 3L from tea mixture added 10ml Canna A&B EC1.4 PH5.9 _________________________ 2nd, Day 14 11am: fed the 1L to each plant of the first tea batch plus Canna 1ml/L Coco A&B >>>> EC1.4 PH5.9 11pm Feed 3L from tea to each plant mixture added 1ml/L Canna A&B EC1.4 PH5.9
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
Nutrients 6
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 2 mll
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.2 mll
November 4th Day 16 - Looking good IMO I was a little worried as always when your babies are growing. I’m most confident in soil as it’s so easy to just water and wait till the stuff drys out. Getting your head in coco after soil grows is like wtf! I’m in straight 100% coco with 250ml worm casting and 120ml Frass. I’ve watered every day and they just keep growing lol _________________________ 4th November Fed 9pm: Canna Calmag 0.25ml/L, Silicon max 0.5ml/L, More roots 1ml/L, Rhizotonic 1ml/L, 2ml/L Coco A&B EC1.2 PH5.9
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 hrs
21 °C
400 PPM
9 L
Nutrients 7
CalMag Agent - Canna
CalMag Agent 0.5 mll
Silicon MAX - Vitalink
Silicon MAX 0.5 mll
More Roots - Green Buzz Nutrients
More Roots 2 mll
November 10th, Day 22 This ammo plant is surprisingly taking to LST pretty well, I’d say better than the Purple Lemonade. I’ve found it common for purple plants to try and reject LST 9am: Week start Fertigated 2.5L total. First 1.5L to wet the coco then another 1L to soak it with nice run off, next water will be 36 hours later at 9pm on the 11th. I waited a little too long between watering 3 days is too much. Also I’ve moved the fan from blowing directly on the canopy. It was also 10% RH at the canopy 24hrs light on so that’s why leaves looking dry. I’ve changed to 20/4 will use heater on a timer during lights off. This feed 0.4EC cal mag, SiliconMax 0.5ml/L, More Roots 2ml/L, Grow Liquid 1ml/L, Humic acid plus 2ml/L, Growzyme 1ml/L EC0.8 PH5.9 Recalibrated ph pen. It was off 0.2> so my feeds have been a little low in PH so far. I have to calibrate every week now to be safe. I’m trying a method that I have thought about considering I’m using organic based nutrients I want to add my own brewed tea with some time tested ingredients. High P bat guano, insect frass, Earth worm castings basically a microforna poop tea. __________________________________ November 11th Day 23, 9pm: CalMag 0.5ml/L, More Roots 1ml/L, Grow Liquid 0.2ml/L, Humic Acid Plus 1ml/L, Growzyme 1ml/L. EC0.6 PH6.0 __________________________________ November 13th Day 25, 11am: Fed plants 1.5L each, Made up a Fresh nutrient mix: CalMag 0.2ml/L, More Roots 1ml/L, Grow Liquid 0.5ml/L, Humic Acid Plus 2ml/L, Growzyme 1ml/L. EC0.9 PH6.2
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
20 hrs
21 °C
700 PPM
9 L
Nutrients 7
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.33 mll
Silicon MAX - Vitalink
Silicon MAX 0.5 mll
Organic Grow Liquid - Green Buzz Nutrients
Organic Grow Liquid 1.5 mll
Just trying to get the feeds dialled in. This girl has had some issues especially. Looks like K deficiency. Not sure if it’s from lock out... have been feeding light tbh, and heavy on Calmag so could well be lockout. Things moving forward👍🏼 __________________________________________ November 16th 11am: Calmag 0.5ml/L, More Roots 1ml/L, Humic Acid Plus 1.5ml/L, Growzyme 1ml/L, Bloom Liquid 1.5ml/L, Grow Liquid 1ml/L, Silicon Max 0.5ml/L, EC1.4 PH5.9 @18c __________________________________________ November 17th, Day 28 Made tea 6pm: 2g living organic, 5g Guanokalong, 1tbsp Molasses bubbling. > from that tea took 3L (EC0.575 )added: 0.5ml/L Sensi Cal-Mag (NPK 4-0-0 I’m trying to to overfeed N but at the same time I want to make sure I am feeding enough... EC0.9) > 2ml/L More Roots, 1ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid EC1.4 PH5.8@16c __________________________________________ November 18th, Day 29 3pm: 2L each plant, all nutrients today added to final guano Tea: 0.5ml Hydroguard, 0.33ml/L Calmag xtra, 0.33ml/L Grow Liquid, 1.5ml/L Humic Acid Plus, Growzyme & Bloom Liquid. EC1.4 PH5.9 __________________________________________ November 19th, Day 30: Moving lights up keeping the hood 20 inches from canopy. Bulb is 22 inch till stretch is over