
Grape Ape - first cannabis garden

5 years ago
Grape Ape
Room Type
weeks 5, 7, 10
weeks 7-18
weeks 4
weeks 5
weeks 5-7, 9-10
Grow Conditions
Week 5
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
MountainMatt MountainMatt
5 years ago
Day 28: 12 hours after FIMing her she had perked up. Just need to let her dry up now so I can juice her. Increasing fertilizer to raise the ppm to 700 this week. The ppm was low at the last runoff check (275). I will dial in the solution to get it close but will continue to do a regular watering at least once a week to avoid nutrient burns and lock up. I want her to kick it into veg over the next couple weeks so I may up to 1000 ppm for week 6. We'll see how she likes her food this week. I won't start LST until next week. This week is all branch development. Day 29: Research and development day today. I know I said there wasn't going to be any further training until further branch development, but I was unhappy with the FIM method. It didn't seem to slow down growth very much at the top. Maybe I did not shave low enough? Topping and bending seems to be a more surefire approach since I am trying to create an even canopy for the trellis. I believe that I could have topped sooner and potentially had a bushier plant at this point. That's okay though. This is the learning curve. Today's training gave some light to the lower branch nodes and she has been officially topped. Looks a little scary but I think that she'll tough it out. We'll see if my methods pay off over the next week. Was also able to feed today. Solution - pH 6.3, ppm 875. Runoff - pH 5.8, ppm 710. Now I know she's got some food to help her push through the stress of any training. Fingers crossed I'm not making a rookie move by taking off a few fan leaves... Later on Day 29: The power went out at 3:30pm while the lights are supposed to be on until 10pm. Brought the plant out onto a window to keep some light on her. In the meantime I hustled down to the hardware store and purchased a 1500 watt generator. Came home and flashed it up. The generator runs the grow tent and our fridge without a hitch, so I think it is not a bad investment. On another note, I found some bamboo stakes to ring around the pot for future LST. Looks better than the carpentry pencil I used earlier. I think that the plant is looking good after training today. Now we'll see how she reaches for the light over the rest of the week. Day 31: Looking good. I wish I had topped two weeks ago so I had some branches to work with. Day 32: Gave the ape regular tap water today. She took an extra day to dry out after watering every other day last week. So until the plant starts to drink more I will be watering every third day with alternating fertilizer and regular tap water rinsing. Lucky for me our tap is linked up to a spring on the property and the water quality is awesome. Out of the tap the pH is usually just above 7.0. Today's water came out at 7.2 which I did not pH down at all in a (successful) attempt to raise the pH of the soil from 5.8 to above 6.0. The pH of the runoff today was 6.3. :) The solution that I fed last was over 800 ppm with the runoff just over 700. With todays water the ppm of the runoff was 260 ppm! I think that this increase in nutrient uptake is awesome. This means that the root system has established itself and is now able to deliver and use nutrients effectively. At the next feeding I will juice her back up with 12mL fertilizer /1.5L water to boost her back up to 700 ppm. Research leads me to believe it is healthy to let the plants get a bit hungry for nutrients between each feeding. Burning the plant will be very unlikely if I stick to the alternating schedule. Maybe it will also be easier to flush the plant at the end? I will be sticking with the Advanced Nutrients lineup as they seem to have awesome reviews and I can justify the expense as I'm only growing one plant. For the flower cycle I'll be using Bud Ignitor, Bud Factor X and Rhino Skin. My goal is to have quality smoke firstly, and around 6 ounces dried. The quantity may be ambitious as I have no idea what to expect in my first garden and small tent, but I believe that I can get some good quality bud regardless. It may take several more weeks of vegetative light before she's filled out into the trellis. In my next garden cycle I think that I may grow two plants in an effort to fill up the tent a few weeks sooner. Efforts in the next grow will be a direct evolution from this one. On the subject of training... She seems to have taken quite well to the bending, topping and light defoliation I've given her this week. I am glad that I topped instead of running with the FIM. By topping and removing a few leaves it has really allowed the lower branches to sprout up. The difference in the lower branches is visible daily. Though they are still too small to work with right now, I know that I will be able to do some LST with them soon.
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Grow Questions
MountainMattstarted grow question 5 years ago
Is it okay for seedlings medium to dry up a bit at the surface or is it better to keep moist? She hasn't truly wilted. Just taking her time standing up after the last watering.
Leaves. Wilting
Cannibalgardensanswered grow question 5 years ago
The stage that she's at and the size of that cup you don't wanna soak her it's fine for the top soil to become dry ,don't want to drown the roots . They can be droopy after watering and low night time temps . She looks healthy nutes are good nice job brother and goodluck ...she would be good for a transplant by now ..
