Plants are flipped and growing! I top dressed with bokashi and worm castings. Today I increased light power from 75% to 100%
Some light nutrient burn is evident on the leaf margins. I'm okay with it. It's very minimal.
Update day 4 Flower. We're installing a window next to the tent for the summer to allow some more ventilation and potentially an AC unit. Right now the window is in but there is no insulation and recently we've been having some pretty cold nights in Massachusetts. I've been trying to mitigate this by lowering the exhaust power but I'm still getting temps as low as 64 deg. Not ideal when during the day I'm in the 80's. I would much rather be in the mid 70's. Since plants grow mostly at night I think it's affecting my stretch somewhat. Hopefully the window will be done soon and we can resume normal temps.
@DonaldTrump, the sundae banana cookies is 4 inches. I had to cover the base in more soil to support it. For some reason that one stretched. Plants are weird. Congrats on the 2 foot monster!