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Double Grape S2 P1

5 years ago
HLG R-Type Light Emitting Diodes/135W
HLG R-Type
HLG R-Type Light Emitting Diodes/135W
HLG R-Type
Room Type
weeks 4-5
weeks 4-5
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.72 cm
24 hrs
25 °C
65 %
24 °C
3 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 2
Nature's Living Soil 13.021 mll
Homegrown Bokashi 26.042 mll
Welcome to what I am calling Season 2 of my grow room. I’ve made several changes from my first garden. This time I am growing two Mephisto Double Grape feminized autos. This week the report is the same for both plants. I will have individual reports next week. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ENVIRONMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~ * 18-inch by 18-inch growing area, with extra space for equipment. * Self-built growing area. See the first Grow Diary for a video tour. * Very limited headroom, the lamp can get no further away than 25 inches. * Light: Horticulture Lighting Group 135W Quantum Board V2 R-spec LED * 4-inch AC Infinity Cloudline vent fan attached to a carbon canister. * 4-inch Vivosun circulation fan * 3-gallon cloth Smart Pots * The pots sit on a small piece of wire shelving to keep them off the floor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOIL AND NUTRIENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * 3-gallon smart pots * Base soil: Biobizz Light-Mix * Added: 1.2 pounds Nature’s Living Soil Autoflower mixed in * Added: Layers of soil amended with Homegrown Bokashi 12oz Seed To Harvest Pro Bokashi Set. NOT ALL OF IT, just a portion to make the layers and get the plant started. * Added: 10 TBS dolomite lime * Added: 0.5 gallons of worm castings * All of this was mixed and layered according to my recipe, developed with the help of Dr.KidneyStoner, and set aside for a few days before planting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOIL SET-UP NOTES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The top third of the pot is reserved for a mix of Biobizz and work castings. * A hole the size of a 16-ounce cup is reserved in the middle of the pot for just un-amended Biobizz Light-Mix. This is where I will plant my sprouted seed. * Nature’s Living Soil was mixed throughout the remaining two gallons of Light-Mix. * Five layers of Homegrown Bokashi additives were added in the bottom two gallons of media. DAY (-2) TWO SEEDS INTO A WATER BATH * 2 PM: Dropped the two seeds in a glass of tap water. They floated. * 7 PM: Both seeds have sunk to the bottom of the glass. Time to sprout. * Both seeds placed into a damp paper towel which is in turn placed on a small tray and inserted into a plastic bag and placed in a warm dark place. DAY (–1) TIME TO HIT THE DIRT * 3 PM: Both seeds placed in the dirt, watered in with 25 ml of water. Both were covered with a humidity dome. ==> DAY 0: NO ABOVE GROUND ACTION <== DAY 1: BOTH SEEDS ABOVE GROUND * Each watered with 30 ml of tap water pH’d to ~6.5. * Still in humidity dome. * Light is 25 inches above the plants. Day 2: WHAT IS THE VPD IN THE DOME? * Beginner BUDZ on YouTube had problems with seedlings not growing under the humidity dome. I wonder why. * I check the Vapor Pressure Deficit inside the dome and find that it is off the charts. The temperature is fine at about 78F, but the humidity is 99% and the plants can’t breathe. * I tried to get enough airflow through the dome to achieve the correct VPD but didn’t have any luck. * Humidity dome removed. Turned up the room humidifier. DAY 4: I NEED TO TURN THE HUMIDIFIER UP HOW HIGH? * Watered with 30 ml of tap water pH’d to ~ 6.5. * Spent the day increasing the setting on the humidifier. The temp is about 80F, I want to get the VPD to the 0.4-to-0.8 range. * With the vent and circulation fans turned off and the humidifier set about as high as I can get it, the VPD finally enters the correct range for seedlings. * Even though it is a relatively small light at about 135W, I still turned it down 50 percent. I will gradually increase the brightness over the second week of the plant’s life. The total range of the brightness screw on the Meanwell HLG-120H-54A LED Driver is about 3/4 of a turn. DAY 6: WATER AGAIN * Watered with 30 ml of tap water pH’d to ~ 6.5. * Refilling the humidifier daily. * Beginning to wonder how to I top-dress or use teas when I am watering with only 30-100ml of water. Something new to explore! DAY 7: STAND TALL GIRLS * Double Grape #1 is 2-inches tall. Double Grape #2 is 1.5-inches tall. DAY 8: LOOKING GOOD * It was 30 ml of pH 6.5 tap water per girl today. * They are growing rapidly. Today #1 is 2.25-inches tall and #2 is at 1.75 inches.
