1 week from seed planted in the soil. Germinated seeds in a glass of water for 12 hours then folded in kitchen roll and placed on top of a modem for a bit of heat. Germinated really quickly and transplanted into 12l air pots which will be their first and final grow pot. Watering with PH'd water and 1ml/l Canna Rhizo for root development. Will continue with this solution for the next week or so. Not much else to report.
Looking forward to seeing how things come along! Ordered some of these same seeds, but germinated a bag-seed before they arrived so these will be my next attempt.
@Steeze_McQueen, thanks man. It was reaaaaaal slow going in the first week or so which is annoying however I think I've got it sorted and hopefully smooth sailing from here! Forever learning!
@ELPIRATA, started with very little maybe 200ml every 4 days (keep soil around the stem moist but not too wet and gradually water a bit more each time) . Once roots are established after a few weeks I go on to water until you get a 15% + runoff every day or so to ensure its clearing away any build up of nutrients in the soil and prevents lockout - maybe 2500ml each time or something like that.
Final defoliation this week and on to the finish now. I have fed 2 weeks of PK, the next feeds will be back to just the A+B with Cal Mag. It seems like a winning formula, no issues whatsoever. Hoping to see them fatten nicely in the coming weeks :)