The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Grow #16

5 years ago
Purple Star Killer
Gorilla Lemon Fire
96 Watt Led grow bars Light Emitting Diodes/96W
96 Watt Led grow bars
Cob Led Array Light Emitting Diodes/403W
Cob Led Array
Cob Led Array Light Emitting Diodes/403W
Cob Led Array
CFL- UVA-UVB Fluorescent/65W
Eco Farm 90w Led Bar Light Emitting Diodes/90W
Eco Farm 90w Led Bar
Parfactworks 500w Led COB Light Emitting Diodes/170W
Parfactworks 500w Led COB
Vivosun Plus EXTRA
Vivosun Plus EXTRA
Room Type
19 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
30.48 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 6
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 0.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.5 mll
A grow room inside a grow tent. There are all at Six or seven days from sprouting so we decided to post. There is more then one strain here. We will document Purple Star killer here and the rest will be on separate diaries... Ugh Gonna be doing a lot of these. One of the seedlings emerged photos did not upload, you get the idea.. It ahh looked like the others. Harbingers rarely ever see daylight so we must harness the power of the sun into our grow caves to grow our bountiful Harvests. The seeds are under two 48w Led grow bars in the Cave of Harvests. The seeds for first 2 weeks or so will be run from a combined 96w Led then we go continue to grow/go from there. Nice clean filtered air coming in and lots of hooks on the roof to mount and move lights in all sorts of different ways. Co2 Monitored around 1500 ppm with bags. Very cool setup, lots of labour, measuring and creative thinking. We have no logging equipment but we do daily morning and evening inspections. It's very cool inside as the noise of the fans and the water running with all the airflow creates a very comfy and cozy environment. The tent wall/Mylar walls act as insulation/sound barrier and make the whole living area nicer. Because of the added structure and support of the tent we can store all sorts of stuff on top of the tent. We lose about 2 inches of tent all around not a huge deal for the added support and the tent is tight around the frame so the tent doesn't suck in with the negative pressure from the Exhaust fan. If your interested in learning more about the frame and what we did please pm. Yes White Mylar because it's actually been proven to reflect light in a much better and more efficient manner then mirror like. With mirror finishes you get a refraction of the light so it actually bounces off or redirects the light in all sorts of random directions. You may get a 100% reflection of the light with the mirror finish but with it not being flat it bounces the light off in random areas. With white on the other hand the Reflection rate is lower like 90%. But the light actually “glows” off the wall and produces a more uniform and equal light reflection. Diamond may have been better but it's also much more expensive. “A white object reflects the light in all the directions, independently of the original direction. It is called a diffuse reflection. If you shine a beam of light onto a white surface, it is scattered in all the directions. On the other hand, a mirror reflect the light symmetrically to the input direction, with no scattering. This is what allows us to see "through" the mirror.” There you have it folks a little science for you and you learned a little bit about mirrored surfaces vs. White ones and a bit about how light works as well. The future: We will be topping 2-3 times on each with lots of LST to even out the Canopy. Also going to experiment and do some really cool things on this side of things to get fat yields and show off some crazy genetics and such. In mid to late veg we will be turning on some more lights. Running some Uva+Uvb during mid to late flower along with a lot of LED lights. We got more seeds on order so we got more genetics and diversity to come. Also gonna be tracking another outdoor grow as it progresses so expect to see a couple diaries started by us from a couple local growers we are representing. We've got a few less hardcore people involved. And we don't mind showcasing the other side of the spectrum of growing as well. Anyway this is what we do, this is our hobby and our passion and we are always willing to help. We are not experts but we are experienced and we got that experience by investing a lot of time into researching and continued researched. Always willing to debate and discuss and learn more so if you'd like to start a dialog please do.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
30.48 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 6
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 1 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1 mll
Growing great. Except the middle guy had a flow issue.. Bit of a story but she is bouncing back now and everything is rolling along nicely. I have no flipping idea what is going on with the weird patterns on that one plants leaves but she is growing so we just gonna wait and see what happens.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
30.48 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 1 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1 mll