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Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
6.99 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
70 %
19 °C
11 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Nutrients 2
Nature's Living Soil 13.021 mll
Homegrown Bokashi 26.042 mll
WEEK 2: STARTING WITH A LIGHT TOUCH * I've been watering very lightly this time and it seems to be reacting well. Tall and strong. * Currently at 50 ML/day. I will be upping that in just a few days. * Circulation fan was turned back on yesterday. It is not aimed at the plants, but above the plants to keep the air moving. The plants basically "vibrate." DAYS 11-14: MORE WATER PLEASE * Continuing to water lightly. 50 ML/day. 100 ML/day starting on day 13. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOMORROW, THE FIRST TOP DRESSING WITH HOMEGROWN BOKASHI BLENDS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
60 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 4
Nature's Living Soil 13.021 mll
Homegrown Bokashi - Foundation 2.604 mll
Homegrown Bokashi - Crab 2 mll
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEEK 3: TIME FOR SOME BOKASHI LOVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAY 14: TOP DRESSING AND FIRST BIG WATERING * The plant is doing well. It grew about a half-inch in two days. * I've been watering at 100 ML every day or every other day. * This plant is doing a bit better than the other Double Grape in the garden. While they sprouted together and share the same birthday, this plant is about 0.5 inches taller and just looks a bit better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADDING HOMEGROWN BOKASHI BLENDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * During setup I layered the medium with five layers of various Homegown Bokashi Blends. ( * At the start of Week 3 I top-dressed with 2 TBS each of Foundation and Kelp Blend (3.2.1) and Crab & Kelp Blend (4.3.2). Each three-gallon pot received a total of 4 TBS of dressing. * After spreading the blends on top of the medium I mixed them in with the top inch or so of soil. I then watered it in well with 500 ML of tap water pH'd to ~6.4 and including 1 ML of molasses to kick off the microbes. DAY 16: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE * Turned the light up a small amount. With only a screw to go by, no knob or dial, I can't be more specific than that. * Misted plants for the first time. I seldom mist plants. I don't often see the need. DAY 17: NOTED GROWTH * Dry down to 2-inches into the soil. * Watered with 200 ml tap water pH'd to ~6.4 * She is growing quickly, 1-inch taller in 3 days. * VPD target is 0.8-1.2 kPa for late veg/early flower growth. Current VPD: 0.9 kPa * I don't see any problems. ######################################################################################## VAPOR PRESSURE DEFICIT DISCUSSION ==> For this discussion, I am using the following VPD target values. (Found in Eddie Bonet's VPD calculation spreadsheet.) 0 - 0.4 kPa Danger - Can't Transpirate - Mineral deficiencies, Guttation, Disease, Soft Growth. 0.4 - 0.8 kPa Low Transpiration (Propagation / Early Vegitative Growth) 0.8 - 1.2 kPa Healthy Transpiration (Late Veg / Early Flower) 1.2 - 1.6 kPa High Transpiration (Mid / Late Flower) 1.6 or > kPa Danger - Transpire Too Fast - Wilting, Leaf Roll, Stunted Plants, Leathery/Crispy Leaves. Maintaining the right Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) was somewhat a challenge during the seedling/early vegetative stage. My target range was 0.4-0.8 kPa. This required turning up the humidifier almost all the way. I also had to add water twice a day to a three-liter tank just to avoid running out of mist. As I move into the veg and early bloom stage. It's interesting to see how the variables (air temp, leaf temp and humidity) interact. They are particularly sensitive when the values are high as during early growth. Now I've reached a point where the variable are much less sensitive. The temperature can go from day temps of 80F down to over-night temps of 72F. The humidity gets higher as the temp declines, but it tends to stay in a healthy growth space and not climb so high as to stop all transpiration. In an attempt to raise the average VPD by a small amount I have turned down my humidifier for the second time in as many days. I'm hoping by watching the VPD multiple times a day I can maximize the growth of my plants. This is the first time that I have tracked VPD. ######################################################################################## DAY 