Well it looks like I've missed my window for LST, the stem is too thick now so I guess I'll get to see her natural shape! She's grown quite a bit this week. I'm seeing her start to show sex so this MIGHT be our last week in veg. There is a LOT of undergrowth, it seems like my previous plant didn't quite grow that way so I can't wait to see what she'll look like.
I added 1tbl worm castings on day 18; 1tbl Dr. Earth kelp meal, 2tbl Dr. Earth flower girl on day 20. Trying to keep up with her needs and prevent deficiencies since it takes a while for the slow release amendments to help.
She's looking great and loving life and I'm really enjoying watching her grow!
Reminders: Grow media is a mix of coco, perlite, worm castings, cactus potting soil. I sprinkled some Root Naturally Endo Mycorrhizae about an inch under where I put the seed. I top dressed with kelp meal, and premium gold.