BladeCuttercommentedweek 15 years ago
I think I'll spend some time poking about your notes. I saw the results and they are impressive, to say the least. I tried layering this time in a 3-gallon pot. I was in way over my head. I have to work into it slowly.
I think I am agreeing with you on autos. I've grown photos in the same space with much worse light and environment and turned out far higher yields. With autos, I'm currently producing only about and ounce per plant. I know I can do much better, but with photos hitting a few ounces a plant was not a major challenge. It just took a bit longer and a bit more training. Once I build up my stash with autos, I may have to move back to feminized photos.
Regardless, great work!🙏 I'm really looking forward to looking through your diaries. 😀
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