Sprouted and looking quite happy. Outside for the moment while weather is good and grow tent still full.
I use tap water which is left out overnight to remove the chlorine.
I then use 80% lactic acid to reduce pH of tap water to around 6.4
@@occultgreen420, smoked/vaped usually. Have a made a tincture in the past but she's not keen on it. I've looked into oils and may give it a go in the future.
@CBDTarmac, fair play to you for growing this strains for such a good cause! CBD is really helping with anxiety indeed! how is it used? smoked/inhaled or are you doing any oils out of it for oral use?
@@occultgreen420, Yeah, I generally grow CBD strains as my partner suffers from severe anxiety and it's the only thing which really helps. Looking forward to your grow! I've got a few more of this one so will definitely do it again.