So she's looking a little dark. A mistake was made. Balance.. Balance.. It would be easy to look at the ladies and assume there was a ton of nitrogen going in, this is not what happened. It's a bit complicated and don't feel like explaining but corrections will be made and ladies will bounce back and thrive. When comparing to last week's pics we are still very much storming along just colors are a bit off and not seeing 100% what we wanna be seeing at this phase. But there is plenty of time to adjust and correct before flower, it's a downside of hydroponic growing as things can turn quickly against you. It's all turning around now. A public apology for the frustration I have with feeding young seedlings, we are all modestly experienced Cannabis growers and we still make mistakes with feeding. When you grow hydroponically with schedules provided by the companies you run into problems. When you try new things all the time you run into problems. In hydroponics not all systems are the same and one size does not fit all. Also the ladies add in their own curve balls because they all grow a bit differently. Like this plant is Nitrogen Saturated it's very easy to see it took in a bit too much. There's a certain color to cannabis it's not about Dark or light it's about healthy green colors. But we can't tell you how to speak to the plants only the language we are trying to learn. Experimentation breeds mistakes running new nutrients and different formulas causes this, it's stupid easy to find something that works and stay with it. We are trying to push and adding “more then needed”. There is no argument there but hopefully with all the intense light and the Co2 we will be getting the yields we expect we will be getting. Also a shout out to Green Planet Nutrients for sending me a cool swag package. The stickers you see, measuring cups, couple lanyards and a nice banner. Very cool of them I asked for stickers and they blew me away. These ladies are only fed Green Planet Nutrients with some UC roots. Know now the combo of the two is causing a bit of a headache but less is more sometimes and will continue to use both and get it all figured out. Anyway drop a line if you wanna discuss, brainstorm or ask questions. Stay safe folks and happy growing. I combined all the plants into one diary... I know I can't enter contests because of this, I don't care... I want it to be easier to diary and also easier for you folks to read..
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 1 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1 mll
Night time photos so ladies look a little droopy from being in the light all day. Woot woot Cheers to Ecofarm for Fast and friendly service. Got the grow bars in today and they will added to the tent, they are 90w Led grow lights 4 feet long with Banks of Sanan Epistar Smd 2835 and Osrams. PPFD of 198 @ 18” added to the power already there and we got a heck of a light setup. The lights are of great quality and have a three year warranty. Next big investment will mostly be an Apogee Light Meter, tired of fucking around and playing the Guessing game with “Lux meter” on the cell phone. After we acquire the ppfd meter the next step will be acquiring parts to build our own grow light. Also planning on experimenting with light moving technology next grow so we can avoid some of hot spot issues known to be present with Cobs. Lights lights everywhere lights what the heck is going on here? Well the whole idea is to have a ppfd that is as close as possible to 1000 or higher Par/ppfd at 5 foot by 5 foot. Ladies will burned but yields will be large. No guessing or estimating yet. Taking a wait and see approach. The purple gelato mutant is still showing signs that she may indeed be going into flower. Not overly concerned, just kind of cool thing. So all said and done we will try to run 6 side bar lights. 4 cheaper led bars equaling about 180w with 2 Chinese high quality led that are also equal to about 180w. There is also a 2000w Cob grow light with 4 cobs and a bunch of leds draws about 400 watts. And finally a Parfactworks 500w grow light draws about 150 watts. These are all give or take numbers so really I could be drawing 1000 watts or I could be drawing 800 watts. Not really concerned about the power draws we are after bigger weights. And without investing in a new grow light this was our best course of action. Pleased with how everything is progressing and looks great. So I'm actually kind of not use to plants growing this fast every plant is showing gender now in some way. The mutant is most likely not pushing into flower. But again I'm not use to plant growth this fast... Umm #@$% you Advanced Nutrients I used them for half a year and never really had anything to compare them too. This is a superior product in every single way including Price.. Thank you Green Planet Nutrients for making a fantastic product. SMD 2835 – A cheaper led fairly efficient rated at 2.2umols/j with a 3 year warranty offers good value to performance. Comparable to Lg 5830s and Samsung 301h(b) But not as energy efficient. PPFD - photosynthetic photon flux density A link to a video with Dr. Bruce Bugbee a very respected and valued member of the Cannabis growing community. In the video he explains a lot about light intensity and yields. Seen it first hand and this gentleman does indeed know his stuff. Here's a link:
Week 4. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Not the biggest fan.. It's a sweet potent indica... No strong smell just a very nice sweet vanilla cake smell. Terps could have been brought out in a later harvest.. Developed trichomes makes for a nice smooth hit.
