Just when you think you have it under control you go out of town for a few days and come back to thriving thrip infest! I have been able to keep the gnats and thrips under control for the most part but this week they did some damage. LESSON LEARNED: DO NOT BE CHEAP ON YOUR SOIL!!! As you can see I have sticky pads on both sides of my tent and I sprayed neem oil last night. I also put down some food grade diatomaceous earth. Hopefully I can get rid of these pests before they start flowering! If not I will have to get some lady bugs and amblyseius cucumeris to finish the job. Anybody have any experience with amblyseius cucumeris before?
@Fast_Buds, I am finding out it called fast for a reason. My grapefruit is a freak of nature. The plant makes me get the days mixed up, it grow so fast.
Oh that's what it should look like. I love this site. My grapefruit is being tortured with LST and Defol. If I don't kill it, hopefully I will have 5-6 colas. Really in over my head. Glad there is guidance from you.