Smokwiricommentedweek 87 years ago
I flipped it to 12/12 at week 4, in the beginning of week 5 i noticed the first signs of bloom.
So 3 weeks 18/6 light schedule, then 12/12 in week 4
i screwed up once it started bloom, light didn't go out and for 48 hours it foxtailed a iittle, but in beginning of bloom that is a very good thing, in the end i think i only had benefit from it.
If you're not sure to flip the schedule, just keep in mind that there will be a accellerated growth after flipping the schedule till she shows the first signs of bloom (i say first sign of bloom when i see the first white hairs).
If you do it too late, you won't regret it, your plant will get bigger will the yield.
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