Day 47 Update
I have had the lights on a 12-12 cycle for 12 days now to determine sex of plants. I will be switching back to 18-6 as soon as I find out to continue a nice long veg. I hope I don’t have to do this again. I plan on keeping one female as a mother so I can take cuts from her to make the process faster.
So far I have lost GC #2 and #4 due to being males.
GC# 3 is definitely a female and I am really happy about that because I was eyeing her sexy ass from te beginning.
We will see what happens with GC #1 within the next day or so
@biggreens420,no I have only topped one time. I have just been letting them do their own thing just so I can get an idea of which phenotype I want to keep as a mother