Week 3 is complete. The plants are in great shape. They have all been topped and the nodes are growing nicely. The leaves are a nice dark green, soaking up the rays. They graduated to the main tent and into their final pots last night. Roots looked nice and healthy when I transplanted. They are on the automatic watering system now which should boost their growth rate. Still not showing sex yet, and I hope pre-flowers show up late as this should mean they are females. Will drop the screen once they gain some height. Cheers.
Hey I noticed we are using the same light, the TS 1000. I'm looking forward to seeing your harvest. There's a guy on weedtube named Wabbit. He's using the same light as us in a 3 by 3 tent and is getting really good results so far. I recommend you check it out. Anyways, all the best and happy growing!
@Hemposapien, yeah I’m very happy with the TS1000 so far. I actually removed the driver from the top of the light and took it out of the tent. Helped bring down the heat a bit and will hopefully help the longevity of the light.
I am so excited to hear what you have for genetics by the blueberry. i already had over 20 blueberry of dutch passion, unfortunately, still hasn't been worth for secure the Genetik