
Occult Urban Gardening

Approved by Dutch Passion
4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 4-6, 8-14, 16
weeks 12-20
weeks 5-9
weeks 4-7
weeks 5-11
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 1
24 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
occultgreen420 occultgreen420
5 years ago
Hi, Occult Green 420 here. Check out my instagram @occultgreen420 for a glimpse into my trichomes photography. This will not be a very usual grow diary, plant will be growing through neodymium magnets, the water will be magnetically treated, ORMUS feeding (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), macro trichome photography and all sort of other things will happen, so stay high. This is my way of urban gardening. Dutch Passion are saying this about the strain: Purple#1®️ is the world famous classic original purple variety that dates back to the early 1980’s and has been treasured for it’s uniquely beautiful purple colourings and great high. Used extensively by other seedbanks for breeding, our original Purple#1®️ plant is a 50/50 sativa/indica mix. The indica parentage comes from a very special purple Afghani which was carefully crossed in Holland with some top indica and sativa strains to create a strong outdoor plant that is fully adapted to the Dutch climate. Yields are a reasonable 250-350 grams per plant, the calyx’s turn purple quickly as flowering begins and the buds are complemented by sweet and sticky small purple leaves that grow amongst the resin soaked purple buds. Purple #1®️ is typically 1.5m-2.5m tall, it is for outdoors/greenhouse only and is an early finisher. The fan leaves are often sativa-like in appearance and show amazing purple colours. This variety has had it’s own dedicated fanbase for several decades and remains a popular and beautifully distinctive strain some 30 years after it was first released. Purple#1®️ gives a sticky, fruity purple-streaked ganja that has a superb fast-hitting high. The high isn’t the longest lasting but this is more than compensated for by the quality of the experience. It is more of an ‘up’ high than a stone with a somewhat rough, yet subtle, aroma. A great choice for those seeking a fast-finishing tough outdoor variety that combines striking purple buds with a fresh and potent high. After the above presentation I am really excited, but to be honest, I am mostly looking for the purple color. Goes really well with the photography, the rest of the grow, the harvest and all is only a bonus. Mine will be done indoors, organic grow, under Budmaster led lights. Stay tuned for more updates and growing insides. Day 2 : All looking good. Sprayed with clear water ph 6.5; temps 25C humidity in the dome 45%. If only this seedling would know what's coming next... :) I am waiting for a beautiful Neodymium ring and once that's on, I'll give her some more root space. Same treatment for now. There is some interesting evidence about magnetic growing and I have been experimenting with it before in a slightly different way but with very interesting effects on plants. For all the geeks out there, check out Ebner effect. The magnet rings I haven't tried before, but now that I think of it make huge sense and has also lots of potential for experimenting. For the skeptic in you, think otherwise, plants at this stage are 99% water, and thereafter this plans are consuming huge amounts of water. The water molecule are directly influenced by the magnetic fields and this was proven long time ago. When the plant grows through the ring, the water molecules are being rearranged and plant is growing much faster, healthier and bigger (or at least that is the theory) Will shall wait and see. (1st I need my rings to arrive and to fit them) In the past I have used magnetic water for feeding plants and the effects were really amazing. Plant got much more bigger and the root system very well developed. Was a long time ago...have to review that project in the future. Again, this is an already used method in agriculture in some countries and some people are strong believers that magnetized water has heath benefits for the body is a subject worth looking up! Day 3 Plant was stretchy so I decided to bury her alive! this will promote root formation. Important to start training the plant from small, so it gets used with the occult punishments and treatments. Today was introduced to Plagron Royalmix. Been using this type of soil for many years. Very reliable and easy to use and it's 100% organic. Root Riot plug carrying the seedling was buried in a 200 ml plastic cup. No water was given as the plug was still soaked. Only sprayed clear water on top of the soil. At this fragile stage less is always better.