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Spent 137 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
420 g
Bud wet weight per plant
130 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Paranoia
Negative effects
Cream, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
130 grams wedding Cake smoke is fantastic.. Will grow a wedding cake again at some point perhaps a cross of or something anyway very pleased.. Good work. nice smoke.
1 like
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 1.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.5 mll
Last week of veg. Went swimmingly slight defiency on the micro side towards the end of the week. 1.5 ladies magnesium 1 lady calcium.. Adjusted dosages accordingly and all is well. Big plants vegged.. Big flower expected. I guess explanations are great too so Lsted every plants with hooks and string. Flower started basically today. No special prep or anything other then lights out early and then dark for 15-16 hours light for 8 then onto the 12/12 for the rest of flower. Formulas will be kept around the same for the first 2 weeks of flower before we cut out Grow and go very light on micro formula.. Pleased everything is coming along nicely. Rezin was added to Reservoirs as well. Quite a product this stuff is, already Terpenes are being expressed by ladies and they all have a nice light aroma coming from them. Rezin or Terpinator use very similar ingredients and I can say for sure that at least on the Rezin side it works. So after 2-3 days of observation Mutant Purple Gelato has produced buds and is indeed pushing herself into flower... No ruderalis genes present... So what da fuck? This is caused by inbreeding and it is believe it or not a common problem amongst the Cannabis Community? Why? well because there is lack of genetic diversity in the Gene pool so the Chance of Mutation increases.. At F7 or F8 whatever level it happens to be do not know there is very little Genetic Diversity so we have increases of Mutations running Rampant... Some really cool and good like this and a lot not soo cool. read about inbreeding read about the need for genetic diversity. Read before you assume this is out to lunch or assuming there is no intelligence here...…….. why in the hell do you think there is a push for Landraces Strains? because of the lack of diversity....
1 comment
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 1.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.5 mll
That mutant lady got put in her place... By the door so she can be chopped early and inspected easier. What a mind fuck having her flower on her own, I have no idea why other then like I said the mutation caused it. But it's like cool but not. She looks like she's 3 weeks into flower it's strange, really is. And she is not an auto she did not grow like an auto, she just started to flower all on her own like she was producing the flower chemistry from the beginning hence why she had weird leaves.. Big plants could probably just do four.. But five are in the tent and commitments have been made. LST and clipping canopy leaves to expose bud sites that is all. Plan worked kinda sorta maybe depending on how you view it lol.
1 comment
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 1.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 1.5 mll
So everything is coming along swimmingly. Fantastic size and growth.. Must be doing something right... Uvb will be set up to run soon for all plants only uvb on the mutant purple gelato. Massive plants.. pictures don't quite do the ladies the glory they deserve. There is a lot of minor micro deficiency signs on a lot of leaves. Very minor and really easily corrected.. Not perfection by any means but a very good turn out and some real serious weight expected.. Over a pound no problem even just from the 4 plants.. Optimistic? maybe but there is some intelligence going into this grow obviously. "The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round and it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: 'Is this real? Or is this just a ride?' And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid - ever - because... this is just a ride.' And we kill those people. 'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry; look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that - ever notice that? - and we let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because... it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort. No worry. No job. No savings and money. Just a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, into a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year and, instead, spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would do many times over - not one human being excluded - and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever. In peace. Just added an extra line for revision testing purpose." - Bill Hicks.
