Pollen Project Part 2
These are all going well , the two Pineapple chunk clones both have pollen sacs developing and the Peyote wifi clone is covered in them 👌
I am using a different lighting schedule this time which I think is making them develop faster. Each and Every evening at 5pm they go into darkness and remain there
for about 15 hours or aprox 8am. This means they are only getting 9 hours or so of sunlight , but it is Mid summer here so it is Full Aussie summer sunshine All day for the
*** now just a quick note on the use of the STS that was used to reverse the sex of these clones. **
I used the sts spray once and once only on the same day that I noticed the very first pistils showing on the Cuttings I took.
to get the pistils to show I simply put the freshly rooted cuttings straight into the 9 on 15 off Light/dark schedule. The pistils started to show within just a few days
and I immediately and thoroughly sprayed them with the STS until they were literally dripping with stuff. To avoid run off into the soil I just used a piece of old rag that
soaked up anything that dripped off the clones. And that's it , then I just kept up the same light/dark schedule and kept them happy with water etc.
Remember to always wear protective gloves when mucking around with chemicals and such and keep safety in mind.
Thankyou for checking out my update 👍👍
Maravilloso proyecto. Ya tendrás oportunidad de seguir experimentando y obtener hasta otras nuevas cepas! Puedes congelar tu polen sobrante para proximos cruces 🍀🍀