
super skunk grow

Approved by Sensi Seeds
4 years ago
weeks 6, 10, 12
12-12 From Seed
weeks 1-20
weeks 12, 14
weeks 1, 8
19 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 16
19 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
12-12 From Seed
Commented by
blendmedmedman blendmedmedman
5 years ago
she is still up ang going. looks like I got that ph issue under control as I am seeing healthy green, this is my 2nd dwc grow so ive learned a lot. the sprayed branch is def. producing male flowers with some female pollen, so I should start seeing more of the gold dust here shortly, I did find a little bit but nothing to collect yet but the spray so far seems to be working. I know this super skunk is recommended for 49 days of flower so in 3 weeks but I will be going as long as I can to get some ripe female seed. this grow has taught me a bunch and I am happy that I did not give up way back on this grow. she smells amazing and is pungent, scents of skunk, rubber, and just pungent goodness. until next week.
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Grow Questions
blendmedmedmanstarted grow question 5 years ago
showing signs of a magnesium deficiency is my guess, I gave her Epsom salts about 2 days ago with a bloom fertilizer of 9-58-3. been spraying silver thisolate on branch. how would you fix? what do you guys think? I want to save this one she's been through a lot
Leaves. Other
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 5 years ago
ok what I did so far and will continue to do since this one is a experiment, the plant was vegged the first time for 6 weeks, was put in to flower for two weeks, sprayed one branch with silver thisolate spray, ending up re vegging the plant with that last branch that was about 6 inches tall, turned that into this plant that has sat in veg for 13 weeks is now back in flower. I have used Epson salts and a bloom fertilizer new growth seems to returning, I have also have her another hair cut and removed a lot of the eye sore leaves. I will continue to spray the one branch with silver thisolate for the next few weeks to see if I got the mix right, the branch has not been showing signs of that burn. now I am thinking that this plant had a magnesium deficiency that I should have fixed before going back to flower. I also think that the plant has received loads of stress and with the spraying with the strong solution the first time, going in to flower then re vegged then going back to getting sprayed, getting a magnesium deficiency and going in to flower and getting re sprayed. I am interested in seeing how far I can push these plants. this plant has a flowering time of 49 days. so I will keep her going but I don't think ill smoke the bud from this plant just to be on the safe side. just want to trying to get seed. Yes @DoktorHolland I use nitrogen during veg, but reduce that in flower, as the buds form much better with lower nitrogen during flower. When I put the plant in flower I will use a low dose of nitrogen nutrient, but get rid of that at the end of week two. then low doses of it, by the end of the fourth week of flower I get rid of nitrogen all the way to the end and then a good 3 week flush with cold water to shock the roots for trichome production as well as great fading colors.
blendmedmedmanstarted grow question 5 years ago
Does any other grower here on grow diaries that has experience with using either the col. silver spray or the silver thisolate spray for getting female seeds? success? any flowers being duds?>
Other. Other
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
Have a chat with @GreenMachine among others. 👍🌱
blendmedmedmanstarted grow question 5 years ago
I am asking this about silver thisolate, I sprayed one branch from seed, a known female super skunk, I have male parts but no pollen yet, Is it possible for the male parts not have pollen and the flowers themselves are duds? is spray a 100%?
Other. Other
blendmedmedmananswered grow question 5 years ago
ok here is what we all wanted to know including myself and that is why I asked many different breeders and my personal experience on using the silver thisolate spray. I made the spray myself after tons of research and failed attempts. I was able to make a real nice reverse male branch from a fermionized super skunk seed. I started spraying once every 5 days at lights out right when I started the 12/12 cycle. I sprayed only once each five days totally drenching selected branch at lights out. I continued to do spray every 5 days and I started to see something sprayed one more time and got male sacks. I let these sacks do their thing. now I did not see very much pollen very little if any. now I was confussed at this point as I was expecting a large amount to collect and use later. I have grown out in the past a reg male so I got pollen from that. this time I did not recover any pollen and started to feel bummed out that perhaps this self seed making process was a failure as I did not get pollen to use else where. Now as of today the male branch has been cut off, and the plant herself is a few days from harvest. I cut a small bud down and wanted a closer inspection of those trichomes as I will be making concentrate from this and guess what?? I FOUND A SEED!! Was nice and hard and I set it aside for drying. I also found two more seeds that were still too soft and were no good. So as of right now there was pollen, just not enough for me to get at. I will however run a few of these seed to see if they hermie out as that was a suggestion that the same plant being self pollenated could possibly do. Either way the seeds will all be females. Lots of time and research on my part, trials and errors and now success. thanks for your suggestions guys.