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.5 mll
Ocean Magic - Green Planet Nutrients
Ocean Magic 0.25 mll
*****No flash photos at all period it's just from the 3 lights going I tried to shut off a lot just so the lighting would be better for photos but there is no flash*** Uhh ahhh uhhh… Pretty flowers.. I'll tell you names when I can guess em fun little game The autistic kid gets to play with his plants sorry guys it can't be a lot about you😁... Anyway thanks for checking it out... Changing my tune a little... I am trying my best this is all.. Pretty simple.. Don't judge.. Don't hate... Educate. That's me I like to absorb and obsess over things... Anyways I do appreciate the view and yea thanks for stopping by. I am not legit... I am not like super for real grower... I am Autistic and I obsess so I have learned... I'm compulsive like if you are "Normal" you would not understand.. It's beyond addiction it's beyond experience and time... I was born this way. And I have to own it or it will destroy me. Sending love folks you have kept me motivated and too the state I am it in my world my little world super important world lol... So I do have to show you folks love... So sorry I was a dick.
Grow Questions
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitystarted grow question 5 years ago
Giving Away Seeds.... NO personal information sharing or required please just growers names.... Winners will be contacted after. This is actually just a person being nice... No Scam... No hustle... No second agenda of advertising. My work speaks for itself I don't need to do this
Other. Other
1 like
iMpulsive_Growanswered grow question 5 years ago
Impulse, NorCal_kannabliss
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.5 mll
Ocean Magic - Green Planet Nutrients
Ocean Magic 0.25 mll
Other then Green Planet's "Dense" 0-0-64 for the past week on four of the plants.. Just fighting that Egomaniac in me everyday, he is a strong angry bastard, I wish I would've dealt with him sooner. It's like nothing Iv'e ever done before. Challenging but rewarding. Just pictures this time. I don't want too much attention for me as it can be really overwhelming unless I kind of prep myself for it but I do appreciate all the feed back you guys are fucking incredible.... Really you make me better :) I do this for me as well as you.. I just try to do it like I know how :). Thank you for the likes and the follows and everything really that's all the words I have. Much love and peace to you all.
Grow Questions
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitystarted grow question 5 years ago
Last call for Free seeds. Just Grower Names Please. No personal/private info. Dumping all my fridge stock Fresh Feminized Viable(95%) for grabs. Ordered too much and now you get the REWARDS.. 20+ different Strains. The three winners will discuss and choose. Coop works!!!
Other. Other
1 like
Fusionanswered grow question 5 years ago
I'll try some of your strains.
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
12.7 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 7
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.5 mll
Ocean Magic - Green Planet Nutrients
Ocean Magic 0.25 mll
5 week flower looking exceptional.. Buds everywhere. Mass.. Weight. So this was all done with cheap offhand purchases of leds. Money was saved and spent.. Future Plans Big bad ass lights inbound. Not perfection.. But got damn isn't it beautiful? should see more colours next week. Choppa Choppa kill the Purple Gelato she under yielded by a huge margin but she looks really great and for doing her own thing. I am happy, should be a really potent, sweet treat. Sexy looking thing nice and purple.. Trichomes everywhere.. Small buds.... The early flower really affected yields. Umm Huge mass gains on the other 4... Colors shining through.. Absolute gorgeous turnout. 3-4 weeks left what? Those buds are so big already lol.. Well you guys know what's coming.. at least I do :). Minor Smoke Report On the Purple Gelato.. Yummmy… Very sweet, potent and real eye appeal. The aroma on the Gelato is just wonderful like an off sweetness too it without being a distinct berry like armoma. Harnessed the power of cheap leds to grow this crop.. Every light in the tent was less then 300 cad. The average being about 130 Dollars. So We know cheap leds work, and they can work well. See it's not about being right.. It's about understanding what your seeing and why you are seeing it.. Tried using cheap led. There are Cree Cobs, Bridgelux Cobs, Epistars Diodes, LM301 diodes, Smd 2835.. Double Diodes... Phyto like leds.. Their are many lights in the grow spaces and around the grow spaces.. It's a lot of fun.. Gonna grow some Bonsai.. Some Tomatoes.. Maybe some smaller fruiting plants.. Just really enjoying growing plants and Cannabis is Light Heavy it's just like a miracle plant so we got extra lights around for other none window growing. Long lights.. Skinny lights... Fat Lights.. Short lights.. Tall lights, Plurple Lights, Natural, Sunlight Lights.... Are you catching the drift of what I'm putting down... LIGHTS :).
