The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Winter mini grow auto blueberry

5 years ago
female seeds auto blueberry
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/60W
Spider Farmer Light Emitting Diodes/100W
Spider Farmer
Room Type
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-6, 9
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
1.5 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
35 %
25 °C
8 L
10 cm
These are 2 auto blueberry, soaked overnight on Tue 12 Nov then popped into Jiffy pellets the next evening. To be honest I didn't think anything would happen, but this morning (Sat 16 Nov) both were poking up By the evening they are as in the pictures. I have a small tent (Black Orchid 50 x 50 x 100cm) Currently they are under 6 * 10W LED spotlights, which are probably ok for seedlings but I need something else (soon I think). As you might guess, this is my first attempt at this kind of fun. I will be growing in soil, probably 2 x 8 liter pots All advice appreciated! Update - Tues 19 Nov - after a week they are looking ok, considering they sprouted Saturday I think I should have put the Jiffy pellets into pots earlier I have some 8 liter fabric pots on order but the damned things haven't arrived, so I've had to put them in what I had to hand for now (small 1 liter pots) Once in the pots and misting them a little, humidity and temperature are fine Looking forward to week 2! BTW seeds are from very inexpensive, will see what happens
Grow Questions
LordAzraelstarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm wondering what light to get - I have a small tent (same as At the moment they're in the house When they start to smell the tent is going to have to go in the garage where it gets pretty cold 😎
Techniques. Defoliation
rhodes68answered grow question 5 years ago
Ok let me understand this since you are constrained on character count. Dont buy a light to heat the tent just yet. You need a light for UP to 3x3 I am with Grey Wolf on that TS-1000, have one in a 2.5 ft veg tent and love it. Excellent full spectrum light, Migrow did a review on youtube recently IIRC. You will need enough head space for @20 inches of distance from plants. Price is just unreal good. Now lets keep those plants indoors. Seriously get a carbon filter and a 4 inch extraction fan. pull the air out clean it and just dump it in the house it will reduce your heating bill and you will smell no more than venting outside. It works I am using exactly that. That is also very difficult to impossible to detect from outside the home or even another room. In summer you may have to deal with heat but hell who doesnt :)
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
4 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
60 %
23 °C
1 L
0 L
30 cm
**** Thursday today, they sprouted on Saturday morning **** The little one is now catching up with the big one The 60W household LED spotlights seem to be working for now Black Friday tomorrow so I may be making a purchase! **** Saturday, 1 week after sprouting **** The bigger one doesn't look quite right (on the right in the pic) The single fan leaves look a bit rough and have curled a little bit. I'm laying off any watering for a while and have raised the LEDs up to 30cm above By contrast, the little one (left) looks just fine. Anyway both have the second set of leaves coming along so not too worried Incidentally I haven't given them a full watering at all - just misted the top a couple of times a day Not sure when to do the full water (until there's some runoff from the pots) Or when I need to put them in the final pots... **** Tuesday 26 Nov - 2 weeks from popping the seeds in water **** I've never grown anything from seed before so quite pleased how they're doing I think I gave the initial set of leaves a bit of LED burn, but the second set are fine and the third set on their way Oh, my new light has arrived - looking forward to next week
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
36 %
23 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
**** Tuesday night 26 Nov **** We're officially in week 3 My new light is a Spider Farmer SF 1000 bought direct from I got this for about the same price as a TS 1000 Keeping it 22 inches above my little plants until they get used to it So I've gone from 6x10W household LED to 100W of optimized grow LED - let's see if this pays off! **** Saturday 30 Nov ***** I transplanted from 1 ltr to 8ltr pots on Wednesday. This really did give them a shock - they seemed very comfortable in their 1 liter pots. They look like they have recovered but growth did pause for a few days Leaves look similar to other auto blueberry grows on here - very broad Indica type leaves. The stems are now thickening quite a bit so I assume there's some root development going on. Temperatures have dropped round here, even gets cold inside the house overnight. The Spider Farmer gets pretty warm on the back but a fan above it easily cools it down, however this doesn't do much for the tent temperature. Hence the oil radiator to keep temperatures in the mid 20s C There is a faint smell already, which is a very "interesting" smell! At some point