My quick dinamed cbd is developing a dense main-bud now, with a lovely smell! Really interested in the next weeks and in the effect she’ll give me and my family!
Love the look of that central cola 🤗
Impressive looking flowers covered in CBD goodness, who could ask for more 🤘
Don't forget that pre harvest update my friend 🙏
All the best ✌️
Nice to see another Quick DinaMed CBD grow up and running on the grow diary platform 🤗
Good luck with this pure CBD Dinafem girl 👌
We will keep dropping in as you update your diary 👊
Stay safe in these crazy times 🙏
All the best ✌️
@TheDoctor, Thanks for the added info mate 👍
She's definitely flowering and starting to put out some nice budsites 👏👏
Keep the outdoor updates coming 🙏
All the best ✌️