
First Grow-White Widow

4 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
MantisMan MantisMan
5 years ago
First transplant this week, everything is looking good. I had a huge jump in growth after I moved them so i am going to start giving full feedings going forward.
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Grow Questions
MantisManstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is it too late to remove the lower fan leaves/side shoots when I’m going into week 4? She’s really dense and bushy and was hoping to thin her out. I should have been more aggressive at the beginning, but I wanted to see if I can still remove much material this late in the game.
Other. General questions
Techniques. Defoliation
DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 4 years ago
Okay this is a really weird question that lots of new folks ask.. And what I like to say is that you can remove a lot of defoliation in flower.. The amount that is required to stress it into veg.. Is substantial. There is also a relationship between foliage and nuggets. But generally speaking at this late into flower.. I would just leave it.. Your not gonna change the way the plant has grown so now it's basically all up to what light is where and how much there is. Flowering is wait and see lol.. Check your plant lots but also wait and see.
MantisManstarted grow question 4 years ago
I am wondering if anyone could help me figure out what is going on here. She’s been healthy all grow, but in the last week has started showing the weird yellowing/browning on a few leaves. The temps, nutes and light haven’t changed really. Anyone have any idea what this could be?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Other. General questions
The_House_Of_Weedanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi bro... Had the same Problem.... I think you should slow down your nut.... I got a tip from another grower of this website that solved my problem. -Flush them once with pure water -Feed them with 50% less nutrient and see of it gets better :) if yes keep the same amount of nutrients. Let me Know if it worked cheers and nice grow man

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MantisMancommentedweek 45 years ago
@WitheredEye, Originally I had the light at around 20-22 inches up, and my plants were growing out and bushy, but I had insanely slow upward growth. After some research I decided to move my light up higher to try and encourage my plants to grow up instead of just out. It worked perfectly and all my plants have shot up. I read somewhere it may have to do with the spectrum my light puts out. Either way it solved the problem and my plants are happy :)
WitheredEyecommentedweek 45 years ago
Looks like your light needs to be closer to your plant? 30" is pretty far
MantisMancommented5 years ago
@WitheredEye, Originally I had the light at around 20-22 inches up, and my plants were growing out and bushy, but I had insanely slow upward growth. After some research I decided to move my light up higher to try and encourage my plants to grow up instead of just out. It worked perfectly and all my plants have shot up. I read somewhere it may have to do with the spectrum my light puts out. Either way it solved the problem and my plants are happy :)