Everything went wrong from the start on. I planted in fertilized soil, not suitable for easy germination, so it took 8 days before it showed its first moves.
One's she was starting fotosynthesis, she was never at a good place to have that vigoreous growth to take of. The weeds outgrew her.
Then finally she got that number 1 spot,
but i didnt noticed she was thirsty and then ive probably drowned her almost.
Nutrients were always like the leftover of the main tent. Probably to strong to for auto flowers.
Final word
Im sorry for Sweet Seeds, i fucked up 1 of your seeds. But I did learn a lot.🍀🍀👍👍.
Hi buddy :)
The leaves look like they have bite marks. Maybe you have thrips. Have you seen any flies/mosquitoes around?
Maybe it's the effect of the light. If so, omit this comment. ;)
Good luck!
Sweet smokes,
Thanks for the advice, but its really lack of experience and knowhow. I gave nutrients like a photoperiod, so thats allready my 1st mistake.
The seed was late and slow from the beginning. Probably because ive been to hasty, and just took some prepped soil for germination fase instead of neutral sew and cutting soil.
Thats the 2nd fault.
3th fault was just not planning at all, and not putting here on a good spot at the start. The 90 90 tent was packed with bigger pots, tomatoes seedlings and other seedlings.
So at the end of the story, ive learned a lot of this 1.🙌😅🙌