- Watered with: 1.5 gallon of filtered water, pH 6.0 @78F , 12mL/gal TPS One, 3mL/gal Silica Gold, 2mL CalMag AOC and 1mL/gal of TPS Signal.
- Looking good and healthy, frost is starting to appear on the leaves!
- Watered with: 1.5 gallon of filtered water, pH 6.7 @74F , 12mL/gal TPS One, 3mL/gal Silica Gold, 2.5mL CalMag AOC and 1mL/gal of TPS Signal.
(Bumping up the pH due to what I think are signs of pH Fluctuation on the Katsu Pupil and its soil tested at 5.9pH, so I figured the soil for this Putang Nevil Chem probably isn't far from low pH as well.)
- Tested the soil 3 hours after watering: 6.6pH @ 76F
- Removed a few leaves