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Big plants. Big nugs. Big yields... light works.... More light in the works for next time.. Added a beautiful 360 degree spinning fan to the tent and it's just an amazing addition with all the extra light/heat.. Special shout out to the Team @ Parfactworks. Wonderful lights I have received from these folks and everything is in line for next.. Next level growing. Enough light to be seen from SPACE... Everything looks Great, Everything is right on schedule.. And me and these plants are fucking AWESOME. Grow Trees.
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Added Parfactworks BM4 Led and 50W Cob. Took away 75 watt, Growstar and something else? lol.. Anyway same amount of light I think lol. I think I'll be getting a Par Meter at some point here... Anyway everything looks Great the Wedding Cake looks absolutely fantastic, everything else seems to be in that late middle stage still... Very large buds.
1 comment
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Chopped down the little guy. Wedding Cake was about 90% finished no amber so I was okay with the early chop for putting green in jars. 532 Grams of wet Top Cola soo roughly 1/5-1/4 of that depending... I'm not overly concerned was a huge pull with the bottom larf there would be another 200-300 grams of colas.
1 comment
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
8th weekish of flower done. Photographic Evident enclosed Classified Files this message will self destruct in 30 seconds.. Who really knows how much longer?? lol only the plants know. Light photo attached to show various 1 plant under various led light and just that leds generally speaking can be run very close to plants. 130 Grams from the early harvested Wedding Cake, Fantastic turn out smells great looks great. Smokes very nice for uncured product and can't wait to let it cure and finsh.. The rest is looking amazing and yup thanks for reading. Lots of pictures this time lol having some fun growing plants 😃
1 comment
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Choppa Choppa.. Kill the Gorilla Lemon Fire.. Spectacular turn out. Absolutely the biggest yield Iv'e had so far 😜😁👍... I have no idea what I'm doing maybe? I don't know is more then 1/4 pound a plant good? I think it's good. I'm gonna try to push it.. But I don't really know much more I can yield. Doubling the effective Par value for next grow.... Parfactworks lights on standby. I'm also in the works of building a custom diode cob board with CRI greater then 90. The diodes are "new" and specifically designed for growing . 10 watt diodes 36 of them running @ 8.9 amps. 247 Amps a Diodes.. Anyway everything but the high value diodes has been ordered. That would 320 watts the light I'm building.. I'll be running 1200-1300 Watts of Led. Multiply diodes.. Multi Spectrums.. CREE Cobs on the Parfactworks. I'll be using bridgelux in my own design. The only diodes I don't have in use are the samsung 561s.. I might get a light with those just to see. 620 Grams of wet colas.. 1/4...1/5 that weight and we get at least a lot lol :) amazing pull... Amazing looking nugs.. Fat smelly.. Huge amount of product on the bottom.. Just an absolute beast of a yield.. Also in the pictures if your curious.. Is a DC power supply and 3 Mean Well Drivers.. Two 150 watts and one 320..