this will become problematic. I have a small carbon filter & other parts, but not decided on a fan as yet. Putting them in the cold garage seems a risky option Keeping them stealthy in the house will be difficult with noisy fans running They still seem very short (10cm) - am I underwatering them? **** Monday 2 Dec **** I've posted some pics of my intake and cooling fans The intake is an Eluteng 120mm USB with a claimed 56 CFM - I'm quite impressed with this At the top are 2 Eluteng 120mm which run off one USB port - less impressed here - I don't think 5V USB provides enough power for these Would be better off with 2 of the single fans All these fans are practically silent though The 6" clip fan was driving me nuts **** Tuesday 3 Dec **** 3 weeks from seed today I'm thinking of giving them a little LST Also thinking of getting a slightly bigger tent - this one is getting a bit cramped I can get a 60 x 60 x 140cm tent for 37 euros They are starting to smell even more - a bit like a christmas tree
1 comment
Week 4. Flowering
5 years ago
20 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
36 %
23 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Doff liquid Growmore 7-7-7 1 mll
**** Fri 06 Dec **** Heck they've started flowering already I'm still on 24 hour lighting and wondering whether to stick with it **** Sat 07 Dec **** I've done a little bit of LST - really just bending the main branch down They seem ok with this Should have done this earlier Think I've got a bit of LED burn on the flowering leaves - I guess these are a bit more fragile than the big veg leaves Just a tiny bit of yellow on the tips, and only on the highest ones which suggests to me its LED rather than anything else The light is now cranked up as high as it will go **** Mon 09 Dec **** Bit of a traumatic day! They were really starting to smell - I had complaints from "she who must be obeyed", who generally takes a dim view of this project... So I fitted up the carbon filter + fan (a RAM 100mm inline fan + a very small Fox filter) Perfect - no smell at all, however, the fan sounds like an industrial air con unit So into the garage they go Temps in the garage are about 8 degrees C Luckily I have this all worked out - the heater and lots of insulation around the tent bring it up to the mid 20's These plants really seem to like it above 25 C So I'll be hit with a big electricity bill this month Will post pics when I get the chance To be honest, I quite liked the smell Like a christmas tree, but more interesting... **** Tue 10 Dec **** That's week 4 done This week was quite hard work Looking back on the last 7 days photos, I'm quite amazed how far they've come Also gave them a little fertilizer (7-7-7) just 1ml every other water so just twice I've ordered a bigger tent which is 70 x 70 x 160 cm - I should be able to fit the fan and filter inside - at the moment the fan is outside the tent, there's just not enough room inside it Also I figure the extra 20 cm on each side will give me some room to train them out a bit more And I need to fit the oil radiator in there too (see last pic, it's behind the cardboard screen)
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 years ago
26 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
30 %
25 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
**** Sat 14 Dec **** It's 4 weeks since they sprouted and now they're out in the garage Carbon filter is doing it's job - no smell at all New, bigger tent has arrived 70 x 70 x 160 cm - might have the time today to put this up **** Tues 16 Dec **** Put the new tent up on Sunday My humidifier arrives tomorrow Making do with jugs of water and wet towels until then I'm thinking I may have been under-watering them as: * I've managed to keep temperatures pretty high with artificial heating * humidity is very low * they're under lights 24 hours a day * pots are quite small at 8 liters When watered, they don't immediately rebound - perhaps because the humidity is so low? I'm guessing this is a problem not faced by most growers *********** Right - that's week 5 done - another very stressful week! I thought at one point the "Black" plant (the smaller one that was originally in the little black pot) - I thought it was dead It's leaves were drooping, it felt so dry Watering it made no difference, it still looked sad However now after getting humidity up a bit and more responsive watering I think it's recovering Meanwhile the other (red pot) plant went bananas, stretching out like mad - then it seemed to stall, again I think reacting to the new environment and low humidity I do think I've given these two a great deal of stress - changing environments every week Very glad I've got two - good to compare them - they are both reacting very differently Anyway it's been an interesting learning experience... and about 5 weeks to go
Used techniques
Grow Questions
LordAzraelstarted grow question 5 years ago
Humidity in the tent - is it a problem? Outside the tent in the garage it's 7° C (45° F) and 70% RH Inside the tent (with 800 W heating), it's nice 25° C, but 20% RH I can bump it up with wet towels/spray Any other growers with similar circumstances / advice?