then it will stay at 18 inch. Measured from top of pot @9am Purple 16cm, Ammo 14cm, NYCD 12 __________________________________________ November 20th, Day 31: 11am, 1ml/L Sensi CalMag, 0.5ml/L Grow Liquid, 0.5ml/L Hydroguard, 1.5ml/L More Roots, 1.5ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1.5ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, 0.5ml/L Silicon Max to get to PH5.9, EC1.5 __________________________________________ 21st, Day 32 3pm: To the left overs of the mix yesterday which smells like pure earth... I added 2.5L cold fresh water. > To that added: 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Humic Acid, 1ml/L Bloom Liquid. 1ml/L Grow Liquid EC1.4 PH5.8 @18c __________________________________________ November 22nd, Day 33: 12:00: Bubbling 1g Liquid Organics, 5g Guanokalong powder, 5g Charge Frass, 1tbsp Molasses EC450 > @2pm I separated 3L to feed 1L each plant today and added: 0.5ml/L Calmag, 1ml/L Hydroguard, 2ml/L Grow Liquid, 1.5ml/L Bloom Liquid, 0.5ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 0.5ml/L SiliconMax, EC1.8 PH5.8 (Next feed in 24hrs will be lower EC more Volume to get nice run off)
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
19 hrs
21 °C
700 PPM
9 L
Nutrients 7
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 mll
Silicon MAX - Vitalink
Silicon MAX 0.5 mll
Organic Grow Liquid - Green Buzz Nutrients
Organic Grow Liquid 1.5 mll
Update: now into week 6. My overall run this time has NOT been good :( I have found a few balls on her right down low by the soil ironically... on her first few branches. I feel I have messed up on a few things all is not lost but still. They’re much much smaller and weaker than I was hoping for. I guess the stunting is from being overwatered in the sense that I didn’t let the media dry at a young age. They were growing at an average rate. Not the rapid growth I expected from the last time I ran these nutrients it was insanely fast growth. My Aim is to dial in my current setup and environment to get the best results with coco next time or I’m hitting it on the head so to speak. I just added a dose of Sensi ca/mag Xtra at full strength 2ml/L and I feel the yellow tips have been resolved from that. There was some serious yellowing of the tips of the leaves and edges coming all plants were displaying at fists I upped the feed but the amnesia lady has been giving me hassle. I also upped PH to 6.0 November 26th, Day 36: 3pm: 2ml/L Calmag, (EC900) 1ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Humic acid plus, 1ml/L growzyme, 1.5ml/L Liquid Bloom, EC1.3 PH6.0 @20c __________________________________________ 27th, Day 38 3pm 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1.5ml/L Bloom Liquid, 1ml/L More PK, 1ml/L Big Fruits PH6.0 EC1.5 @18c __________________________________________ 28th Day 39 7am: More nirn on ammo Flushed with 5L, 1ml/L Bloom liquid EC0.8 PH5.8 __________________________________________ 29th, Day 40📍 8am: 0.2ml/L SiliconMAX, 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 1ml/L Big Fruits, 1.5ml/L Bloom Liquid, 0.5ml/L More PK. EC 1.3 PH5.9 no adjustment needed. Diluted to 1.0EC for Ammo plant __________________________________________ 30th, Day 41 12pm: 0.2ml/L SiliconMAX, 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 1ml/L Big Fruits, 1.5ml/L Bloom Liquid, 0.5ml/L More PK. EC 1.3 PH5.9 @19c > (had to adjust up from 5.7 - 5.9) used the laeftovers from yesterday for ammo PH adjusted down to 6.0 __________________________________________ 1st, Day 42 12pm: 0.2ml/L SiliconMAX, 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1.5ml/L Big Fruits, 1.5ml/L Bloom Liquid, 0.5ml/L More PK. EC 1.2 PH6.0 @21c > (had to adjust up from 5.8-6)
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
19 hrs
21 °C
700 PPM
9 L
Nutrients 7
Silicon MAX - Vitalink
Silicon MAX 0.2 mll
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 2 mll
Living Organics - Green Buzz Nutrients
Living Organics 1.302 mll
