Week 6:
-The plants overall color has become slightly darker green. Still healthy nonetheless.
-My other plant was blocking a couple leaves so I rotated this plant. No visual damage.
End of week update 4/7:
-I have officially raised the light to its final height for flowering. Now I shall let the plants stretch to this light in veg for 1-2 more weeks then start flowering. Very exciting!!
If this is a freshly rooted clone then you don't have anything to worry about. It may have gotten some nutrient solution on it at some point or damaged from handling when it was cut. It can't be repaired but just monitor your new growth for signs of issues. Good luck!
If this is a freshly rooted clone then you don't have anything to worry about. It may have gotten some nutrient solution on it at some point or damaged from handling when it was cut. It can't be repaired but just monitor your new growth for signs of issues. Good luck!