Techniques. Defoliation
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
hey there growmie, the relationship between humidity and temperature is called VPD (vapor pressure deficit) and it regulates the growth rate of the plant. Especially in veg and at the seedling stage it's important. The difference will be huge. At the seedling stage you really dont need to water that much but you can put a glass bowl or dome on top of the seedling, this will help the seedling actually create its own atmosphere. Probably after a few days it will be 70/80 RH in the glass dome which is a good thing the first 2-3 weeks. at different stages in growth you'll need different temp/humidity ratios, just check the VPD charts and you'll know what's the best conditions for you. Great work getting the temperature down to 25°C though ! Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
32 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
40 %
22 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
DOFF Liquid Growmore 7-7-7 1 mll
**** Tue 17 Dec **** 5 weeks from seeding My efforts to keep humidity up seem to be paying off Also bought a small humidifier - will see how well it works I've released all the LST restraints - they have a bit of room to stretch now Annoyed now as I've run out of plug sockets (1 light, 1 inline fan, 2 clip fans, 1 heating mat, 1 humidifier, 1 radiator) Better not need anything else... **** Thu 19 Dec **** Humidifier was installed on Tuesday - they love it at 40-45% - that really was the problem These plants do not like 20% humidity. Also I chucked in a 14W blurple LED which I got for free - every little helps The bigger "red" plant has a few leaves which were burned on the radiator in the small tent - think I'll nip these off The "black" plant on the right is now recovering and really going for it See video **** Sat 21 Dec **** All going remarkably well **** Sun 22 Dec **** Here we are 40 days from seeding, and there isn't much for me to do The humidifier uses about 3 liters every day, so needs refilling once or twice (it takes 2.2L) They are now easily drinking a liter of water each a day - the pots are dry and light when ready for more I'm giving them a small dose of 7-7-7 every other feed - it doesn't seem to be causing problems The fan & filter are sucking in plenty of fresh air and there's no smell at all (if I were to switch it off there would soon be a mighty stink!) So far lots of flowery pistils but no "sugariness" - I'm sure this will come when ready The "Red" plant has always been more vigorous - this one is a bit more spread out horizontally and I've trimmed away leaves that were in the way. While growing faster, a lot more lower leaves have turned yellow on this one so I've trimmed these off. The "Black" plant was always a bit behind, and it did not like low humidity at all (at one point I thought it was done for) But since I got the humidity up this plant has really got its act together - in fact now it's probably heavier than Red. This one has had virtually no LST and I've only trimmed a very few lower leaves. At this point I'm thinking the best thing to do in this box (70 x 70 cm) would be to grow 4 of the same in 11L pots Would really fill the space very quickly Anyway lets see how this first grow works out **** Tue 24 Dec **** Red on the left is starting to build a bud structure And on top of the main cola there are signs of stickiness and some tiny trichomes Must sort out a better camera as my phone is rubbish Black on the right has taken off - she's taller than Red now She may be slower but I think there'll be a bigger yield off this one If I leave the tent door open for a few minutes I can smell them from 10 feet away. Without the filter I would have a problem That's the end of week 6 Compare the start and end of this week and there's been a fair bit of growth going on
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
36 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
40 %
22 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
Nutrients 1
Doff 7-7-7 Growmore Liquid 1 mll
