Day 20 – The Buddha Haze Autoflower (plant #1) grow continues to thrive in the current closet grow setup. She has doubled in height since the beginning of week 2. Have not added any nutrients other than Recharge (living soil microbe), Cal/Mag, and SuperThrive. Have been watering approximately every 3-4 days.
She is showing her white pistols and readying to flower. Side shoots are becoming abundant and will begin some leaf tucking in the coming week to expose these side shoots to more light, create more fully developed bud sites, and to promote a more even canopy. - Zannabis7
@ganjaman24, Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words about the buds! Yes, LEDs are great but you just need a nice mix of light spectrums. Keep in mind I am also using 4 T5 high output bulbs (4') to fill in the spectrum gaps of the LEDS!
@NancyB, You're right! Let there be light! Yea, the Nectar for the Gods nutrients are quite elaborate but I like that they are all organic and CALCIUM based as opposed to SALT based. Most likely won't yield as much as salt based, but the smoke it flawless and tasty! Best wishes to you!
@sativadiva1, Thanks for the kind words on the grow and journal. Buddha Haze genetics came from Big Buddha Seeds. You can find them online and/or order through Supreme Seeds (which is where i ordered). Happy grows to you as well...