19: ADDING DYNA-GRO PRO-TEKT TO WATER * Watered with 300 ml of tap water, 0.25-0.5 tsp/gallon of Dyna-Grow Pro-TeKt pH'd to ~6.4 * The Pro-TeKt was primarily intended for the other plant in the garden. But since it is a strength boosting additive, I decided to simply put it in the water for both. * I am concerned about this statement on the Pro-TeKt product page: "Because a high pH is required to keep Pro-TeKt®️ in solution, the concentrate cannot be mixed with any acidic fertilizer. Therefore, apply Pro-TeKt®️ separately when using a single head injector." ( * After giving the plants a couple of days to adjust, I turned up the light slightly today. The plant gets closer to the lamp every day simply because it is growing quickly. DAY 20: NOTHING SPECIAL * Didn't do anything today, just took a couple of pictures. I am learning how to improve my pictures. This time I forced the flash and you can see the structure of the plant better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The opening of week 4 will be here soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 hrs
29 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 3
Nature's Living Soil 13.021 mll
HG Bokashi Ocean 7.812 mll
HG Bokashi Castings Mix-Ins 7.812 mll
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEEK 4: SHE'S GOING TO GET TWISTED THIS WEEK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAY 21: TOP DRESSING AND THINKING ABOUT LST * Top dressed with two Homegrown Bokashi blends this week. * TOP DRESSING: 2 TBS Ocean & Oyster Blend (5.4.4) and 2 TBS Casting Mix-Ins (1.0.0) * All watered in with 1-liter tap water with added Dyna-Grow Pro-TEKt pH'd to ~6.4 * I decided to water it in with a full watering of 1 liter. I wanted to ensure that all the microbes would get some moisture. * Once this is well dried, I will go back to 300 ML/day until it needs more. * VPD Target: 0.8-1.2 for "Healthy Transpiration (Late Veg / Early Flower)" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OBSERVATION ON WATERING Watering exactly what the plant needs when it needs it can be tricky. I was amazed this week by how much moisture the medium can hold. The top of the medium was deeply dried and cracked. The last watering was 300 ML two-days earlier. Surely this plant was in dire need of water. When I performed the "finger test" it was clear that I needed to water. But, when I used my hands to break up the clumps of soil on top, I noticed that they did not crumble like dust, but actually retained enough moisture that I could feel it. If this is true within the top inch or two of soil, how much more water must be stored deep in the pot! Lesson Learned? As long as the plant is not showing signs of drought stress, the plant is finding reserves that you can't see or sense. Be careful not to overwater just because the top is dry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAY 23: PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY. ACT QUICKLY. * I woke up this morning and checked my plant. It looked great yesterday. Today the lower leaves are showing distinct signs of phosphorous deficiency. (See picture.) I've ordered Mammoth P. It will be here Saturday, I hope. Somehow, I don't think that plant treatments are high on Amazon's priority list at this time. DAY 24: TIME TO START THE TRAINING * I've treated the apparent phosphorous deficiency with Epsom salt, Pro-TeKt and Build-a-Soil's 200x Aloe Vera flakes. The plant doesn't seem to be getting worse. I still expect to get Mammoth P on Saturday. I'm sure she will appreciate the dose. * Watered the plant with 250 ml of the tap water, Epsom salt, Pro-TeKt and Aloe flakes. The plants didn't need this much water, but I wanted to get the additives a bit deeper in the pot. * Foliar fed with the same mix. Aloe Vera has a very short shelflife once it is mixed, something like 20 minutes, so you have to use what you mix. * Before LST the plant was 7.5-inches tall and was adding about an inch a day. DAY 26: HEAVY WATERING * When I opened the door this morning it was very clear that the plants needed water. I gave them 500 ml of tap water with some Pro-TeKt, Epsom Salt and Aloe Vera added to the water. * Later in the day, my Mammoth P arrived and I wanted the plants to get it ASAP, so I gave them another shot of water. This time it was 250 ml. * A little later the plants did look slightly over watered. I just will let them dry well before the next watering. DAY 28: TIE HER DOWN TIGHT AND STRIP HER CLEAN * The LST continues. Daily I readjust the hold-downs to the bud sites get as much light as possible. I am also doing selective fan leaf stripping. I remove any large older leaves that are blocking bud sites or that are touching the dirt. I also leaf tuck where needed. * Right now, it has almost a manifold look, with the main stem laying down and the side branches being spread out to fill the space. * Fast growth continues. I expect great things from this plant.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 hrs
