Noobs being noobs type of week.
Jun 18th - Wtf it's taking too long? Oh, the seed died you jerk! Bad use of the paper towel technique plus room temperature below 21 Celsius.
Yes, curiosity made me dig the pot and realize my first mistake. Shit happens... Let's get over it.
Jun 19th - New seed on the paper towel and now in a heated propagation dome (You drowned the last one, don't burn this one, you noob!)
The dome on a 15/15 min power regime. Pot watered according to manufacture's instructions to get ready for the new seed soon
Jun 20th - This one sprouted beautifully in 24hs (Nice job, you noob!)
Jun 21st - Waaaaaaay better than the first attempt. To the soil little one! (Who are you calling noob now?)
Jun 22nd - No changes yet. Felling anxious to see it growing its first millimeters above the ground. (update: it's coming up, see new picture)
Jun 23rd - Looks like it's going well. 20mm tall after 24hs on soil. Temperature and humidity stable.
Jun 24th - Still growing. Doubled its size in 24hs and at this point it has 40mm.
Hola! tengo el mismo armario ¿ha funcionado bien ese recipiente para la humedad? Me puedes decir el modelo? La lupa que usas tambien se ve muy bien ¿Qué modelo es? GRACIAS!!
@RedCachopo, it's a secret Jardin hs40. It's a good product but it's not for tall plants, unless you master the stress techniques. The magnifier is some Chinese stuff to clip on the phone and I bet there are hundreds of similar options on the market. Hope it helps...
Don't worry ... you get to appreciate lots of buds all around now 😁 and even more so come flowering time for these babies. I so miss my aussie beaches! nice place to wait ... 😎