The Big Bud girls right now are on cruise control. We got lots of rain this week, I've got the pH issues dialed in, and there's nothing but green, healthy plants. Runt is now 72" tall, and has a main cola the size of my forearm. The manifold plants are also all doing really well. I'm thinking I could pull a QP (4 oz) from the four manifold plants, and 6 - 8 oz from Runt. That would be a heck of a harvest! This is the first week you can really smell the girls from a few feet away. There's wild jasmine, honeysuckle and lavender in our forest which smell amazing when mixed in with the Big Bud's citrusy/pine smell. I suspect a harvest in early-to-mid October. I've never grown Big Bud before - I was almost exclusively white widow for a few seasons because I had a great mother plant - but I'm pretty happy with this strain. Where the BlueBerry was fickle, inconsistent, and sensitive to...well, anything really - these girls are classic "They grow like weeds".
Clean, on-autopilot country living.
@Thatsmyfirsttime, thanks! We try to grow as much of our stuff as possible and be self-sufficient. I try organic stuff out here and there (my autoflowers I used a living soil ammendment), but for the most part I think ferts are a scam. Coffee grounds, ground egg shells, earthworm castings, and left over fruit and veggie scraps. That's all I think you need to grow big, beautiful organic plants.
Runt's dry weight: 151g. It's curing now in a couple of paper grocery bags. I also harvested the traditional manifold, like the next day after Runt, so she's trimmed and dried as well: 137g; she's also in a couple of grocery bags.