12 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 3
HG Bokashi Ocean 7.812 mll
HG Bokashi Castings Mix-Ins 7.812 mll
HG Bokashi Foundation 7.812 mll
DAY 29: ANOTHER ROUND OF BOKASHI BLENDS * Topped with 2 TBS each of Homegrown Bokashi Foundation & Kelp Blend, Ocean & Oyster Blend and Castings Mix-Ins. Incorporated into the top inch or so of soil. * Watered with 750 ml of tap watered pH'd to ~6.3 after adding: - Mammoth P: 0.6 ml/gal - Pro-TeKt: 0.5 ml/gal - "Sprinkling" of Aloe Vera flakes DAY 31: JUST KEEP VEGGING * My intent the plant in veg for as long as possible, perhaps as long as another two weeks, through week 6. It is based on this advice, which can be found in a variety of other places as well: * The plant continues to look healthy and is growing well. DAY 32: PREPARING FOR BLOOMING * Watered with 750 ml of tap water pH'd to ~6.3. Normal additives plus 1 tsp of Blackstrap Molasses * Continued LST * I will move to flowering nutrients tomorrow. * Late in the day I removed all LST tie downs, just to get an idea of how the plant will develop. DAY 33: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET'R GROW? * Last night I removed all the LST ties. Here are some pictures about 12 hours later. * I expect that I will resume training in a few days. ### NOTE TO SELF: FIRST TIME USE OF SUPER CROPPING I decided to try some limited super cropping. I just gently squeezed the stem and rotated. It works well with LST. If you bend a stem and super crop it, it tends to stay in place. I have a nice knuckle on one main stem. I will certainly use it again. ###
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
20 hrs
28 °C
52 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 5
HGB Azokashi 7.812 mll
HGB Foundation 7.812 mll
HGB Crab 7.812 mll
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's been a tough week. While it started out good and I gave it some bloom nutes, by Wednesday (Day 38) it was starting to show signs of nutrient deficiency. Thursday I consulted with a friend and we decided that it was most likely a Cal-Mag deficiency. Read on to learn how I addressed it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DAY 36: BOKASHI BLENDS FOR BLOOMING * Topped with 2 TBS each of Homegrown Bokashi Azokashi, Foundation & Kelp Blend, Crab & Kelp Blend and Seabird Guana & Kelp Blend. Incorporated into the top inch or so of soil. * Watered with 750 ml of tap watered pH'd to ~6.3 after adding: - Mammoth P: 0.6 ml/gal - Pro-TeKt: 0.5 ml/gal - "Sprinkling" of Aloe Vera flakes DAY 37: JUST PICTURES, NOTHING TO REPORT DAY 38: ANOTHER DAY OF PICTURES, BUT NO ACTION. DAY 39: TREAT FIRST, THEN GET SOME ADVICE - In an attempt to address the emerging nutrient deficiency I foliar fed the plant with a dilute solution of Spray-N-Grow Micro. I was careful to get it under the leaves where it really can do some good. - I also took a few more pictures and sent them to a friend. We discussed what we saw and determined that it was most likely a Cal-Mag problem. We considered a shortage of Phosphorus, but since I use Mammoth P this was rejected. - We decided I should foliar feed and incorporate Epsom Salt into my watering solution. DAY 40: I PUT MY REMEDIATION PLAN INTO EFFECT - Watered and foliar fed. Both were amended to deal with my Cal-Mag deficiency. - Foliar fed with Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus. I mixed 0.5 ml with 380 ml of RO water. Made sure that the underside of the leaves was treated. - Watered with my standard base blend with one rounded teaspoon Epsom Salt per 150 ml. - I hope I can get what was a healthy plant back to good health for the last few weeks of flowering. DAY 42: I JUST WANT THIS WEEK TO END - It's been a very tough week watching both plants decline throughout the week. - REMEDIATION: Watered with 3 liters of pH'd water with Mammoth P. The intent is to dissolve ("evenly active"?) whatever nutrients are in the pot and help make them available to the plant. - Personally, I am finding autos to be a challenge when compared with photos. I know that so far my yield per plant in the same space is much lower.
