This week was a good week for the girls. All their leaves are back to being a dark, healthy green, so it looks like I successfully addressed the nitrogen deficiency with last week's compost top dressing. I will probably do that every couple of weeks until the last month or so, which I expect to be around mid-October. The smallest girl is the traditional manifold, at 44" tall. The others are 47", 51", and 53", with the exception of the christmas tree, "Runt". Runt is 6'6" tall, or 78" if you don't want to do math (198 cm for the intelligent world that uses the metric system, f*****& America). Runt's main cola's ridiculous. It's about 14" long, and the buds are already nice and thick. Her lower buds are all the size of bic lighters - and I think I've still got 8 weeks or so to go. If I harvested the girls now, other than being crummy bud for being harvest too early, weight-wise I bet I would pull 6 oz dry already. I think Runt might put out 300g by herself. I just couldn't be happier with how these girls are growing compared to that crappy autoflower blueberry grow (the bud from that is 'meh' at best). These girls are much more akin to my WW grows over the last couple of seasons. And LORD do these girls stink! Every one smells like an overripe dead skunk. LORD do they stink.
Other than giving each girl a gallon of molasses tea and a pre-emptive mold/pest spray on Wednesday, I haven't done anything. It's rained pretty much every day, so I'm sure they're a bit water-logged. The rain is making sure the nutrients from the compost make it to the roots though, as shown by their vigorous growth this week. I suspect I will do a final intense defoliation this coming week to make sure all bud sites are getting direct sunlight, and then just cruise-control until harvest.
Clean, no drama country living.
@Thatsmyfirsttime, thanks! We try to grow as much of our stuff as possible and be self-sufficient. I try organic stuff out here and there (my autoflowers I used a living soil ammendment), but for the most part I think ferts are a scam. Coffee grounds, ground egg shells, earthworm castings, and left over fruit and veggie scraps. That's all I think you need to grow big, beautiful organic plants.
Runt's dry weight: 151g. It's curing now in a couple of paper grocery bags. I also harvested the traditional manifold, like the next day after Runt, so she's trimmed and dried as well: 137g; she's also in a couple of grocery bags.