Slow, uneventful week for the girls, with a big weekend. It rained a lot this week, so I didn't need to give them any water. This morning, I woke up at daybreak, grabbed my shovel, and started digging holes. I ended up planting all 5 plants now in their permanent homes, will they'll stay until they get chopped down sometime around Halloween I'm guessing. The girl formerly known as 'Runt', who I just let grow untouched since she was so small, and who I planted ~2 weeks ago, is now 42" tall - she grew 11" this week! The three quadrifold plants are planted about 3 yards apart in a line so I can see them from the deck. The classical manifold girl I planets among some nettles. This was quite a workout! The one thing about digging holes in the forest...there's roots. Lot's of em. And I bought these new 3 pots that I am not fans of - they're tall and narrow. I never re-use the fabric pots, so next season I will buy pots that are lower and wider. When I plant the girls, I dig a hole ~2 feet deep that can hold ~15 gallons. I put a gallon of compost from my bin at the bottom, then whatever relevant kitchen cuttings I have handy: apple peels, coffee grounds, egg-shells, whatevs, and throw that in. Than I cover it with a layer of soil, put the plant in, and then fill in the space around with Foxfarms Ocean Forest soil. Finished up around 9:30, and treated myself to a glass of cold white wine and a bowl from last season's white widow.
Clean country living.
@Thatsmyfirsttime, thanks! We try to grow as much of our stuff as possible and be self-sufficient. I try organic stuff out here and there (my autoflowers I used a living soil ammendment), but for the most part I think ferts are a scam. Coffee grounds, ground egg shells, earthworm castings, and left over fruit and veggie scraps. That's all I think you need to grow big, beautiful organic plants.
Runt's dry weight: 151g. It's curing now in a couple of paper grocery bags. I also harvested the traditional manifold, like the next day after Runt, so she's trimmed and dried as well: 137g; she's also in a couple of grocery bags.