This was two clones off my mother Pineapple chunk plant that were treated with STS solution to make feminised pollen by reversing the sex
No plant material was consumed in any way .
Feminised pollen project completed 16th Feb 2020
Out of the two cuttings of Pineapple chunk that I treated with STS solution I managed to procure enough pollen to ( Hopefully!!) have pollinated a nice plump bud
on a middle branch of my Pineapple Chunk flowering Plant. I tied on a pink ribbon which denotes what the crossing was ie PC x PC and the date I pollinated it to
remind me of when it may or may not be ready to harvest and check for seeds. Because Barneys Farm are no longer willing to ship to Australia 😢 I really hope I get some
seeds from this pollination attempt more than ever as I rate Pineapple Chunk as one of the Best smokes I have ever had the privilege of trying.
Next time I attempt to make fem pollen I will definately use a whole plant instead of clones as they only produce pretty piss poor amounts of pollen for the amount of
stuffing around it takes to clone them , spray them then wait for them to develop pollen etc. Ideally I would like a dedicated grow tent nowhere near my Ladies where I can
fit around 4-5 smallish plants and hit them all with STS at the same time whilst maintaining a 12/12 lighting cycle.
Cheers for taking the time to read my madness 😂 I must admit I really enjoy experimenting and trying new things and if they work fantastic if they don't then I say
oh well shit happens and move onto something else. 👍
Grey_Wolf 16th Feb 2020
Maravilloso proyecto. Ya tendrás oportunidad de seguir experimentando y obtener hasta otras nuevas cepas! Puedes congelar tu polen sobrante para proximos cruces 🍀🍀