I’m kind of neglecting this plant to focus on getting the best out of the other 2 considering I found some Big BALLS on her/him let’s watch the show haha I will be flushing her again with clean fruits, then applying a watered down feed everytime from here out. __________________________________________ December 2nd, Day 43 Dry Day __________________________________________ December 3rd Day 44 11am: 0.33ml/L SiliconMAX, 0.5ml/L Hydroguard, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 2ml/L Big Fruits, 1.5ml/L Bloom Liquid, 1ml/L More PK. EC PH6.0 @19c > fed ammo 2days ago plus 1L from today. Will continue with no Calmag until week 5 flower or when the buds start to swell __________________________________________ December 4th, Day 45. Dry day __________________________________________ December 5th Day 46. 4pm: 0.33ml/L SiliconMAX, 0.5ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1.5ml/L Big Fruits, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, 0.5ml/L More PK. EC1.4 PH6.0 @20c >
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
19 hrs
18 °C
600 PPM
9 L
Nutrients 7
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.5 mll
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 1 mll
Living Organics - Green Buzz Nutrients
Living Organics 1.302 mll
December 11th Day 5: This Ammo Haze auto lady is the Thorne in my side. I’m not sure if I have a root rot or bud rot problem with her as I have that potato smell. But no visible signs of rot. The buds are developing strangely probably because I chopped all her fans off as they were burnt and deformed. Just going with the flow for now, keeping EC lower and trying to reduce Coco EC. Runoff has been high generally above 6.5 I have been trying to reduce with no success. My plan is to feed everyday with run off. 7am: 0.33ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 2ml/L Big Fruits, 1ml/L More PK (Ammo EC1.2 PH5.7 runoff 0.9) __________________________________________ December 12th Day 53 11am: 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 2ml/L Big Fruits, 0.5ml/L More PK (Ammo EC1.2 PH5.9 runoff 0.9) __________________________________________ December 13th Day 54: 11am: Started brewing tea 1g Living organic, 1g MycorrMax, 2g Guannokalong, 2g Charge Frass 50ml shot of EWC, 2tbsp Molasses, 10ml Terpinator. Currently bubbling .... 11am feed 0.5ml/L CalMag, 0.5ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 2ml/L Big Fruits, 1ml/L More PK (Ammo EC1.3 PH5.8 runoff 1.2) overall temp @21c __________________________________________ December 14th Day 55: Mixed the Nutrient+Tea from yesterday 1:1 with water nutrients added. 11am feed 0.5ml/L CalMag, 1ml/L Growzyme, 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, Plus, 1ml/L Big Fruits.@ 22c EC1.5 PH5.0 (adjust up based on individual) (Ammo EC1.5 PH5.6 runoff 1.0) overall temp @19c __________________________________________ December 15th Day 56: 9am: finished off the rest of the tea mix. Added 0.5L boiling water to 3.5L of mix to warm it up. Added an additional 0.5ml of CalMag, 1ml Bloom Liquid to bring EC up to 1.3 PH5.9 @21c
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
19 hrs
18 °C
750 PPM
9 L
30 cm
Nutrients 7
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.5 mll
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 1 mll
Living Organics - Green Buzz Nutrients
Living Organics 1.302 mll
December 16th Day 57 4pm: 0.8ml/L Calmag, 0.5ml/L Hydroguard, 1ml/L Growzyme, 3ml/L Bloom Liquid, 1ml/L Humic acid Plus, 2ml/L Big Fruits, 0.5ml/L More Pk. ec1.4 Ph6.0 __________________________________________ December 17th Day 58 10am: 1.5L fed to each... 1ml/L Calmag, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 3ml/L Bloom liquid, 3ml/L Big Fruits, EC1.5 PH5.9 @20c __________________________________________ December 18th Day 59 9am: 1.5L fed to each. 1ml/L Calmag, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 3ml/L Big Fruits, 2ml/L Bloom liquid, 2ml/L More PK EC1.5 PH5.8 @24c __________________________________________ December 19th Day 60: **UPDATE** I’ve also added a little Fast Fruits to the mix, and will continue to promote ripening as she looks a week or 2 or 3 behind the others and I can see the formation of small buds that will look beautiful once ready. Smell is spicy and sweet typical Hazy musk. 9am: Started with 1L of Tea from day 54 > mixed with 4L tap Water added decolonisation > added... 1ml/L Calmag, 0.5ml/L Hydroguard, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 3ml/L Bloom liquid, 1ml/L More PK PH5.9 EC1.6 @21c
