Greetings from Russia! Your plants look great! Keep developing in the same spirit! If you are interested in following the adventures of weed in Russia, subscribe to my diary
Impressive grow 👍 those colas and looking super. I'm just a week or two in-front with the same strain :)
Are you really feeding at EC of 4 ?? I don't think I've ever seen an EC that high 👀
@VnlaThndr, don't look at the sugar leaves. Only look at the buds. Best to pick just few buds and start looking at the trichomes daily to get familiar with how they change. A 20-60x magnification is what you need. It's often tricky to see the difference between clear and cloudy. I often find that if I look at them early enough (as in your case) you clearly see the clear trichomes and at some point they become cloudy/hazy... once I see (say 10%) amber trichomes I flush for 4 days then harvest (growing in coco). The more amber trichomes the more of a couch-lock feeling you'll end up with - though that's just a general rule. Don't worry too much, just don't harvest early. It always takes longer than we want :) specially by the end of a long grow 😎 Best of luck - it will be awesome any which way.
@HazeyBobby, hey thanks for the comment. This is my first grow so I haven’t been monitoring the EC levels. I didn’t think I even put a number in there lol this is also Bubba Kush. I just couldn’t find my strain in the list. I’m hoping I’m ready for harvest in the next week or so. I’m just having the trouble with picking the right time to harvest. I have a jewellers loupe but I’m still unsure where exactly to look to know if it’s done. The sugar leaves trichomes are turning amber but the buds are still clear and cloudy.
Greetings from Russia! Your plants look great! Keep developing in the same spirit! If you are interested in following the adventures of weed in Russia, subscribe to my diary