
Texada Timewarp

4 years ago
Texada Timewarp
Room Type
weeks 3, 5-6
weeks 4
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 11
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
xbabybitchx xbabybitchx
5 years ago
Well Chronie update, took alot of budsite photos today. Even though this plant hasn't gone as planned and been a brat the entire time/ it makes me so excited to see bud. Everyday it changes, as of this week, very amber and a LIL bit of purple starting. With no photos of this plant or having it on grow diaries, i really don't know what to expect even if it was a good plant to begin with. HEY it is what it is. She has gotten a flush this week of just pure PH balanced water, in between feedings. AS you can see, the fan leaves look awful, but look back in this diary and you will see it hasn't changed much. Though the leaves are starting to fade in colour near the bottom, and curl even more severely. PH is fine, RH is fine, light might be a bit high but i'm sacrificing her for the autos as they are fucking GIANTS. I took a photo standing next to them and lol they are as tall as me i'm 5'2. NOT much else to report, I don;t know when she should be flushed so I'll just keep an eye on the trichomes, i need to get a lil magnifying glass- on my way to order one now. Thanks for all the help on this journey! 👽 MONDAY FEB 17/2020 Flushed plants today, trying to get ahold of why my plants look like trash. Been a rough week for all plants, hoping this will help and that I will see an improvement by Update diary day. FLUSHED WITH ONLY WATER FOR THIS PLANT, smelling good today also.
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xbabybitchxweek 8
Okay SO I'm pretty sure she has nitro toxicity. Since the nutes in the soil hasn't been used up.. Since she was a brat and is doing her own thing lol. I noticed today more curling of the leaves- ALSO both of the autos seem to be curling too.... I wasn't set up to grow autos so I mean, what can you do. Maybe next grow I will either get a hydro set up or grow in coco. I'm thankful they are growing nicely but the toxicity sucks :( I couldn't find anything online to see how to cure it besides flushing it/ which I haven't used nutes at all on her besides the organic soil.
xbabybitchxweek 3
This seed was off a test plant, and i'm actually surprised it's grown AT ALL> the leaves are funky as fuck- and it kind of is slow growing.... take it day by day!
PharmaZweek 3
I’ve had that problem and it was down to the light intensity. I use HID but same principle nearing the end of the light cycle they start to droop, a little is fine but your leaves look thick and a little dark so they’re taking up nitrogen but not photosynthesising as fast as should be. If you have the setting to change to blue only do this for a week set at 60cm wait till she starts bushing out then flick the bloom switch back on. One thing I will say about blurple LEDS is that the potential for good veg is there and easy. When they sag looks like they’re being over Watered fact is they’re not taking up water and not releasing it either as the light intensity or heat on leaf surface is signaling the stomata to stay closed, growth seems a lil stagnant, Side branches don’t develop quickly etc. Purple lights burn plants easily than HID the burn you get from HID is heat, from LED is intensity. Even a lil led should be 60cm away min in Veg and 40cm in flower. Sorry for the essay, good luck :)
@PharmaZ, I haven't been watering everyday, i do about 1L between 4 plants every 2/3 days, but I think maybe i went a bit ham and should let them dry out a BIT more between. Thank you, this is def like cooking!!!!!!! 😸
@xbabybitchx, All good bro, it’s going to be fine. I will be back in soil next run. I learned a lot when I let my plants dry out. I think growing is like cooking in the sense that less is more. In many circumstances but nutrients and water specifically. At a young age It’s better to feed a little bit of water round the edges slowly than soaking the whole media. I think for the first 3 weeks I only feed 1L to 10L pots then once they start growing I double the amount of water so 2L Once you start seeing rapid growth the pot will suddenly be light as air that’s when I start soaking it everytime. I honestly believe watering practices are some of the most important things to try and get right. Good luck hit me up when you update and I’ll check it out👍🏼
@PharmaZ, BRO thank you! I'm using LED for both veg and bloom, i have the 600W LED switched to veg 18/6 about 22 inches above right now- I moved it up cause i have tiny lil seedlings in there and they look happy with it raised also. The growth has been a bit stagnent for sure, very slow, i just topped her yesterday and she still looks good. THANK YOU SO MUCH- means alot!!!!
raptor65week 2
Happy growing mate and good luck with your grow😉, good luck in your coming days and weeks with this wicked plant lol 😎, enjoy and all the best to you👍
oldtimer6455week 11
some strains are extremely sensitive to any fertilizer and thrive in scrub soil..the thai I grew had that problem, The first time I fertilized they got really messed up. I grew the entire lifespan with zero fertilizer and got incredible results with just plain water
@oldtimer6455, Thank you! I think this strain might be very sensitive. It's only had organic soil & PH balanced water then it went into flower on its own and has looked like this ever since. I started to use nutrients to put her on the right course! Hopefully I will be able to get a lil something off the plant! Thank you for your insight!!!
JinksyGrowsweek 6
That is weird man, bit it sounds like you will get a harvest from her despite her lankiness/height👍. Best of luck with this little weirdo, lol. Cheers.
@JinksyGrows, right? I'm mad confused but the other seeds I had of this strain- also showed the sex ( male ) around this age... in the same light schedule. Oh well i'm hoping to at least get something off her! thanks bud!! 👽
PowerofNature96week 15
Change the LEDs for a better result, or at least if you don't want to spend a lot of money buy a pair of 30w Chinese LED bulbs of actual consumption spend a maximum of € 10 for each bulb but it must be cold white light
JinksyGrowsweek 16
It was your first go BB, and you will be getting bud off her! You did learn a crap tonne with this little one and there's really no where to go but up👍. Keep growing BB!
JinksyGrowsweek 9
"Chronie", LOL, that's great. She will give you a couple nuggets it looks like, so I'm glad you're keeping her. She carried a lot of lessons with her, even if she didn't put out too much in the end. The knowledge gained, in the beginning, is sometimes more important then a harvest, believe that✊🙂
GrowAseedweek 10
Hi there lady! I think you have been giving her way too much N (clawing leaves) at some point. My humble advice for you would be to give her clean water (EC around 0.60 Ms) for a week and then start 1/4 of the bloom formula and avoid going above 1.1 Ms in EC. When you water, do it till you see ~20% of it coming out of the bottom and NEVER let the pot sit in it's drain, rootrot guaranteed (unless you're growing a big plant in a small pot). Don't let the soil dry too much, EC increases when water from soil evaporates. Good luck with the plants and the weightlifting lol 💪🏋️‍♂️!
@GrowAseed, It's the weirdest thing i've ever seen!!! My soil only has 0.12% Nitrogen, so I wasn't sure of why it was doing what it was doing, but my autos ALSO curled under, I think the soil for these plants isn't the best choice, but hey gotta just roll with the punches!!!
@xbabybitchx, okeyyy I see now, it's indeed very sensitive then, quite crazy it got nute burn with that little nutrients! Good luck with her then :P cheers!
@GrowAseed, Thanks for the advice. In previous posts, I have mentioned she is having nitrogen toxicity- This plant has gone went into early bloom on it's own and is a seed off my own bud I experimented with.. I have only given her PH balanced water up until this point, and I have done less than 1/2 strength of bloom nutes incase of shock! I think this plant really just has a mind of it's own. I wish it was more predictable but I call her my Chronie hahha, cheers!!
Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 4
DoDrugs420week 16
This is perfection by defenition, just Texada Timewarp at your hands.