1 comment
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Small stems have snapped on small buds.. Product is drying fast and has to be jarred a bit early to stop degrading from drying "too" fast... No smoking yet.. The Harvest entries as terrible so I'm gonna put off til the end and do a synopsis on each one.. But the harvesting is very staggered... The Bruce Banner will be chopped this weekend and the Purple Star Killer is still going strong. 149 Grams dry.. Lots of lower buds did not get weighed... All "sugar" leaves and lower canopy buds are in the 2 large bags. I mean with all the other smaller bud easily over 6 ozs.. But I don't want to mix top with bottom so we get 5.32 Oz... See if we can get a six next time. 1/4 pound a plant boom check done.. let's see if I can hit a 1/2 pound a plant.. Set goals :).. Lol holy shit I was tired when I first wrote this... Well what did I chop? The Gorilla Lemon Fire.. STUNNING FOLKS... Absolutely a beautiful treat... How do I know?? Well I pressed some dry flower and got some nice rosin. And oh wow what a beautiful lemon taste.. Fantastic smoke already and I can't wait for it too cure.. but I will. I have soo much fucking weed... It's insane... I'm contemplating given weed away lol.. Maybe for the Canada folks we will see.... I will whip up a 'sampler' pack of some of my choice product and ship it you free of charge... Review... Rate... Tell me what you think.. and I'll ship you more.. Completely Free Of Charge... Cool hey?
1 comment
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
"I think we are gonna need bigger jars." Choppa Choppa Kill the BRUCE!!!... So a little more information... I did not flush bruce banner at all or any my plant work for that matter.. I stopped feeding her about 1 week ago... There was also Liquid Weight, Rezin, Gpf and Uc Roots in the Water. The explanation is a bit complex but the idea is we don't want circulation and intake to stop.. Don't want to starve the plant.. We want to encourage circulation in order to clean up excess deposits as well as remove nitrogen and such from foliage... Keep in mind the plant is using the nitrogen it's not disappearing.. The biochemical relationship is what we are really trying to understand here.. It's why "Flushing" is not the correct term.. Low Feeding.. The Harbinger Prep??? lol I don't care what you call it. If you think it's weird idea or dumb concept then you probably shouldn't be reading my work :).. So far on the completed nugs.. I have had rave reviews... The old guys approved which was huge for me. If you got other people who can't see you smoking your stuff and saying you've done a very good job. And it's not even Cured.. Well folks that's AAA :). UVB is essential... Not even data to Say Multi Spectrum Diodes Help.. But I would gather with Cannabis there is no Logical reason the Multi Spectrums would do anything but help.. The UVB is run at 2.5 hours this late into flower and yup if the bulbs touch the ladies they will hurt em. You don't need a crazy uvb light.. But it's why LED can be vastly superior to Bulbs.. When you can bomb the plant with light from multi angles and hit it with UVB light at controlled intervals the results really speak for themselves. I' don't really care too weigh wet material anymore it's such a ballpark number.. And I left this over night so the wet weight would be off anyway.... Weed Nugs, Shake Bags, Weed Extracts, Weed Sugar, Weed Oil.... We got your weed right here brother and sister :). *side Note* Purchased Uvb Lighting Kit from California Light Works... Scrapping the reptile bulbs for more coverage and because they are kind of a pain to fuck with..
1 comment
Week 18. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Four days... Mother fucking heat.. thank god for A/C... My plants would be dead or.. My light would be "downgraded" lol this is intense.. It's been 35-37 degrees Celsius.. Screw all you Fahrenheit guys.. I am Canadian. We do Celsius. And my balls are sweating to the dickens. And my plants are hanging in there... How much pot could a pot head grow if a pot head could grow pot? 125 Grams of top Colas that is what he would grow.. I was actually disappointed by this at first.. I knew the yield could've been higher with more plant support and better bud under canopy relationship.. The Bruce Banner Begged for more training and better plant care and I paid the price.... Awful price to pay. 4 ozs of some top shelf :(... Then I was no longer sad because I got a fucking 1/4 pound of weed from 1 plant.. Like how freaking awesome is that? YAY me... Eat it haters.. Love you all thanks for reading likes and comments.. You keep me here.. I will support better.. The yields will improve.. The jars will get better and the people.. Well the people will be informed :)... 1 ppicture... sorry folks that's all...What's in the BOX??!?! Bruce Banner lol :). Green Jar is Gorrilla Lemon Fire. Smaller Jar is Wedding Cake.. 1 bag is tiny buds and sugar leaves and 1 bag is mid canopy.... There is like 14 ozs of Weed in that picture Cooll picture :). *Side Note* The Gorilla Lemon Fire was given to local pros for review and critique.. "Very nice lemon smell.. Really nice lemon flavor. Ash was not heavy or charcoaled and a smooth smoke. AA in it's current condition. AAA with curing and time.".. Other local group of sellers and movers "Excellent smoke very well done.. Really nice sized nugs with a nice lemon smell, You are getting better."
Week 19. Flowering
5 years ago
121.92 cm
20 hrs
22 °C
250 PPM
45 %
20 °C
20 °C
15 °C
19 L
30 L
76.2 cm
1500 PPM
Nutrients 8
GP3 Bloom - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Bloom 1.5 mll
GP3 Grow - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Grow 0.5 mll
GP3 Micro - Green Planet Nutrients
GP3 Micro 0.75 mll
Last plant down.. Ready to go for the next one.. 3 plants next grow in this tent.. Yay my three extra plants now have a home... Everyone is a little happier.. Huge plant.. Huge yields.. Skinny White Dude. What a fun ride.1 more update then this diary is done... long one lots of fun.
1 comment
Week 19. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I don't know not a huge fan... Doesn't seem to have any striking characteristics... It's weed? And that's... good?
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Spent 137 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
11906.8 g
Bud wet weight per plant
184.27 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Earthy, Herbs, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I don't know the the terps and profiles is getting a bit better.. Not super impressed by the feel and look of the finished nugs for this plant.. Done with this diary 20+ ozs from 4.. 1 extra oz from the gelato mutant that finished a month ago or longer.. But yes I know a great deal of what I am doing in a sense of I know how to grow with leds.. Hydroponically.... I mean the proof is in the gigantic amount of weed I have. I haven't smoke the purple Star killer yet.. I might not smoke it for 2-3 weeks.. but anyway that's it for this one I guess.. I don't know the diary is half finished but yea it's basically enough information for me to get my point across.. On to the next one.. Bigger, Fatter and more potent yields.. I have the tools and resources now to be extremely successful with my gardens.
Week 19. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
AA Excellent stuff always is.. .I love the banners but this was the Diesel pheno first for me.. Wonderful smoke.. Great reviews from all.. Really nice smooth hard hitting sativa. Will grow again..
Show more
Spent 137 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
420 g
Bud wet weight per plant
125 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Cream, Diesel, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
I guess I will finish all the harvest reports.. Easier to find later.. I gotta write all this stuff down.. I have a book somewhere ha ha ha.
Week 19. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Gorrila Glue is super popular for a reason. And this hybrid did not disappoint
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Spent 137 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
420 g
Bud wet weight per plant
149 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Citrus, Flowery, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
All done... That's it.. There are harvest pictures in the diary not here obviously but somewhere back in time...... This is a silly way to do this … Long and hard to follow... My bad.
1 comment


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FoTwennycommentedweek 185 years ago
Dude, great looking harvest! Happy tokin'!
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitycommented5 years ago
@FoTwenny,I was at first then I got help and the help was a little less picky.. Habits rub off.. You know honestly the last complaint I'd ever expect to hear from any of the folks would be too much leafy material. The smoke is smooth.. The smoke is smooth know what I mean?.. It's surprising how much better this would be compared to some of my early runs... I didn't understand... I know now but I can't even explain the things I see.. :)
FoTwennycommented5 years ago
@DeadwebsiteBoringcommunity, That is fast! I need to get on that level! I am still sort of slow at trimming. I am a perfectionist with ADD... my own worst enemy! 😂😂😂
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitycommented5 years ago
@FoTwenny, Thank you. I'm actually getting really good at it.. I'll rip that baby apart in like 6 hours.. The smaller leaves and buds just get left and quick dried but all the top 1/4 nice fat buds get the nice trim. I prefer a bit of sugar leave to slow the process down a bit.. But the whole she bang in the box goes into a safeway bag now and that sits for 3-4 days opened up periodically of course, Produces a more even cure. Curing is half the battle. But you start with good you make it primo.. You can't polish a turd nor can any amount of curing fix poorly grown cannabis.