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
19 hrs
18 °C
750 PPM
9 L
30 cm
Nutrients 7
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.5 mll
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 1 mll
Living Organics - Green Buzz Nutrients
Living Organics 1.302 mll
Update: ‘‘Twas the night before Xmas PharmaZ was hitting a phat spliff in the garden when the DHL man came knocking with a new Spiderfarmer sf2000. PharmaZ and his elves knocked up a fabulous drain to waste table out of pieces of wood from the far away mystical land of B&Q... We chucked it all in the tent with a heat mat under the trays, and I have a few days to dial it all in. Merry Xmas to all (some better images coming waiting for the dark period to experiment with macro lenses, tips and settings welcome) __________________________________________ December 22nd Day 63 3pm: 0.5ml/L Silicon Max, 0.5ml/L Calmag, 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 1ml/L Growzyme, 3ml/L Bloom liquid, 2ml/L Big Fruits EC1.4 PH5.9 @22c (7pm: tip dressed each plant with a tbsp of 0-10-0 guano. I’m leaving out the Calmag it has N in and I can notice lower leaves are a little dark for my liking this late in flower. Buds look healthy as can be can’t complain about smell. But let’s see if this Guanokalomg can bring out the taste which I so yearn for) __________________________________________ December 23rd Day 64 12pm: 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 3ml/L Bloom liquid, 3ml/L Big Fruits. 1ml/L More PK EC1.4 PH6.0 @22c __________________________________________ December 24th Day 65 Nothing yet, planned feed: 2ml/L Humic Acid Plus, 2ml/L Big Fruits. 2ml/L Bloom Liquid, 1ml/L more PK EC PH6.0 @22c
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
19 hrs
18 °C
50 PPM
9 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 1 mll
Big Fruits - Green Buzz Nutrients
Big Fruits 1 mll
Happy New Year!! WishIng everyone a great 2020!! The Garden is a lovely place to be at the moment, I could take all my girls down today as we are looking at over 80% Cloudy Trichs across the room. But I will wait another few days to try and use up as much nutrients as possible, run off was a target EC0.4 so I would be happy to give one more flush with Humic Acid Plus and Big Fruits. This Amnesia plant looks crazy similar to the berry bush pheno of the Dr Grinspoon. Clearly a desired trait among connoisseurs, the effects of the land race sativa is of the mind influencing creative variety. It is this type of day weed I look for, a uncommon hybrid strain often brings a little creativity but nothing like a pure landrace. You could say because it’s an Autoflower it’s not pure and I would agree... but the traits that are desired from the Autoflower genetics is just the automatic flowering effect and nothing else so they are very similar to photoperiods in effect wether it’s a Indica dominant or Sativa. __________________________________________ December 30th Day 70: Hit all the lady’s with a good dose of water containing clean fruits. Then 12 hours later again a dose of clean fruits 2ml/L, 2ml/L Humic Acid. __________________________________________ January 2nd Day 73, 11pm: 1ml/L Humic Acid, 1ml/L Big Fruits
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
**APPEARANCE** This plant really did go caterpillar to butterfly on me. She started life looking normal then turned into an ugly caterpillar finally she exploded into a beautiful bush of trichomes! **AROMA** Intense sweet but a sort of spicy ness to her if you touch a bud you get an extremely gluey smell but with a sort of sweet toothpaste smell. Gorgeous smell! **FLAVOUR** The flavour is an old taste it’s a backing taste to many of today’s strong sativa strains. A very nutty after taste zesty, sour aftertaste. **EFFECT** I really do see the contrast between indica and sativa when smoking this strain. I’ve burnt through it fast as I can smoke it all day and still do stuff. But then hitting it in the night I do get a little insomnia if I don’t quit it before bed. Head is all over the place trying to sleep. Let’s not focus on the negative. Because the positive is far greater, intense smoke gives you great relief after a hard days work!