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Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
20 hrs
28 °C
52 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 2
Epsom Salt 3.906 mll
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.159 mll
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attempting to Recover from Major Nutrient Problem -- Diagnosed as phosphorus and Cal-Mag deficiency -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ D44: CONTINUED REMEDIATION (No Pictures) - The plant seems to be responding well to the treatment, so I will continue as planned. - Watered with 1 liter of water with Mammoth P according to label directions. pH adjusted to about 6.5 D45: EVEN MORE AGGRESSIVE REMEDIATION - The plant is looking better every day. Not as quickly as I might like, but it is improving. - Watered with 2 liters of RO water (didn't intend to use RO) with a sprinkling of Aloe Vera all adjusted to about 6.0. I am wondering if my pH is too high, this should help it go down a bit. D46: JUST LET IT GROW - I continue to remove the most damaged leaves. - Opened the plant up to the light. I don't expect to do any more training through harvest. D48: ONE LAST "FLUSH" - Recalibrated the pH meter. It was reading accurately, but I wanted the assurance of a recalibration. - Watered with 2 liters tap water pH'd to about 6.3. It included Mammoth P and Aloe Vera flakes. (I just learned that I am using the Aloe incorrectly. I will change my process the next time I use it.) - No meaningful runoff. - Not really a "flush" but an attempt to give the plants a chance to find the nutrients that might not find in a dry pot. - The plant looks OK, but it does not appear "robust,"
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Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
20 hrs
28 °C
52 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 2
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.16 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 1 mll
DAY 50: COMING OUT OF THE HAZE - No action today, just watching it grow. I think the emergency is over. DAY 51: MORE GROWING. NO ACTION - Just documenting the growth. - No need for watering after a couple of days of heavy watering. DAY 53: TESTING NEW WATER/NUTRIENT SCHEDULE AN MIX ********************************************************************************************************************************************** * INGREDIENTS * => Declorinate tap water, adjust pH to between 6.0 and 6.5 * => Mamoth P @ 0.16ml/L - every watering * => Fish Sh!t @ 1ml/L - every watering * => Aloe Vera flakes * => Molassas approx. 5ml/L - as needed * MIX * => In a jar with a lid, combine Aloe Vera flakes and a small amount of base water. Put on the lid. Shake hard. Allow to rest up to 20 minutes. * => Combine water, Mammoth P, Fish Sh!t and Aloe Vera (opt. mollassas) * WATER PLANTS ********************************************************************************************************************************************** - Watered with 1.5 liters of nutrient mix DAY 55: JUST A WATER DAY - Watered with 1 liter of above nutrient solution. **** * Sorry, not many pictures this week. Just been busy. Primarily trying to deal with a recurrence of the nutrient problem. But, it is not life-threatening. ****
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
50 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.16 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 1 mll
DAY 58: WATERING AND LIGHT ADJUSTMENT - 1.5 liters of "standard mix" - Light adjusted to no less than 16 inches above plants - Still seeing some recurring nutrient problems. Not a major issue, but the plant is not as robust as it could be. DAY 59: AN ATTEMPT TO ADDRESS THE NUTRIENT PROBLEM - Foliar feeding with a mix from (It was something on my shelf.) - Consisted of Spray-N-Grow (micronutrients), Bills Perfect Fertilizer and CoCo Wet. - Applied per instructions and away from the lights. DAY 60: WATERING AND LIGHT ADJUSTMENT - Watered with 1.5 liters of the standard mix plus about a teaspoon of molasses - Light lowered to no less than 12 inches above the plant. - According to reviews and the manufacturer, this height should give me just under 1,000 PPFD in the center of the grow area. - I will be watching for signs of stress from too much light. DAY 62: WHOOPS, I'M USING A LITTLE TOO MUCH PRODUCT. VPD DISCUSSION - Double checked the frequency of use on the Mammoth P website. It's supposed to be applied once-a-week and _not_ every watering. - I am still checking the schedule for Fish Sh!t. Their online instructions are not as clear as they could be. - Watered with 1.5 liters of pH'd water only. pH adjusted to about 6.3. - I can't say that I've seen a major change from the single foliar feeding of Spray-N-Grow, but don't know that I should expect much in such a short time. - I am adjusting the VPD "upward" a bit. From what I've read, lowering the VPD increases the transpiration rate of the plant, increasing the speed of growth at the same time. - For mid-to-late flowering, the suggested VPD is 1.2-1.6. My VPD has been running at about 1.37. - My current target is from 1.40 to 1.55. - After lowering the RH the VPD is now 1.53. I'll track it for a few days to be sure that it is stable.