MountainMattstarted grow question 5 years ago
The pH of the runoff continues to drop below 6.0 with each feed, resulting with me trying to bounce it back every other watering. I would like for the pH to be more stable. Any ideas why this might be happening? I am using Advanced Nutrients pH perfect - Grow, Micro, Bloom.
Feeding. Other
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
That probably means you have a very acidic soil. You can add some lime stone to the soil and water with higher pH like 6.5-7 and keep checking it but to be totally honest I hardly ever measure my pH levels anymore ๐Ÿ˜‚ but I only grow 2 plants at a time. I haven't noticed much difference but my ph come out 6.5 from the tap lol
MountainMattstarted grow question 5 years ago
Orang tips on calyxes? Seems a bit soon. Not all over the plant. Only some bud tips at this point. A few chewed leaves but no signs of bugs that I can find. Some signs of the claw suggest too much nitrogen? Dialing the nutrients to half power. Any ideas or suggestions welcomed!
Buds. Other
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey Growmie ... After seeing the pics and you stating the leaves ar clawing, I would say that this is definitely heat stress, so you did right by raising the lights to prevent any further damage to the buds. If no more damage happens everything with be fine and you won't even notice it was there once she starts kicking off those great purple colored buds. Good Luck with the rest of your journey and remember ..."Happy Growing" and "Free your mind one puff at a time".
MountainMattstarted grow question 5 years ago
Drying ganja for the first time. Buds are in the dark with temp steady at 70F. Humidity steady at 55%. Trimmed fan leaves, but left all sugar leaves. Plant is stinking like wet grass on the 3rd day of drying. Will this smell break down or am I needing to make some adjustments?
Buds. Other
Techniques. Other
1 like
Lovemabudanswered grow question 5 years ago
Completely normal the smell is, the first few days the smell is generally pungent. Just make sure there is fresh air coming in and air is circulating. A oscillating fan will do. Smell will only get better as she slowly dries out.

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raptor65week 8
Looking great mate ๐Ÿ‘, All the best in your grow and the new year,๐Ÿ˜‰Hope you have a great harvest ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™
@MountainMatt, Back at ya mate ๐Ÿ‘
@raptor65, Cheers eh!
@MountainMatt, But you are learning ๐Ÿ˜ Have fun mate๐Ÿ‘ Best of luck๐Ÿ™
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MovingOnweek 18
Nice, dude! What's it smell like?
@MountainMatt, I have had hay smell before. It usually happens when you dry too fast in a low humidity environment. On my current grow, I'm going to use my tent and put in a humidifier to keep it at 60% RH at about 65degF (18degC). Also I'm not going to use a circulation fan, and I'm going to keep it pitch black in there.
@MovingOn, do you have any experience dealing with the hay smell? going into the 5th day of drying and she's not giving off very much of her grape flavour...
@MovingOn, like real fruity grapes. Reminds me of blueberry pancakes. She's not super stinky, but covered in a good layer of trichomes top to bottom. I'll put some more details in the harvest report in a week. Thanks for following along eh!
MG2009week 3
I love to smoke Grape Ape, I am following and can't wait to see her flower. Happy growing๐Ÿ™
@MountainMatt, No,not yet but it is very enjoyable smoke great for evenings. I do want to pick up some seed,or a good clone but got lots of other seed I need to grow out first lol! Oh what a problem to have. I need a greenhouse to get caught up lol๐Ÿ‘
@MG2009, I've never smoked it before! Hoping for a serious lockdown effect. Have you ever grown it?
StunFlowerweek 18
Congrats on the harvest. Great looking bud! ๐Ÿ™Œ Looking forward to your smoke report. Now you've got me even more anxious for mine to finish. ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฆ
@stunflower, Cheers eh! Im stoked to see how purple yours goes. I feel like I could have let the flush run to 9 weeks, but the top buds were prime for the chop.
Denzulweek 17
Some beautiful looking buds. Lovely colors and nice layer of frost.
@Denzul, thanks! Chop is near
StunFlowerweek 15
She's really progressing nicely, buddy. Bring on the dank ๐Ÿ™Œ
@stunflower, anticipating the harvest!
StunFlowerweek 10
She looks really nice. You're doing well. All the best through flowering. I just started a seedling of this strain myself. ๐Ÿ‘
@stunflower, Cheers eh! I'm following you along to see what yours ends up as. Wishin you the best with your green thumb!
MovingOnweek 6
Best of luck! Are you sure this is your first grow?! Haha. Looking healthy and it seems you've done your research. I'll follow along, I like it when people actually record their grows with their weekly experiences.
@MovingOn, thanks eh! I've been nerding out quite a bit. Now I just need to learn some patience while she veg's out.
Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 5
Nice looking plant ...
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, Thanks eh! Stoked on her as this is my first go round.
LuckyLukeweek 18
Looks great! Wish you an amazing smoke! :)
Resin_Randyweek 15
Grape ape looking great mate ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ€