
#SensiSeedsResearch II

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 12
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
5 years ago
The Sensi Seeds Research breeding project has created eleven cannabis seed varieties. How? By combining new cannabis cultivars with a selection of strains from their long-established cannabis gene bank. For the first time in thirty-six years, they are opening the doors of the Sensi Seeds Research and Development Department. Week #12 Week #3 of flowering, having some issues with 2 ladies. I haven’t been able to check the room during 4 days, one plant has a Nitrogen excess, and the other one run out of P-K, Mg. Check the video, it’s not often that this situation happens, so let’s learn to diagnose the situation. The plant with banana peels style leaves is a Nitrogen excess, it start with the tips of the leaves pointing down, like claws, then it turns into some old bananas peels looking. The other one, with the crispy looking leaves is a lack of P-K, it starts with some kind of dark brown/purple stripes marks on the leaves with the tips starting to points up + a lack of Mag , the leaf is cupping like a taco shell ! The game now is to loose less yield than possible on those two ladies, but from now it’s already 25% gone .... This is a good example to show that every plants are different, all of them are running on the same diet, all others plants are doing great except those 2. Morality is to check your plants daily, those problems can be fixed before it happens, when you know how to diagnose the primary symptom 😉 Week 3 trimming !!! You must clean your plants legs and cut off all the lil shoots, in the bottom, that haven’t reach the top ! Main goal to keep in mind is to spend all the energy on the top, cleaning the legs will help to avoid wasting energy on the bottom of your plants Once again, Mars-Hydro has definitely improved their performance, the shoots structure of the plants under the SP-250 is amazing. The plants have developed so many shoots compared to the plants under the HID’s , it’s really remarkable ! (I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)
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Oyzipharcommentedweek 75 years ago
Beautiful grow 😍
Oyzipharcommented5 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Amazing job 😍
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@Oyziphar, and it’s 100% organic. Cheers bro 😉
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 55 years ago
Hi B4RNS, Following up your new Journey. And like always iam IMpressed. Thy for detailing your actions and describing what you do. Back to Mr. Backster( lol)..... i still believe that Plants have feelings and communicating. whats your Opinion=? Happy growing
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, well ... there’s must be something. That Doctor has been working with the CIA on some very strange experience with plants ... I believe CIA won’t have spent any time if there were nothing ...
SensiSeedscommentedweek 15 years ago
Another legendary story begins, good luck! 🙏
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@SensiSeeds, it’s an honor to belong to the one who is writing it 😊
raptor65commentedweek 15 years ago
A great start to grow mate ,👍 all the best and good luck , 👌
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@raptor65,thanks bro
marihoochicommentedweek 125 years ago
Thank you for the video on nitrogen toxicity; the video enabled me to diagnose it in week 2 of flower,
SteezyBreezycommentedweek 15 years ago
This looks very interesting, I am excited to follow along!
TheMachinistcommentedweek 15 years ago
Mmmm new beginings. Love seeing that space packed, but also nice seeing it all clean and ready!
WILLIAMSII_Fr_Farmcommentedweek 124 years ago
Beautiful grow, bro. 💪😜
chilling_indoorscommentedweek 124 years ago
what a beautiful grow 👏 amazing! i'm very intrigued, whats your is your extraction/odor control set-up? i need something like yours! 😆