blendmedmedmanstarted grow question 5 years ago
ok here is the question, I used a silver thisolate spray to make seed. you spray once every 5 days, which I did, male sacks have formed, question is how much pollen should I see? there is a colloidal silver spray is 2-3 times daily, silver thisolate is once evry 5 days.
Other. Other
growerschoiceanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yo blend, it is true what you are saying. With feminizing there are less pollen than with a male plant. And from my experience the silverthio makes even less pollen. Sometimes you dont even see anything at all

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Ferenccommentedweek 204 years ago
blendmedmedmancommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, always will
kaneownzcommentedweek 15 years ago
Loving the diary its helping me learn as I wrap up my second week! How long have you been using jacks for? I planned to use Jacks 321 and follow the full strength recommendation and do what greengenes on YT suggests. What mix of jacks or what formula do you us and at what strength? Im just about to move my girls in the rapid rooter to their 2 gallon pots today in Happy frog soil. Any advice for feeding strength or if I should this early on this first transplant watering? Thanks!!
kaneownzcommented5 years ago
@blendmedmedman, also I’ve been keeping my tent closed to get the humidity back up. I have some port holes open for the ducting. I don’t have the ducting set up so there is no negative air flow pulling air out and bringing in. Just have a fan and the humidifier in the tent. Could this be causing some problems I’m seeing?
kaneownzcommented5 years ago
@blendmedmedman, So the one or two that had a root issue yes were kept a bit damp and yes were in the rapid rooter cubes the whole time. I think it was 2 plants only but each of the plants had one root that was browning at the tip. Starting my test now going to be hard as the lights just kicked on and I wanted to see how they adjust to new home. One of the girls was looking pretty rough before the transplant. Im checking out your other diary now thanks!!
blendmedmedmancommented5 years ago
@kaneownz, oh and one last thing, go to my diaires and look at the g13 hash plant I did. check out week 4 of veg. the fan leaves curled up pn them as I was using the happy frog, first time using that soil. so your solution came early, wait a bit to dry that soil out, flush with water until your run off ph is at 6. then repeat in a few days if needed, but you should be good by then.
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Stickyfingaz84commentedweek 194 years ago
Very nice and thank you for your answer
Stickyfingaz84commented4 years ago
@blendmedmedman, You certainly know what you are doing. All your buds look frosty and plentiful. Good work, I will be following
blendmedmedmancommented4 years ago
@Stickyfingaz84, also i am growing one of the super skunk seeds right now form this and it looks amazing and health, already in flower, all normal growth
decamcommentedweek 194 years ago
Ist ja mega, sieht toll aus 😍
blendmedmedmancommented4 years ago
@@decam,she worked out very nice
FreezingIslandBoicommentedweek 194 years ago
Very nice seeds bro! 👌🏽👌🏽 I have never tried and I am definitely considering trying it at some point. Great content!
blendmedmedmancommented4 years ago
@FreezingIslandBoi, it is all apart of the growing experience, i made the silver thisolate spray and also have made the col. silver, both are easy and if you ever need the recipe ill send it over, just let me know
Tragen353commentedweek 154 years ago
Bro Those are nice sacks! Like the look of reversal GJ!
blendmedmedmancommented4 years ago
@Tragen353, thanks, all reversed and all works