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DaSofaSurferweek 15
My man ! Now this is my kind of indoor. Growgratiolations, I have to tip my hat to you. Great effort. Just have to keep your environment inside parameters to bring the terps out and you'll have hella fire. Great job
@DaSofaSurfer, dude, really you are very kind to do this video! much appreciated. For the time lapse video I use a Brinno TLC Pro, dedicated camera for time lapses. In all fairness it is amazing for outdoors or natural light, but indoors...does not have any setting for LED. I'll keep looking and keep trying to find a solution. This is only my 1st try timelapsing my grow. All the best from me and thanks again for the video!
@@occultgreen420, so I made a 43 second vid u might find helpful
@DaSofaSurfer, Hi man! not at all, really, it is much appreciated. I want to get rid of the flicker but don't know how. The camera has only options to play up to 30 fps, I've tried all it's options and idea what to do to get rid of the flicker... thanks anyways!
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Ydarnik87week 10
Бро, вот это крутой эксперимент! Интересно было бы ещё на клонах проверить) Один с магнитом, а второй без. Для чистоты эксперимента. А так, круто конечно, что есть такие люди как ты. 👍🏻
@Ydarnik87, The weightlessness idea is really cool! thanks for the kind words! 🙏
@@occultgreen420,а мне вот очень интересно, как себя будет вести растение в невесомости, на космической станции) P. S. Желаю удачи, подписываюсь на твои посты и надеюсь, что в будущем твои эксперименты приведут тебя к мировой славе!
@Ydarnik87, hi man, thanks for stopping by. Will be doing more structured experiments in the future for sure. It's a field not as much explored and worth presenting it to other fellow growers. I have been doing experiments with magnets for some time now with really good results. When the water circulation will increase (in flowering) it will be much more obvious.
FreddyGrowsweek 9
Is this magnet really helping out ? And what a nice mainline colas for life !!
@@occultgreen420, thanks for the info defo gonna try it next grow
@FreddyGrows, hi, thanks for stopping by. In theory it should help. There are many ways to address magnetism to plants. The geomagnetic field is a natural component of our environment. Plants, which are known to sense different wavelengths of light, respond to gravity, react to touch and electrical signaling, cannot escape the effect of geomagnetic field. The magnetic fields are working by altering the plant's gene expression and phenotype and this was scientifically proven. The circular neodymium magnet rearranges the water molecule structure that is being absorbed from the soil and sent up to the plant. You will see the results at harvest :) it's madness
DaSofaSurferweek 8
Great job on training this beauty. Really looks like it's in a happy place. U thinking bout flipping her light schedule soon or you working on pulling a monster there?
@@occultgreen420, I admire patience in a gardner. Those without it are set up for failure or underachievement. You're a certainly on course for a heavyweight division harvest. Don't think I didn't notice the airpots either. Noiiice
@DaSofaSurfer, thanks for the kind words! this one will need to fill a 1m2 tent, so will keep her in vegetation or another 4-5 weeks. It needs to get adjusted with the 38L airpot also. No rush. Looking for monsters 😈
MadeInGermanyweek 7
She looks great 😎 Keep it up and let it grow 👍🌱
@@occultgreen420,Nothing to thank . Good luck 🌱
@MadeInGermany, thanks for stopping by. 😊 I will, has another 5-6 weeks to go before switching into flowering
Master_weedaweek 2
Nice work 👍 may the force be with you 💪
@@occultgreen420, my friend is happy to take care of you during this difficult time.
@Master_weeda, thank you kindly! 🙏 your work is amazing to follow! thanks for stopping by!
Stoney1986week 10
Weed class in session🙏✌️ Great work, keep doing what you're doing😊👌
Ydarnik87week 14
Давай братан, дожимай) Видно, что у куста большой потенциал
@@occultgreen420, that's a big Bush. Reminds me of my ex 🤣
@Ydarnik87, thanks for following and for the kind words! a 1m2 bush :)
DaSofaSurferweek 12
Omg that's gonna be such a monster 🤯. Kinda jealous - not gonna lie. Wish I had the space to do the same. All I got to work with atm is a 50x48x75 (yeah that's cm). Also was looking through your pics. What's a magnetic pull ?
