looks more underwatered. allow top 1" to dry before watering again. in an oversised pot relative to plant size you want to water in a radius roungly the size of the canopy in diameter. err on a bit larger, if anything. The key is that it dries 1/2" to 1" on top after 1-2 days intiially. you can expand that as it matures, of course. as you water the whole thing, it may take 2-3 days or more before you water again until it's a larger plant and drinking a gallon daily.
If you've been fertilizing, the new roots will be growing into soil with an overabundance of nutrients that haven't been used since you began fertilizing in those areas -- so this depends on prior behaviour.
if you have been giving nutes to the whole pot, i'd irrigate the outer areas with water-only (pH'd ~6.5). a little runoff one time should dilute it plenty. Then, the suggestion of small radius of watering around plant until it gets larger. regular nutes schedule as long as you stay near it where roots will drink it up as opposed to building up in soil.