1 comment
Grow Questions
BladeCutterstarted grow question 5 years ago
I'd love some critical looks at my plants, there are two in this grow. With only a few weeks left, I don't think there is much I can do to really improve things. But, please look at my pictures and tell me what you see wrong and what I should have caught. THANKS! 🙏
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Feeding. Deficiences
MadeInGermanyanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey buddy :-) Your plant is great :-) really nice tasty buds 😍. You could give her more vegi phase the next time she's around a lot bigger ;-) keep growingmie :-)
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
45 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 2
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.16 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 1 mll
DAY 64: PLAIN WATER AND WONDERING ABOUT FOXTAILING - Watered with 1.5 L of water pH'd to about 6.3. - Was not in great need of water. I will probably wait about two days before watering again. - It looks as if I may be seeing some fox tailing. I don't really know how to prevent it or if there is anything I can do. DAY 66: NOTHING BUT PICTURES DAY 67: IT SEEMS TO BE DRYING MORE SLOWLY - It needs water, but for some reason, it seems to be drying more slowly than it has for the last week to ten days. I'll just water it when it needs it. - I'm considering adding some coco coir to my next mix to allow slightly better drainage. I would only go with about 10% coco. - Watered with dechlorinated tap water pH'd to about 6.3. DAY 69: JUST PLAIN WATER - Watered with plain dechlorinated tap water pH'd to about 6.3.
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Grow Questions
BladeCutterstarted grow question 5 years ago
Are these buds beginning to form foxtails? If so, is there anything I can do to minimize it? And, how can I prevent it in future crops? Thanks, all!
Buds. Other
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
doesnt really look like foxtails, but it is wierd to see such growth. only reason i dont think it's a foxtail is because they still seem a bit thicker than usual foxtails. Only reason i think it could be foxtails is the heat / temperature you're at. Just remember though : you can absolutely smoke foxtails and they're just as strong as usual. Simply harvest when the trichomes are ready. no stress! hope this helps ! 🚀
BladeCutterstarted grow question 5 years ago
I think my soil is a bit heavy and could have better drainage. Should I add more perlite or some coco coir for my next garden? My base is Biobizz Light-Mix. I'm thinking of supplementing it with 10%-15% of perlite or coco coir. Does this sound good or should I do something else?
Setup. Substrates
Shagrathanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yes I think perlite is recommended to add to soil when growing cannabis and almost does it and commercial soil mixes most often have it too. Coco will retain lots of moisture so I would suggest either soil/perlite or go hydro and use 100% coco
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
46 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 3
Molassas 0.75 mll
Mammoth P - Mammoth Microbes
Mammoth P 0.16 mll
Fish Shit - Fish Head Farms
Fish Shit 0.5 mll
DAY 72: STILL WET AND A BROKEN BRANCH! - It's been three days since I last watered and the pot is still wet. Don't know what is going on. - Attempted to bend a few branches down to allow the light to get to some of the inner buds. Good idea, poorly executed. I wasn't careful enough and one of the branches broke off. A picture of the broken branch is above. I dried it and it smokes nice enough. It was about a gram or so dried. A branch on the other plant was also severely damaged, but I was able to prop it up and it seems to be maturing. DAY 74: FINALLY WATERED LATE IN THE DAY - Five days since the last watering and the pot still feel too wet to require watering. - One thought on why it may not be drinking as much is the lack of new microbes to keep the soil "alive." It has been TWO WEEKS since I last added any supplements. - Watered with 1.5 L of tap water pH'd to about 6.3 augmented with: • 0.25 ml Mammoth P • 0.75 ml Fish Sh!t • 1.25 ml blackstrap molasses DAY 77: THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS - I expect to harvest in about three days. The milky and amber trichomes are really starting to "bloom." - I don't expect to do anything more. I'll just let it dry out and then take it down. - I'm getting ready for my next crop. I can't wait to share it with you!