**** Wed 25 Dec - it's Christmas Day! **** 43 days from seed I see trichomes I'm not expecting these two ladies to get much bigger, or to get a huge yield from them. Frankly I'm happy they're doing as well as they are, considering the number of environment changes they've seen It's been a real learning experience - hopefully I'll get something worthwhile at the end (and maybe better next time) I'm going to stick with the 24 hour light cycle - the quicker they finish the better, even if it's a slightly smaller yield Also I think they smell pretty strong - if I leave the tent door open it's kind of noticeable And these were sold as a "low smell" strain... The humidifier is now on it's lowest setting - it looks like they're generating a lot of humidity themselves They're in 8 liter pots so burn through the water quickly Wondering if I should increase the water and switch the humidifier off altogether? **** Mon 30 Dec, 48 days from seed **** I've built a "boiler room" attached to the side of the tent for the radiator and the humidifier Basically it's a 40 cm box lined with thermal insulation (@Ganjagrandaddy thanks for the tip) and some bits of 100 mm duct connecting it up So far so good, the heat isn't leaking and is going where I want it They now have a bit more space to expand, although I don't think they're actually going to get much bigger at this stage! BTW that 100 mm duct is great stuff to work with and really cheap
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
36 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
40 %
22 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
**** Wed 01 Jan 2020 **** New week and a new year. Got a bit of yellowing on some leaves - this roughly corresponds to when I was adding 7-7-7 feed This is much more apparent on the "Black" plant on the left, which had a big growth spurt at this time For now they are on plain water at PH 7 They are still on 24 hour light - apparently this can add to nutrient burn too I do have some PH Down (Phosphoric acid 25%) so wondering if I should try dropping the PH a bit All the same, the buds seem to be building up **** Thu 2 Jan **** Yellowing doesn't seem to be getting any worse, and the main buds are slowly getting bigger and frostier Some of the lower buds don't look bad either Should I defoliate a little to get more light to the buds? **** Sat 4 Jan 2020 - day 53 from seed **** Despite my best efforts to kill them off, these two brave girls insist on growing See today's pics - "Black" on the right keeps getting bigger - "Red" is just all bud underneath Can really see how the yellowing (nitrogen tox?) has affected one plant more than the other So glad I didn't just do one plant Have to give these girls some respect! **** Sun 5 Jan - day 54 **** Buds slowly getting frostier They've been flushed and on plain water for almost a week I suspect my initial soil (clover compost) was a bit rich + transplanting + low humidity + tiny amounts of 7-7-7 = stunted plants Keen to get these finished and start over **** Mon 6 Jan - day 55 **** Must confess I snipped off a popcorn bud from Red the other day - this was right down by the base root and was never going to see any light Bud was tiny, just a few pistils and very few trichomes Dried for 24 hours in a tin on a radiator, wasn't expecting much, smelled like damp hay Actually tasted pretty good - like grass used to years ago Damned stuff is ridiculously strong - head buzzing all night - could hardly get to sleep Very surprised! Posted a couple of pics of main buds - there are lots of side buds too Red is definitely further along, but Black is going to out produce her Apart from the yellow tips they seem fine Now curious as to how they'll do over the next 2 weeks **** Tue 7 Jan - day 56 **** If you compare today's pic with a week ago, there's just a little growth Buds do seem to be fattening up though Interesting how the "Black" plant is much more affected by yellowing than "Red" That's week 8 done lets see what happens next week
Grow Questions
LordAzraelstarted grow question 5 years ago
I don't have a PH meter, just some test strips. Can anyone recommend an inexpensive meter I can get in the UK? There's a bit of yellowing on some leaves (see my diary entry on week 8) Buds seem to be developing a bit slow Should I switch from 24 hr to 20/4 or 18/6 ?