@@@@@occultgreen420, holy shit bro. I'd never heard about this. Just when I think I've seen it all and know all there is to know. Could u direct me to a link with info on this subject for me to read up on ? Sounds very interesting. About my small space. It gets a bit crazy in there. This is my space right now But it gets crazier. Check back in a couple weeks and you'll see for yourself. Then I also have 2 photoperiodic plants on my varanda vegging out, taking advantage of the long days right now (14.3h) Hopefully they don't flower (streetlights at night have me concerned but so far so good). As soon as the autos under my LED are done those two PHOTOS will take their place and split the days (12 h each) to flower out under the light. So I'm really doing a perpetual grow with only one light and such small space. It's pretty crazy how much weed I get from such small setup. I'd never think this was possible when I started growing. Certainly makes it alot more challenging for me (which I like) rather than when I started growing and didn't have to worry about space limitations. Paying rent in certain high priced cities this is the best I can hope for tho. I'll be stopping by checking up on you. I like your grow style. Similar to what I'm doing atm. You're looking great. 💪👍
@DaSofaSurfer, hi dude ! thanks for stopping by; yeah, I think it will be a large one too, but there's more to come her way still . One has to have lots of passion for the Plant to be able to grow it in a small space, so well done and fair play to you for doing it! Water is influenced by magnets. Cannabis is a very hydrophilic plant. While in flowering the flux of water is really fast and abundant. For example, the Auto Creeper now week 12 from seed, in full flowering, currently gets 4L of water as a bolus every 24h in a 22L pot. All this water goes from the roots through the stem which has the magnet around it. While the flux of water passes the magnet influences the molecular structure of the water that goes through the plant. At this stage, the plant is ~ 90% water +/- due to that, the plant pulls towards the magnet, see the bottom branches.
Cremoweek 20
Great shots @@occultgreen420 ! I love these macros a lot. The colors and everything. You can almost feel like in another dimension :D
@Cremo, thank you very much! 🙏
BudXsweek 20
nice reds in those pistils. looks exotic
@BudXs, thank you very much! more macro pictures to come this week.
Bertabudweek 19
This looks very similar to how I have my purple #1 structured. I was having a bit of a hard time keeping the plant happy for the first two months in veg but since I moved it outside it seems a lot happier. I don’t think it liked having 24h light on it personally even though my other strains were doing great. I will be following this and using it as a comparison for mine! Very nice!! 👍
@Bertabud, thanks for stopping by! how long did you vegi your Purple #1? The plant is and was very resistant to toppings, LST and the whole lot. Early in vegi I had her at 20/4 light schedule and did very well. The only issue (and this is my own fault) was a bit of potassium deficit. Have you had any purple colors on yours??
Growingkittenweek 14
Looking good!😊
@Growingkitten, thank you very much for stopping by!
Ydarnik87week 12
Выглядит многообещающе!
@Ydarnik87, Thank you kindly!
Kayaboyweek 9
Based on your comment to move her to her own place....Its funny how you start with a tight little space then moving up to a tent then you find your self lost in the woods :) keep it up man Plant of life!
@Kayaboy, true true! thanks for stopping by. It will be an interesting grow for sure
KurbinTurbinweek 8
Nice mainlining, check out my Bruce Banner diary, might give ya some inspiration
@KurbinTurbin, cool man, will check it out 👽
BudXsweek 20
Insane genetics. Dutch Passion living up to their reputation for sure. Pic #6 looks downright alien!!
BudXsweek 19
Very cool soundtrack
Inganjawetrustweek 19
Looks great those colas are going to be huge when they fatten up 🌱👍
hello_worldweek 16
mines are getting defoliated this week as well... your ladies looks amazing... cant wait to see the results of your ladies :))