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Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
30.48 cm
20 hrs
26 °C
51 %
20 °C
11 L
1 L
30.48 cm
DAY 79: HARVEST DAY - I decided that today was harvest day. - Removed all the primary buds. Some of the smaller buds under the canopy were underdeveloped. I decided to let it grow for a few more days. But, after just a day I decided that I didn't want to extend the harvest process any further and simply harvested the last bud. It's now hanging to dry with the other buds. HARVEST REPORT COMING SOON!
Grow Questions
BladeCutterstarted grow question 5 years ago
What is the best way to get tighter and denser buds? More light? Some "magic" nutrients? Managing VPD? What is your "secret?"
Buds. Not fattening
deFharoanswered grow question 5 years ago
Yo, sistemáticamente a todos los riegos desde la etapa de floración le añado un 1% de ormus casero (Calcio, Magnesio y +) y azúcares libres; melaza o miel. También potasio y fósforo altamente solubles y sacados de diversas fuentes orgánicas, los elementos anteriores los incluyo siempre, además, otros muchos de mis preparados que voy rotando, en mi caso trato de dar a mis plantas una dieta muy variada. También procuro dar toda la intensidad de luz posible, en mis armarios doy luz por 3 lados y giro las macetas 90° todos los días, mezclo diversos espectros de color dependiendo de la etapa del cultivo, cuanto más avanza el cultivo más intensidad de luz, en las dos últimas semanas puedes bajar la intensidad para evitar las colas de zorro, aunque para mi, las colas de zorro me dan pistas sobre el estado de maduración, a mi los foxtails me salen frecuentemente en las dos semanas antes de la cosecha.
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
************************************************ ** I'll be reporting on both plants in this grow in a single harvest report. I will copy the same report to both diaries. I will try to make sure that my total production weights all work out correctly. ************************************************ This was the second time that I grew Double Grape. I still have a lot to learn to maximize the production of this plant. I noticed that one grower, who had a _bigger_ harvest than what I am reporting, said that his latest results were the worst he ever had! So, I still have a long way to go. I had two plants under a single light. Here is how they produced: Plant #1: 106.6 grams wet, 38.7 g dry. This is a 62% increase in dry weight when compared with my first crop. Plant #2: 105.4 grams wet, 33.2 g dry. This is a 44% increase in dry weight when compared with my first crop. I don't know why the dry weight on this one was so much lower than Plant #1. My total dry weight for both plants under 135W fixture is 71.9 grams or 2.8 ounces. I'm going to try to get at least another 25% per plant increase in my next garden. The product smokes well, but I don't have other strains to compare it to. It is sweet and earthy and while it spurs a bit of creativity, mostly it is sedating. It's great if you are having problems sleeping.
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Spent 85 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
106 g
Bud wet weight per plant
35.95 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Hungry, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Berries, Earthy, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
This was my second attempt to grow organic. I made it much too complex. My many layers of bokashi and the problems this caused as the plant hit the levels is something that I want to avoid next time. I have a much simpler system planned for my next garden, but I am sticking with Nature's Living Soil, Fish Sh!t and Mammoth P, along with a number of other organic amendments. Double Grape is great strain and well worth growing. I will try it again in the fututre.
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Buddha2commentedweek 95 years ago
Denzulcommentedweek 85 years ago
Some nice buds on those ladies. Thick and frosty. Fantastic work my friend. Keep it up and may the ganja garden gods bless you along the way with this grow and all future endeavors as well
Denzulcommented5 years ago
@BladeCutter, best of luck. She still got some time to fill out. Good luck
BladeCuttercommented5 years ago
@Denzul, thanks so much. 🙏🙏 This has been a tough grow. She had some bad nute problems the last week to ten days, but she seems to be pulling out of it. I hope she really fills out over the next few weeks of finishing. ✌️
PrairieFrostGrowcommentedweek 125 years ago
Nice frosty looking buds on your girl!!!! Mephisto.......always have great resin production!!!
BladeCuttercommented5 years ago
@PrairieFrostGrow, I'm enjoying getting to know the Mephisto line. I have some more seeds in my inventory, so I am trying to decide what to plant next. My Mephisto options are Chemdogging or Sour Stomper. Any suggestions?
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 105 years ago
hey there, hope i answered your question anything else you need just let me know 👊
BladeCuttercommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Very helpful. I just DM'd you with a followup.
the end.
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Double Grape S2 P1Double Grape S2 P1
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