Buds. Not fattening
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 5 years ago
I would avoid pH meters if possible. Technically you have to calibrate your meter before every use if you want to be 100% sure it will give an accurate reading. I use the GHE ph test kit drops. The colors are very clear and much easier to read than strips. You will get accurate results every time. And yes I would cut your light back to 18 hours. I ran a grow 24 the entire time and the light intensity starts to take a toll on the leaves. It also looks like you are a little heavy on the nutrients so I would back off of them a little. It is a good idea to give 2 plain waterings in between every feed in soil. Good luck!
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
36 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
40 %
22 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
**** Wed 8 Jan - day 57 **** Nothing to report yet **** Fri 10 Jan - day 59 **** Red plant is looking near the finish - decided to try a bit of defoliation - see pics She's about a foot high but lots of bud - a little bonsai wonder I now realize it's using the flash makes all the bud look so frosty... ! Actually there are lots of nice colors coming through in the buds, and a little purple in the leaves Giving Black a bit longer before I do the same **** Mon 13 Jan - day 62 **** I gave Black a bit of a trim the other day - she's about 40 cm and must weigh double the other Red is looking very close to finish - see today's video No feeding of any kind Water is from the tap at PH 7, they are drinking a liter a day, Black a bit more even **** Tue 14 Jan - day 63 **** The top of Red is starting to show some blueberry colors - now I'm interested in what happens if I leave her longer Both seem to have stopped growing some time ago - maybe concentrating on flowering Black plant is I guess a week behind Red, but Red really peaked early Looking forward to the final stages Having done scientific tests, I can affirm this is going to be pretty good That's week 9, cheers all
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
40 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
40 %
22 °C
8 L
1 L
35 cm
**** Wed 15 Jan - day 64 **** Red (on the left) should be done pretty soon Black (on the right) I think will be a week later No nutrients or anything, just keeping temps and humidity steady The smell (in the tent) is very strong Carbon filter and pump are working very well **** Mon 20 Jan - day 69 **** Bit of a trim for these ladies Red is all but finished I think - now it's a matter of having some time to harvest and figuring out drying Black is huge in comparison and smells very strong, but she is not ready!
Week 11. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
**** Wed 22 Jan - day 71 **** Red is really looking done. Tempted to harvest her today. Weighed her when dry and she's about 2.5 kg (that's the whole plant) Black, I suspect will be another week Grow room is actually 70 x 70 x 160 cm Pots are 8 liter **** Sat 25 Jan - day 75 **** Finally got round to harvesting Red She had no water since Monday so is very dry already (whole plant weighed just over 2 kilo) About 100gm of buds so I am guessing about half that when fully dry The trim is full of sugar leaves so will not be going to waste **** Sat 01 Feb - day 82 **** Black harvested - much fatter and heavier - about 180gm I took apart the root ball for Black No sign of any root rot - lots of thin wispy roots. Surprised as I thought she might have filled it out a bit more. I guess various things held her back 70gm final weight is an estimate, guessing 25% **** Sat 08 Feb **** Everything now in jars
Show more
Spent 71 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
140 g
Bud wet weight per plant
35 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed
Positive effects
Herbs, Pine, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Can't really comment on the taste as yet - I've only tried a bit of trim. The trim, I have to say, is pretty good! A single rollup gives a nice relaxing effect, as if you've just had a large glass of wine. Not much smell or taste to the trim at all I am expecting the buds to be a bit stronger all round


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AsNoriucommentedweek 85 years ago
In flower you should touch girl as less as posible. I do two rounds of defoliation, but i leave a bit of leaf stemp, the way i dont touch flower while cuting. But to punish her constantly a bit looks bad for me, but it works with tamatoes, so should work here aswell, i just hate to see my girls sad or raped ;)))
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@LordAzrael, if plant is happy trim if still sick, wait till happy. Simple as ... ;) You have couple big fan leaves covering other top buds, those should go 4sure plus some of them have light damdge. Never trim leave who has no stemp visible, leave it inside of flower. Never trim highest fully formed leaves nod or anything above them. All down is good to go if you need. I like to trim now, than to have loads of airy popcorn nugs at the end and trim that shit. I lolitop and defoliate, but my plants ussualy even when sick looks healthier than most i see here ;) A bit cocky, but maybe thats why i get away with heavy damadge i make to them sometimes... Your plant is still stretching i would take down like 3 leaves total , who covers other tops ( what you had to do a bit earlier in preflower or veg mode ), and would wait a week till day 41 of flower for final trim, every leaf you take slows down strech of that branch, you have to know time when to do it to force plant on not creating new leaf but bigger bud.
LordAzraelcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, I was thinking, let them recover for a few days, then trim just badly burned fan leaves Does this sound like a good idea?
AsNoriucommentedweek 85 years ago
For me they look overfed, tips burning. With ph meter its either drops and colour of water or Bluelab ph pen. Have like 50 cheap ones, why i was so dumb and not invested right at begining, would save me a fortune ;) Now will buy bluelabs soil ph meter, need like two salaries and i will have it. Hope you wont do my mistake.
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@LordAzrael, on uk's ebay you will find it for 70 quid. You will still have to calibrate it from time to time, but if it falls into a water or just on floor it doesnt brake, really solid, kind of thing if you will care about should last you all your life. Had always 3 cheap ones, even straight after group calibration all 3 where showing dif results. Still do same shit with ppm and count average ;))) Cheap way is drops with small range of ph to check. Last you all grow, cost like 5-7 quid. But those hard to find ussualy range is wide and colour very blury, but they have editions like 6-7.5 ph range or so those are really good and always in true numbers.
LordAzraelcommented5 years ago
@AsNoriu, thanks for the comment. The Bluelabs PH pens look like a quality item (but damned expensive) The cheap pens on Amazon have so many bad reviews - reluctant to throw away money on them
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 35 years ago
Mate just been going through the light looks good but ffs use that your taking heat out and adding heat in ?????????? The heat sink is supposed to get hot and will cope , drop the height a little and if you can turn the wattage down if need be. The heat will circulate and you will be able to lose the radiator( another plants space!) Tou seem to be battling against yourself on this score. I hope I have it wrong a bit and have missed something instead of seeing you struggle like this.
Ganjagrandaddycommented5 years ago
@LordAzrael,Thanks mate , very encouraging comments. I use a cheap bubble wrap silver insulation off amazon. if you buy some double sided and line outside your tent with it in the garage. You will stop cold coming in in winter and also heat for summer. It is amazing stuff for so cheap a price too. I use it to line dwc buckets too. it is designed to not transfer heat/cold through hut also not allow any out too. We are at around 5°c at night and not much more in the day yet even with Led lighting and my dehumidifier running , instill done need to add heat !!. the temp is at 25°c and rh at 67%. Thisbstuff is amazing. I will add a few seconds to my update tomorrow and show you the stuff on a roll and how versatile it is. My previous dwc grow here has buckets lined with it to give you an example. kept my res temps at 19°c for the whole grow.
LordAzraelcommented5 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, to be honest on 12 Nov I just had a few seeds, a little second hand tent and half a dozen 10w spotlights - wasn't expecting so much to happen! The little radiator is on at 50% and has a thermostat so not on all the time. I'm thinking of putting it in a separate small box alongside the tent and running a bit of pipe so the inlet air is warmed up. Unfortunately the LED generates very little heat - in the new bigger tent I just have a fan pushing some of the warmer air down to the plants. The fan is on the "low" setting so not losing too much heat - I threw out an old freezer to make space and I'm sure that damned thing was wasting more. At worst I think the garage gets down to 4° C but that's going to be February I reckon. Looking forward to your next video BTW!
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 55 years ago
Hey there growmie, the humidity is really important you can fix it more easily in veg just by using a dome and spraying with water up to six times a day. To learn more about vpd check this out : anything else you need let me know 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@LordAzrael, you should see how big the rooms are for the next grows 😉
LordAzraelcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks for the tips - my problem is more keeping temps up above 7° without drying out the air in the process! Humidifier ordered and should arrive tomorrow. Like your diaries - would love to have a grow room I could walk into!
