Plants are fully recovered from high stress pruning and defoliation so the training must continue. The SBC still has a mutated side. I'm considering chopping it and topping all the mains on the other side to get back to the same number of mains.
The purple sunset is growing well with no problems.
Still been feeding them only water
Update Feb 19: Day 35. Both plants are exhibiting signs of stress. Stems are purplish and growth has slowed dramatically. At first I thought it was in response to training but I took a sample of soil and measured the pH. Ended up in the high 8's when I want to be in the high 6's. Quickly top dressed with elemental sulfur and watered. In addition I added parasitic nematodes to attack any fungal gnat larvae. Will give the plants two weeks to recover
@DonaldTrump, the sundae banana cookies is 4 inches. I had to cover the base in more soil to support it. For some reason that one stretched. Plants are weird. Congrats on the 2 foot monster!