I can already tell that this garden is going to be wonderful. The seed popped within 24 hours of soaking between 2 plates. The taproot headed straight down into the new Fox Farm Light Warrior soil. I think Beary White has been loving life since I've been spraying her down with PH perfect H2O ever so often during the 20 hours of light they received each day.
@Fun_Growin, haha. I love your avatar handle. I'm having fun growing as well as trying my best to get some attention to my diary and have people vote on it.
Did you see that this particular diary has over 29,500 views already? That's something like 10X more views than anyone else's diary!
My Beary White Mephisto Genetics Autoflower diary has search engine optimized content, high-quality photos, a video review and enough referral traffic to help @growdiaries gain some well-deserved attention : )