AsNoriucommentedweek 45 years ago
Small tip, when you do lst always release bottom branch, just pull her up or twist the stemp for both branches/nods to be in one horizontal line. Otherwise she wont develop and thats main stalks one of bigger future buds... Good luck !
AsNoriucommentedweek 25 years ago
I dont understand your watering politics, but if you water not once daily its TOO MUCH Use spay bottle max and only for leaves. Give 6 hours ( not less than six ) of darkness, first two weeks is more than enough for 24 in my mind... If you plan those 8 liters as final pots - dont do it. Had in summer run with 10 and 12 liters, both too small, had many problems related and shit harvest. 20 is the one to have. Transplanting multiple times never good, unless you go for monster plant and time is irelivant to you .. Man and please check how to weight pots for watering, if you keep good ph and right watering - you 80 % in sucsess already. Ph and good watering cycle thats all you need to follow ! Your plant needs like 20 ml of water now, check how with watering to form roots... Dont miss those two points and no more advices will be needed ! ;)
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 15 years ago
You can get an exhaust filtr against the smell. growing under 20 degree is quite impossible... and here are the links to the lights #marshydroaliblackfriday2019 there is abig black friday action running or look here for the SF-1000 I use both of those Quantumboards they are just great... shiny sunlight . plants love it vry much for a 60x60 cm tent a 100 watt is enough, if its bigger get the next higher , you can look into my diaries and we can talk about the possibilities for you....
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 15 years ago
and you can go much closer to the seeds..... they are stretching// looking for light
DudeGrowsWeedcommentedweek 15 years ago
For heating considerations, I go with HPS or CMH. LED’s are great but won’t help much to keep the heat up. However, you may have the opposite issue in the summer. Good luck!
LordAzraelcommentedweek 25 years ago
Wish I could do 20 liter pots but I'll only just fit two 8 liters in this tiny tent! Ideally they would have gone straight into the bigger pots but the postal service let me down... @AsNoriu - I checked out your diaries - very impressive - that's one heck of a grow room
AsNoriucommented5 years ago
@LordAzrael, i dont know, maybe under your setup you will make it, but whenever plants reached halve desent size and they where autos in 2nd or so week of flower i started to have root problems and the whole palet of other problems, plants dried too quick, overdried, when i water them heavy its just drowns roots for 6 hours, 6 -12 hours they ok and next is too dry. Nut lockouts, small buds, early bud rot, name it. Had it all with all untransplanted plants. 4 auto strains in indoor / outdoor and outdoor splited into green house and gorilla grow. At least 6 pots of each strain. Half went to buble hash midseason. Never again i would try small pot, even if canopy would have to be 5 inch tall max. To make bonzai from healty plant anyone can, to make plant healthy in small pot - only Jesus in my mind ;))
LordAzraelcommentedweek 95 years ago
When to harvest? I was looking here: ...and as it says: "2.) Harvested Too Early" "...buds harvested too early are more likely to give you headaches or racing thoughts..." This is exactly what I found when I tried a popcorn bud a week ago (day 52) ...although this could have been due to my awful hangover, or the fact I was just coming down with flu which has seen me layed up all week Has anyone else had experience of "too early" weed? Any idea why this would be? What happens in the final weeks?
LordAzraelcommentedweek 25 years ago
I am pretty much set on a Spider Farmer SF-1000 or the Mars Hydro TS-1000 This tent is I think just too small for a HPS or CMH My only issue with venting indoors is with fan noise! We will have visitors over Christmas - don't want them wondering about the big noisy box in the corner... Annoying as we have a huge garage (and a big loft too) but it will be pretty damned cold by then
LordAzraelcommentedweek 15 years ago
Thanks for all comments
the end.
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