what's growing on growmies, we are at day 28 today and boy is she growing!! from last week we started at 7 inches on day 21 and she has blown up to 17 inches, I have started watering 2 quarts every watering with the blueberry and the nyc diesel has been placed on the 8x8 on day 8 and she is now at day 13 and being watered 1 quart per watering, also has been moved to mid-strength nutrients. the blueberry as been upped to the 3,2,1 formula for nutrients. today I removed the humidifier from in the tent and replaced it with a small mini dehumidifier to help keep down the humidity, it has been holding around 60%RH without the humidifier on so I'm hoping to get it down around 50% thanks for checking in and following along with my grow ! see you next time at day 35
You mean how tall ? how large ? Hpw tall and large ? How it will yield ? big or small ? Your question is making me asking more question , can you be more specific ?
Probably around 34-42 inches...and between 2 & 8 ounces...food lights pH water temp at temp..
@Mrs_Larimar,thanks yea I just made a quick question on here lol I have another closet grow that I have in Coco and I do LST and get great results! And nice to meet you as well