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Spent 78 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Caramel, Nutty, Sweet

Day air temperature
Light schedule
Pot size
Lamp distance
She really is a beautiful strain. Looking back I suspect the issues I had with burning then transpired when I removed effected leaves causing her to go into some mad shock as she was just entering flower. She looked like Dr Grinspoon. Was fun to trim, that’s not sarcasm. I initially thought i was in for hell... but my method proved to work, I just pinched the stem and pulled my thumb and finger up it ripping the buds off into a bunch leaving the stem bare behind. If you can picture it :)


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CaptainDankcommentedweek 45 years ago
Get your RH up and she'll be happy! I love Amnesia Haze, one of my favourite strains of all time! 😎
CaptainDankcommented5 years ago
@PharmaZ, my strategy is to largely copy anyone who knows more than me. I'm completely new, but learning all the time, and I learned about RH the best way there is - the really fucking hard way, completely wrecking my crop, and writing off several viable plants in the process. My therapist bills are through the roof, but I'm working through it!
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@CaptainDank, DWC sterile or bio? 😉
CaptainDankcommented5 years ago
@PharmaZ, DWC all the way for me my friend, although if it cocks up then I’ll probably give coco a shot! 😎
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BigDaddyKcommentedweek 85 years ago
I think it’s genetic , I have had this issue , it does look a bit nutrient burnt tho , it’s not your EC that’s 6.5 is it 👍😜
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@BigDaddyK, Yo BDK, I’m tilted towards genetic too, one thing to note is I trimmed the first load of effected yellowing leaves when she just entering flower, all leaves came from the top. Then it started flowering like this... Looking at Dr Grinspoon though it does look genetic and that’s from Haze lineage too... 😂 Found some balls on her close to the bottom plucked them off. Trichomes everywhere on every inch of everyone of the sugar leaves and stem from the bottom to the top. So I may just hash the plant whole lmao. Any suggestions welcome? :) Trimming is out of the question I would have to sit there with tweasers picking the calyx off haha ✌️🏻
ROM101commentedweek 85 years ago
This one's a bit crazy looks like more of a genetic anomaly than anything else. Frost production is really high and it doesn't look dramatically unhealthy just looks more like one of those freak plants that sometimes get thrown up. Don't beat yourself up over it mate we have all encountered impossible plants that don't grow like they should. Stick with her at worst you'll get some decent hash based on her resin production.
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@ROM101, Hey Rom sorry mate missed this comment. I agree it has to be genetic. The frost in the morning when it’s been cold and dark is wonderful. I’ll just pluck every swollen fat calyx off lol
Dunk_Junkcommentedweek 25 years ago
Looking good!!! What size pot is she in?
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@Dunk_Junk, Cheers dude, 9L air pot, growing pretty rapid. Ive watered everyday from seed in coco. Except this weekend applied first tea and let the pots dry out a bit before I watered again. I love soil, but also coco is so big so easy, trying out semi organic coco with some nice boosters ;) Will update week 3 now.✌️🏻
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 85 years ago
What’s the EC of the runoff ?
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@BigDaddyK, also which diary did you have this issue so I can see? :)👍🏼
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@BigDaddyK, It’s lower than the inflow, 1.2 going in 0.9 going out. The PH was high at the point of “burn” ph6.7 so I lowered the inflow to 5.7 for a feed. Now feeding @ ph5.9 Lowered now to 5s
AsNoriucommentedweek 105 years ago
What a trim job awaits ..... ;)))) Very nice girls !
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, Thank you very much, grab your scissors come help me :) Hues of dark purple showing up now on the calyx and leaf edges. I’m giving them the cold treatment, will have some more pictures later this week✌️🏻
ROM101commentedweek 105 years ago
Nice light mate glad santa made a visit wish the fat bastard would drop some lights at my door🎅🎅
PharmaZcommented5 years ago
@ROM101, Cheers mate :) very happy with the light, they’re on sale now on the SF website cheapest. Got it in less than 2 days! Merry Xmas have a good 1
GreenBuzzNutrientscommentedweek 45 years ago
Thank you very much for sharing an other new diarie with our 100% organic product range. We wish you maximum success with your Amnesia Haze Automatic Grow. If you have any questions, pls feel any time free to contact us.
the end.
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