I've grown this strain 3 times organically. It came from bagseed originally. It's blue cheese or so I was told. Never been a big producer, but the most medical strain I've ever had! She's great for pain,bad stomach ,and bad nerves. I take her at the end of the week even though she could go longer. Need to clear the tent and she's close enough.
Nice colour do you know what the parents are of this strain? I seen juicy fruit in the name made me look I’m growing skunk no1 and right now got the juicy fruit phenotype the skunk no1 is known for a cheese phenotype to and is the parent of most cheese plant I’ve seen. Cool looking though maybe I should start using seeds again instead of cloning see what other gems I can find hopefully something cool looking like that most I get in sn1 is purple
@Lionsshare, Thanks, I'm not sure if you're talking about my latest post but it's a blue cheese which is definitely part skunk on the cheese side. I don't no if it's a product of monstercrop but this one looks or taste nothing like it has in the past. It taste like a blueberry fuel, but no cheese. Hey thanks for asking good luck on a pheno hunt! Btw my other strain was juicyfruit and it was bagseed also.