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Shagrathcommentedweek 95 years ago
Looking good!! 👌😻
BipolarHellascommentedweek 35 years ago
You are so right about how we try new things and learn...keep up the good work mate...greetings from Greece
Belverdecommentedweek 45 years ago
I see the video about lights, I have try to understand everything but it was difficult in some "tecnichal" part😅 But I use the same Black dog led he shows 😎 Top product 🔝 Happy growing mate And have fun 🌱
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitycommented5 years ago
@Belverde, "The sun of the mountain areas or the tropics are and will always be the best" Got this on check for Tree I live in the Mountains bro but it's rainy season so no explosive growing yet.. Cold snowy winters High uv hot summers :). The UVB is an Afterthought to this grow. The BlackDog is a great light but costs too much in my opinion. The price in my country is more then all of 5 lights I'm using combined. Iv'e gone with some good choices not the best but definitely worthy of Cannabis.. All the lights you see have a Three year warranty. About 750 Cad was spent on the entire grow setup. Iv'e used the Aglex 2000w before I know it produces quality.
Belverdecommented5 years ago
@DeadwebsiteBoringcommunity, Thanks 👍 Yes the sense of the video I understood, but they were things from here I had already read .. I spent months searching and searching , and I still do it 😉 Now after two years I have bought a blackdog again, notwithstanding these new quantums etc. they attracted me .. I would buy directly from china in that case .. But Black dog has something different in the final content in terpenes and cannabinoids.. It's not so much a talk of quantity, personally I don't care .. But final product quality .. Obviously it's not just about light And I try cannabis in a good amount of places in the last fifteen years Anyway So much is given by the presence of uv (A) .. But also the construction itself is done in a workmanlike manner 👌 In any case Said this The sun of the mountain areas or the tropics are and will always be the best 😉 Good cultivation And enjoy 🌱
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunitycommented5 years ago
@Belverde, It's a great video so glad you watched it... The summary of the whole video really is Cannabis Loves light 💪 and is quite a special plant because it can use and take in so much light. You have a fantastic light honestly, I just did a lot of leg work to understand leds and what we are actually paying for. My whole setup costs in my local dollars anyway less then 1 black dog light. But again you've made an excellent light choice, it's just when it comes to LED you don't have to spend a bunch of money to get great results.
Jef79commentedweek 175 years ago
Great job mate.. Nice extractions aswell.. Best of luck on nxt "cave of greens".. 👍🍀
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 165 years ago
Some good looking buds.👍 Enjoy your harvest 🌱 ✌️
Jef79commentedweek 155 years ago
Great work buddy.. They are sum chunky colas!! ..1200-1300w of leds!-They'll see ur grow from space..dont 4get to wear ur shades wen entering room(maybe sum sun cream aswell!!) 😂👍🍀
BudXscommentedweek 145 years ago
good harvest, harbie
GrowGuy97commentedweek 135 years ago
Nice healthy looking plants! Keep up the good work & happy growing friend!🌱✌️🏼
Jef79commentedweek 125 years ago
Amazing cave of colours going on buddy!! .. Great work.. 👍🍀
MaxGrowCanadacommentedweek 105 years ago
Cant lie, the clusterf*ck of lights made me giggle a little😁 Love the garden, keep it up!
Jef79commentedweek 105 years ago
BRILLIANT!.. Loving ur work as always buddy.. they are guna b amazing fat/sticky buds in 3-4wks.. All looking nice n healthy.. Stay safe n keep up the good work mate.. 👍🍀
Resin_Randycommentedweek 105 years ago
Wild Light Setup bro😂👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
Mr_Weeds_Autoscommentedweek 105 years ago
Your garden looks crazy good !!! Keep It Up... LIGHTS, LIGHTS, LIGHTS, love it.
Bouleusscommentedweek 65 years ago
Good growth and good harvest for the future 👊
MarijuanaFarmercommentedweek 195 years ago
Well done bro, she looks huge
JaySincommentedweek 195 years ago
Dude! You want me to post you sandwich or something 🤣 fucking plant weighs more than you mate 😂
the end.
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