Perfect week, buds are forming they should start to to fill up and mature over the next 2 weeks.
She is turning into a beast, started to smell and she is very sticky.
Tested run off EC and its 2.1 (exactly where i want it to be) EC going in is 1.9.
Will swap Big bud nutes to Overdrive for the next 2 weeks.
Let me know what you guys think
Lovely trimming 😊
She looks real nice and I'll have to get involved with my next grow.......I was just to scared to start striping her down when she was doing so well!!! 😄
Next time 👍
@Bushbaby808, thanks mate. Well i thought id give it a try, they say not to defoliate autos but at this stage i doubt its an auto, plus i always defoliate my autos a bit beginning of flower. When are you starting yours
@Bushbaby808, hahaha yeah definetely a well deserved tester. She became so chrystaly in the last couple days photos dont do her justice. Cant wait till shes cured
@eltiiocultiveta, the photoperiod that was with her is in a different tent now, but since she is not flowering i switched the light to 12/12 hoping to start flowering