Hi community,
I guess that a 12 hours cycle is not much enough and a better germination and vegetation control obligatory.
Aurora will start a real grow cycle for the Auto Mako soon. I will do the HAZEEZ from KiwiSeeds simultaneously.
On the pics is the Chinese Wall to see.
Cannabis, called má 麻 (meaning "hemp; cannabis; numbness") or dàmá 大麻 (with "big; great") in Chinese, was used in Taiwan for fiber starting about 10,000 years ago. The botanist Hui-lin Li wrote that in China, "The use of Cannabis in medicine was probably a very early development. Since ancient humans used hemp seed as food, it was quite natural for them to also discover the medicinal properties of the plant." The oldest Chinese pharmacopeia, the (c. 100 AD) Shennong Bencaojing 神農本草經 ("Shennong's Materia Medica Classic"), describes dama "cannabis".
"The flowers when they burst (when the pollen is scattered) are called 麻蕡 [mafen] or 麻勃 [mabo]. The best time for gathering is the seventh day of the seventh month. The seeds are gathered in the ninth month. The seeds which have entered the soil are injurious to man. It grows in [Taishan] (in [Shandong] ...). The flowers, the fruit (seed) and the leaves are officinal. The leaves and the fruit are said to be poisonous, but not the flowers and the kernels of the seeds." (WiKi)
Bricks in the wall,
Yes, we are all growing together in God's garten. I have not seen such an community. I tried to get into Canada or the USA and I offered my workforce for free. Nothing happened. The community was really important to get me clearly into this life and the ghosts of the people was important for me too because if I am going to be criminalized for that I can have a smile on my face till I can log in the next time and start again. It was not longer possible for me to live in a godless and wrong system which is treating their own soldiers with PTDS like dogs on the street especially not being provided with the only useful medicine was an immediate issue. Thanks for strengthen my braveness. Now I am a wolf. 😜
Look what happened with me in 3 months. That was you in the beginning who inspired me. Only studying would not have had the same effect on me. It is like swarm intelligence.
But I have to say that I am bit happier with the stuff from the Happy Days Coffeeshop. Too much Diesel is not good. Sis, is it possible to grow MMJ with more THC as it is described averagely, isn't it? The bait: Amnesia, Kush, Bubbles that is a nice Dutch one, ultra sweet and Super Polm.
Yeah, sis. Smoking the first cured homegrown is very, very nice. And I have learned so much. BTW the topped plants are rocking like heaven. 😊
I had already enlarged the branches to let the light in to the center, so as to cover even the lower part. I still have 3 weeks to finish. I'm going to take a few more leaves off. Thank you